Tuesday, 19 April 2011

WOYWW 98 & Baxter Bear

Woosh and wizz, brrrrrr and plop... that's a week going by!... and here we are with another WOYWW, the day so many crafters admit to the triumphs and failings of their workdesks. All inspired by our amazing muse, Mrs Dunnit... aka our Julia of Stamping Ground blog who leads us astray into the path of exposing our weaknesses. Join in or just call in to see the mayhem but in the meanwhile here's mine.....
I'm in the process of making a 4th birthday card for my oldest grandee to be ready for May. The new stamps I bought last week at Crafty Carole's in Oswaldtwistle Mills for the amazing price of 8 block mounted stamps for £5... yes! £1 each or amazingly 8 for £5!! Yeah! a bargain, just up my street.
Below, at the back, you'll see there are some bigger Asian block mounted stamps amongst my bargain stash. 
I'm using Smooshes to colour the images and I like the way they work. The desk is reasonably tidy by my standards of just how many strawberries are still on view! Well I did tidy a bit of space ready for Carole's (of Stampattack) visit tomorrow when we'll play and plan just what we are doing and demming for the Port Sunlight Show in May and we'll make some samples from our new stamps. 
You can just see the two little Sleepy Heads in the quilted bed above which is the ATC size of my new design for Stampattack.
The roses are a gift from my lovely friend and neighbour, Margaret, as a kind gesture in return for making her an outfit to attend a mock up of a Kate & Wills wedding. She has a good sense of fun so we rigged her out as a Lucky Sweep! Don't know about other countries but, it is an old English tradition for a chimney sweep to attend weddings, give the couple a horseshoe for luck and also to kiss the bride. 
My hot glue gun helped make a great sweep's brush from a cane and the fibres of an old wicker blind. She has a row of bottle top " war medals" on ribbons and I made a top hat with a tiny bird nesting in it and she'll have a sooty face! 
I'm hoping for a photo tomorrow.
I've been busy again  making more hats for the little one in Germany and even for Baxter Bear... with slots for his ears! 
This is the, well loved, original Baxter who really is jaded now, as you can see, but we are so lucky to have his dopelganger ready to stand in. 
A well earned rest for a dear friend!


Nicky said...

Love the images you are colouring what a bargain. Beautiful roses and love the hat you have made for Baxter with his ears sticking out - Happy Wednesday and Happy Easter x

Diane said...

Wow, Jo - you're always so busy! Wonderful to see the hats you're making and so glad that Baxter has a hat too! His friend will want him to be like her!
Diane x

Anonymous said...

Oh, Baxter is so cute! His little hat is perfect. And I don't mean the teddy bear. Well, okay he's cute too. Your desk is looking good this week. Happy WOYWW! ~ Rhonda

Dragon said...

Aww... Lovin your grandee and her little bear... Lucky you to have peeps to craft with... Have fun and a great week... Enjoy your lie in tee hee!!!

Sue said...

Hi Jo
lovely creative desk, the stamps were a bargain, look great, luv the hats the bear looks very proud of his, lol,thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

Tertia said...

My but you have been busy this week! Love that little hat you made for Baxter. A bargain is always so nice to find, but they are few and far between here in South Africa as far as stamps are concerned.

Annie said...

Fab hats Jo. Baxter looks really cool with his ears sticking out :-) Hoping all is still going well with treatment out in Germany.
A x

okienurse said...

WOW! Excellent bargain on the stamps. I have found some really good dollar stamps here from time to time. The hats for the baby and Baxter are so cute. My grandbaby in Germany will be moving back to the states in 5 weeks. I am so excited! Thanks for sharing Vickie #28

akilli melek said...

love the blue knitted hat, the colour is fab! Those stamps were a bargain, I love stamps and i love bargains LoL.
have a great wednesday
caroline #34

Helen said...

Wow, you have been so busy! Don't know where to start, everything is so good.
Have a great day and hope your grandee has a great 4th birthday!

Karen said...

Jo I just love Baxters new hat, I hope your Grandee is continuing to improve {{hugs}}. Lovely colouring on your stamped images and my what a bargain with those gorgeous stamps?
Have a lovely WOYWW,
Karen #41

Paul B said...

Wow what a busy week. I haven't been to Oswaldtwistle in an age. Trust you to find a great bargain lol! Love the cute hat for the bear. With all the other hats you've made, it doesn't look like you've wasted a single minute of the week. Take care & see you soon. Pxx

Cardarian said...

So many lovely things on your strawberries today...also the little hats are so cute and Baxter well he is just one very fancy teddy!
Have a lovely day!
Lots of hugs,

karen said...

You have been busy! Love the hat (with ear holes!) for Baxter, that is so sweet! I'll bet your granddaughter loves having a special hat for her best friend too!
That certainly is a bargain you found on the stamps, I am glad you explained that you were using Smooshes to colour the images because at first I thought you had out nail polish, lol :) I have not seen the Smooshes before!
Hope you will post a picture of your friend decked out as the chimney sweep so we can see your handiwork for the costume!
Happy WOYWW!
xoxo Karen #43

Clare said...

Very productive week for you. Love the hats, Baxter is soooo CuTe!

Cauliflower Cupcake said...

Wow that was a bargain ,,, well done you. I love Baxter's hat you made him -your granddaughter will be so happy!
Rebecca (44) xx

sandra de said...

You are such a busy busy girl. Love the little hats you are creating for your gorgeous grandchildren. I am in love with smooches and still have to get around to trying the marbling technique you kindly gave me the details in a previous post. Glad you got a bargain with the stamps I am sure she will love the card. Can't wait to see the pic of your neighbour.

Angie said...

Had to smile at Baxters hat ...may be there is a market for Bear hats and bonnets lol

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Love those hats, and I would love to see that sweep's outfit too.

scrapwordsmom said...

You are a busy little bee!! Love those darling hats...especially the teal blue.

Twiglet said...

Baxter in his hat looks fab! No wonder he is so well loved. Thanks lots for my gorgeous little card Jo. It has pride of place in my sewing room!!

Andria said...

Happy WOYWW, some gorgeous creations on your desk this week.
Andria #32

Chrissy said...

Those hates are so precious. :)
Chrissy #93

lisa said...

What a bargain on those stamps, Jo!!Well done you.
Your Sweep definitely sounds dressed for the Wedding and I love Baxter's hat. He's a very well dressed bear for his new gorgeous owner.
Hugs Lisax

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I love how you measure your desk's tidiness by the amount of strawberries on show! We had a sweep at our wedding, he was a friend of my Dad's and dressed for the occasion:)
Fiona x

cockney blonde said...

Love seeing all your piccies. Those stamps are fab, what a bargain. So glad you're making hats for Baxter as well, wouldn't want him to feel left out, lol, x

Carola Bartz said...

While reading your post I remembered that we had that tradition in Germany, too, but I have no clue whether it is still practised very much. I think it is very sweet, though.
Jo, I love the hats - both for the little one as well as for Baxter. Very very cute.

Sunshine Girl said...

Love the knitted stuff and the Sweep outfit sounds great! Not heard of smooches but then I am not sure if I want too as I have far too much stuff already - dont need another colouring in addiction as I havent used my promarkers for a while....

Gez Butterworth said...

What a cute Ted! Enjoy your stamps :)

Dotpat said...

Well Jo you got a great bargain a girl after my own heart, love the baxter and your little hats

Julia Dunnit said...

Loadsa strawberries - it's all looking very controlled! So gorgeous to see your beautiful grandee - isn't amazing how well we each understand the need for another Baxter; something within us.

Ciara said...

You are such a talented crafter Jo, I'm always in awe of the things you make. The little hats are so sweet.

And YAY for crafty bargains, we all love them!

Glad you liked the Ellie video :-)