Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Sewing Bee Time to Vote

Last week I shared a fantastic day at Black Sheep Wools
with a group of super people for a Patchwork Sewing Bee. We all had a wonderful day of stitching fun and here are photos of all we made between eating and gabbing and laughing. 
What's more it's a competition so it's time to vote, 
if you would be so kind to pop over to Black Sheep's Blog http://www.blacksheepwools.com/blog/ ........ 
take a peek and vote for your favourite via pinterest, facebook or instagram and have a look at their fabulous shop. 
It's an Aladdin's cave of yarns and fabrics.
If you do manage to choose mine then many thanks but they are all exceptionally gorgeous so it could be a really hard job choosing. 
Here's my Japanese twisted (or Windmill) bag in bright Kaffe Fassett fabrics by Rowan. 
Ali's super shopper
ali veryberryhandmade tote
Diane's Handy Pots
diane cheshire quilter containers
Lucy's cushion
lucy charm about you
and Rachel's Pinwheel shopper
rachel mamma fairy sews

www.blacksheepwools.com.... no longer just wools but fabric too. Stitchers Heaven!


Helen said...

off to vote... yours is the best!

Annie said...

Job done....You've got my vote :-) It's gorgeous Jo.
Annie x

Twiglet said...

I love the windmill too! x Jo

Annie said...

Happy belated birthday Jo xxxxx
Annie x

Neet said...

Even if you were not mi' mate I would be voting for yours.
Hugs, Neet xx

Carla said...

Hi Jo. Thank you for popping by my blog and for the great idea about the flower ; )
Your bag is beautiful! I'm still learning about bag making. Enjoy your weekend

Carla said...

Thank you Jo. That would be lovely then I would have your e-mail address too and would be able to reply to your comments. You come up as no -reply : )
Thanks so much