Thursday, 11 June 2015

Black Sheep Patchwork Bee

Five Quilting Bloggers, Ali of very berry handmade, Lucy of charmaboutyou, Rachel of mammafairysews, Diane thecheshirequilter and I, arrived yesterday to this spacious well equipped workroom and a super day of fun and stitching, food and chat, cake and chat, courtesy of our generous host, Black Sheep Wools.

We were privileged to be invited to join a Mini Sewing Bee as guests of Black Sheep Wools (who are NOT just yarns but now have an excellent range of yummy quality fabrics). We were the Ace Bunch, the Dream Team, The  Lucky Five, The Super Stitchers, who were given the opportunity to each use their  fab fabric range on a project of our choice.

Pop over to the other blogs to see more pics and reports of our wonderful day of fabric fun. It will also be reported in full on Black Sheep website and blog and there will be a chance to vote for your favourite project there and on various social media sites. 
for your favourite project and, whilst I'd appreciate your vote for mine, I must admit it's hard to choose between them all, so good luck to everyone! 
Our selected stash of top quality fabrics was waiting, temptingly, for each of us.
We all didn't take long to cut into them and start our different projects.
By lunchtime, when we were served an excellent lunch, there was plenty of evidence to show we'd all been beavering away.......but what would all this turn into? We had the opportunity to swap ideas with the staff and each other over lunch and it was good to be in the company of such lovely people with a similar passion. Thanks to all!
I'm sure we'll all meet up again.
The day whizzed by and here Lucy shows her stylish contemporary appliquéd cushion, nearly finished.
Rachel shows her unusual Summery tote with cleverly inset pinwheels. There's the striped lining to the left, prepared and ready to insert. 
I could do with 6 for our living room!
Diane was so industrious and happily beavered away all day to make FIVE!!!! of these fabulous handy buckets in great fabric choices, with pockets all around the sides. Great idea.
Barbara of Black Sheep joined us in the Bee and made a stylish wrap  in borders of yet another beautiful range of fabrics. Loverly!
Ali produced perfect points for the design feature of her stylish bag, in a great fabric range, to showcase these super fabrics in a great colour combo.
I used Kaffe Fassett bold designs in bright colours to make this jazzy windmill bag. 

Towards the end of our day, lovely Lesley, (who professes not to know a thing about sewing), who had organised everything for us, breezed in with tote bags full of goodies, courtesy of Coats. Many thanks to Coats for sending us such generous, fabulous, gifts as a reward for using their wonderful fabrics and enjoying ourselves!! Their website is a great crafty site to check out...
It was like Christmas! Inside was a generous collection of lovely sewing treats (plus a mini Tim Holtz jelly roll missed from my pic).
I adore my pack of fabric in my favourite colour choice.
Looking forward now to seeing the other reports of the day and reliving it all over again!


Annie said...

What fab makes from you all and what a wonderful day you all seemed to have.
Annie x

tilly said...

everyone had great makes, love your bold colours.... and plenty to take home, pleased you enjoyed the day
Tilly x

Dotty Jo said...

Looks like a fabulous day! Is it ok to admit that I'm a teeny bit jealous???? Jo x

Twiglet said...

Oh Jo - that's my idea of a perfect day out! All that gorgeous fabric and bits and bobs too. Now I will snoop around the rest. Thanks for sharing it with us. x Jo

mammafairy said...

Lovely Day, Jo, and so good to sew in company with such lovely folk!

Hope we do it again very soon!

Helen said...

oh, Jo!! what fantastic makes from you all, what a wonderful day - how you all got so much done I do not know!! Will go and vote now.

Sarah said...

That looked like great fun!

mamapez5 said...

What a wonderful day. How great to spend a whole day doing what you love, with a group of like-minded friends. And what lovely projects you all made. And to end it all with those generous goodie bags too! Kate x

Hettie said...

WOW!! Weren't you the lucky ones!! All your projects look great. I would love to have had that goodie bag too.

Lucy | Charm About You said...

It was a fabulous day and so nice to meet you! :)

Rosa said...

Such a stunning projects,love them all.Thanks for the pics!