Friday, 12 June 2015

Crossed Swords Table Mat & Friday Smile

Last night I finished hand stitching the binding on this CHRISTMAS table mat. Yes! It's for Christmas... me who doesn't do anything connected with the event until November and then I don't do much!! 
After enjoying making the Celtic Braid a few weeks ago I wanted to try something in a similar technique.  
So we have Christmas in June and aren't those peonies stunning?
I recently visited the Waterloo Quilt Exhibition where someone had made a lovely quilt with hand stitched panels of traditional Sashiko Japanese designs and this reminded me of the crossed swords formed at the end of the traditional English Morris dance.
It's amazing where inspiration strikes, from this 5ins hand stitched panel and these crossed swords,

I played around and drew the layout for this panel. 
It is 12ins each side and 24ins across the widest point.
The result is this table centre.
 I really enjoyed making it but I think I will now modify it to have voids between the swords to make it easier to apply the braid at cross points.
Leave me a comment if you would like the pattern layout, I'm willing to share.
It gave me pleasure to make this piece and when I browsed my photos for the images of the crossed swords I spotted this old pic I just had to share...
It was taken whilst on holiday in Ireland outside a Cobblers in Dingle. Love those boots!
It's my Friday Smile and I am joining in with Annie this week....
Pop over to see more and have a smiley weekend!
A reminder that the fabulous Gresford Festival of Crafts will be held next week. don't miss it as it is such a good show. Lots of quilts and other crafts in the church, fabric sales in the Millennium Hall and good food and drinks in the Old School House of this lovely little village just over the border in North Wales.
I'll be there on Thursday with lots of Quilt Cornerstone members.
Full details....

2015 Festival of Crafts 

June 16th - 19th 2015

Tues - Thurs 10.30am - 8.00pm
Fri 10.30am - 6pm
Admission £2.50
entry to both exhibitions 
All Saints Church,
The Green, Gresford,
LL12 8RG
Wrexham Quilting Circle
Gresford Memorial Hall
LL12 8PS
Refreshments, tombola, fabrics for sale, plant sale.
Refreshments at Church House, Gresford 
For further information contact Jayne Mumford 01978 750250 
All proceeds to charity



tilly said...

wow Jo, what a beautiful mat well done those boots and the vivid colours, may try to get to Gresford although working on Thursday morning
Tilly x

Annie said...

Hi Jo. Really love your clever patchwork design and the colours you've used. Would love to go to Gresford but can't go in the week as I'm either looking after the kids or working. Have a great week.
Annie x

sandra de said...

Gorgeous quilting and love how you have created the crossed swords. Stunning.

Twiglet said...

Lovely Christmas mat Jo and those peonies are such a subtle colour. x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had to laugh at your table center. I didn't laugh because of the creation, the inspiration, or the actual sewing, I laughed because you were willing to share it. You might want to see what I wrote on Jo's blog about how I never cut anything, never use a pattern, and eyeball everything. Thanks for offering, but I'm going to pass on the offer! I'll sit back and admire in silence.

Of course, I won't be silent about those boots. They are simply perfect and make me think summer may actually come this year.

Dotty Jo said...

Your work is lovely! Jo x

Helen said...

now that is forward planning, well done!! it looks stunning. love thos boots, how clever!
Please do let me know when the voting is open for your Black Sheep day; I'll be sure to go back and vote.

mammafairy said...

Super sword dance! Just asking, because I am nosy, ( as you know!) did you layer the strips, or did you cut and piece them? I can see both ways working well!
And the boots are great, too!

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jo, I'm gob smacked at your absolutely gorgeous you're very talented. And yes I love your boots pic too....Enjoy your weekend, I'm late, I know so hugs Robyn