Tuesday, 12 April 2011

WOYWW & Loads a Rubber!

I was so excited to receive all this new rubber in the post from Carol of Stampattack including some of the new images I have drawn for her. See the full range of new images HERE! 
Mounting and cutting rubber isn't my favourite job so I decamped to the living room to get it done whilst watching TV. 
A good tip, I think I've mentioned before, is to cut out and stick the UMs on the Kling On or Easy Mount, whatever you use, then dust with talc before trimming off the sticky mount. (Cut off the unused mount first to save.) It makes it so much easier and the scissors don't gunge up. 
WOYWW is a great global opportunity to spy on millions, well over 100, creative desks and see all that is going on creatively and messily or sometimes even tidily!  The evidence is instigated by our dearly beloved Julia of Stamping Ground so pop over for more!
Looks a mess but it works!
 Here's my first quick trial card using my new Sleepy Heads UM with 2 little girls in bed all snuggled up under a quilt.
 I've passed on the tip ages ago to use hand sanitiser sprays, once empty, to fill with and spritz Cosmic Shimmers or Glimmer Mists etc. I just had to mention it once again as my friend Jayne spotted these sprays in Home Bargain household stores for around 35p for 3 in a packet. What a bargain! I'm going to decant the contents into a bigger spray for use around the house so I won't have to wait to use them up.
Still knitting and doing crochet in the car (as a passenger silly, you didn't really think.. .you couldn't possibly.. .oh really, never mind!!!!) and this is the latest open mesh Summer weight hat with a butterfly.


cockney blonde said...

Jo you are so talented. Love the little girls in bed, can't imagine who you're thinking of there, lol.
The hat is a real cutie, love it, x

Glennis F said...

The little hat is gorgeous Jo

Carola Bartz said...

Haha, doing crochet while driving...
Mounting and cutting UM rubber stamps isn't my favorite job either - but it needs to bo done, otherwise we're missong out on the fun. You have a huge collection here.

Sheilagh said...

That hat is gorgeous, wish I could crochet, but cannot knit or crochet:(

Thanks for the tip about talc, I have a ton of stamps that need mounting and I keep putting it off, this had inspired me. Might do it during Masterchef tonight..

Sheilagh xx

Elaine Harding said...

great tip! TFS.

Neet said...

Where's Baxters hat?
Don't envy you mounting all that rubber - my most dreaded job and evidence is in a big big drawer in my craft room.
Now which grandee is going to be wearing this new hat?
Take care and thanks for sharing. #26

Nicky said...

What a great idea with the talc never thought of that. Love the sleepy heads and your hat ~ have a great Wednesday ~ Nicky

jude said...

Gosh you have been thats one task i hate mounting stamps!Gorgeous hat you did make me laugh well peeps put there make up on you never know may crochet or knit whilst driving...lol
Have fab wednesday.Today i hope to do some marbling you set me off few weeks ago got the bug to try let you know how i get on!
hugs judex3

Helen said...

Ho, I am sure someone would drive and knit/crochet at the same time!! I cannot stand mounting stamps but looks like you have the trick there. Never know if it's best to trim the rubber first or once it's mounted?

Annie said...

Thats a gorgeous little hat Jo. I know using a mobile phone while driving is against the law but I haven't heard that crochetting is so have fun trying hehehe
A x

Artyjen said...

You don't half seem to find the bargains! Sweet girlies in bed....it's where I should be 'cos I've got a temp at the minute!!
xoxo Sioux

Anonymous said...

Definitely a lot of rubber there - I too hate the mounting and cutting, not heard your tip before but will try it - I also haven't seen those little sprays before - this is why I love WOYWW I learn loads from visiting lovely blogs - thank you for sharing


donnalouiserodgers said...

love the Cloche, and of course it is possible to crochet and drive, and Crash...


rach said...

That's a really cool idea with the talc, I'm going to try that next time. Also thanks for letting us know about the spray bottles i have 2 home bargains near by so will try and get some too.

Sue said...

Hi Jo
oh lots rubber to play with, great card, luv the little hat,thanks for the snoop, have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(10).x

lisa said...

Oh all that rubber, Jo, how lovely. Thanks for the talc tip. I shall remember that. i always end up gunged up.
I bet your journeys fly by with all that crocheting. Your Hubby must have a peaceful trip, no one telling him to mind the car in front etc etc like i know I'm guilty of. A driver makes a bad passenger. Maybe I need to take soemthing out with me!!
Hugs Lisax

okienurse said...

gorgeous hat. Great tip on the mini misters Very cost containing. Means I can buy another crafty thing. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #78

Unknown said...

Hi, Wow so much rubber to play with - bliss! Thanks for the tip to0. Have a great day. RAch xxx

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!
Really liked your post today - so many good tips! Love the one for mounting the rubber - how clever is that! The cloche is just so cute with that little butterfly! How can you do it?? Driving and crochetting...multitasking aye?? Ha, ha...
Lots of hugs,

sandra de said...

Gorgeous little hat and an amazing collection of rubber.

minnie_mac said...

Thanks for the talc tip.

The sleepy Heads stamp is sweet, and the hat is gorgeous.


Dragon said...

Great stuff, love those sprays.. I like to cut my rubber before mounting too, as I find I waste too much putting on the whole sheet... talc is a brill idea though... thinking of you and hoping all is going to plan

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Wow look at all that rubber, you lucky woman LOL. Love your creation. I am hoping to get to Port Sunlight, hopefully see you there. Tracy x

lisa said...

Hi Jo
Just popped back again to say thanks for the pro marker tip. I'll do that!! You are just a walking encyclopedia of tips!!
I'm with you on Northumerland, love it there too but The Lakes are in my heart. We spent loads of time there as kids having family there and it's like going home!! I'd like to live in the middle of nowhere away from the crowds, overlooking a lake and the fells, not sure if that exists anymore and we would never be able to afford it if it did, but you can dream can't you.
Hope you are having a good Wednesday.
Hugs Lisax

Cauliflower Cupcake said...

what great tips you are sharing with us! I hate mounting stamps such as this mainly because it goes all sticky on the scissors (so now I know to use stamps!) And those hand sanitisers will be great too, I must start saving mine (or decant as you did so I don't have to wait) I too am impatient.
happy woyww
Rebecca (84) x

Sherry said...

Great tips, tfs. Love your little crocheted hat, so pretty!

Sherry (103) x

karen said...

Thanks for the tip on using talc when cutting out the UM stamps. It is such a sticky mess that I put it off as long as I can.
Had a peek at the stamps you designed and I am so in awe of your talent! I am especially in love with the Twitter Lane series!
And that hat is beautiful too! You are so multi-talented!
xoxo Karen

oneoff said...

Great idea for the mini misters. The crocheted hat is gorgeous: love the colour and the little butterfly. I bet your house smells lovely with all the talc!


Mrs A. said...

Thanks for the tip on the talc. My sissors are well and truly gunged up after just cutting one stamp out!!! No desk from me this week as spent today in the doctors surgery with blood poisioning from an insect bite at the weekend.
Hugs Mrs A.

Angie said...

Love all the great tips ...and that hat is such fun. Had a bit of a catch up ....wow so many brilliant bargain on the previous post

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

The idea for using talc is great. I bet it helps cut down on the goo when cutting the rubber. I can just see/imagine you making that hat while whizzing along the highway, too.

I must have been gone when you asked about the dolly pegs. YES, I would LOVE to have them. I would be honored. Do you need my mailing address?

Julia Dunnit said...

I've used your talc tip since you first told me - it is marvellous. How lovely to have a big old bunch of stamps all at once! Your crochet skill is way up there....I assumed you WERE driving on the basis that you seem to multi task so effortlessly!!

Twiglet said...

Oh such a gorgeous little hat - I can see Annie will want to crochet some of those!! My little bag is to go with my outfit for Tina's wedding on Sat. We did have a lovely meal out last night with our daughter - but the glitzy bag not needed for that venue!!

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Thanks Jo for the tip when cutting up stamps as have never heard that one before but going to try it when eZmount arrives as have some stamps to do..
And they will be fiddly so that will be a handy tip, I need to put cheap talc on shopping list though as only have good stuff in cupboard and would not use that on stamps!! adore your crocheted cap and cant believe you can do it when travelling I cant do anything like that even as passenger get car sick.. my sister reads heaps of books in the car.. but love the red bonnet..
Shaz in Oz.x

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

oh and Jo meant to say love your Japanese set especially in the stamps (especially the poppy one!) but your sleepy heads are very cite too!!
Shaz in oz.x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I Love getting new stamps, but hate mounting them! Such a pretty hat:) Fiona xx

peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, what a lot of stamps! how nice that you can make something so nice while in the car and not get woozy. great tips, thanks for sharing.

BrossArtAddiction said...

Stamp mounting is not my favorite thing either! I could have used your powder tip a couple weeks ago as I mounted a ton of my stamps...lol. Congrats on the bargain!

Happy be-lated WOYWW!

I have some yummy candy on my blog if you'd like to check it out! :D

My Blog Candy!

xx Tracey xx

Dotpat said...

Love your little girls in bed Jo and that little hat is fab, you are just too clever

Tertia said...

My goodness but you have been busy with all sorts of things. Great tip, thank you, I am definately going to use it.
Happy very belated WOYWW