Friday, 5 June 2015

Finished at Last!

These hexagons are well travelled as I made them during my visits to friends and family over best part of last year. I finally got them all together, backed and quilted, sewed on the binding and at last it is well and truly finished. My first hand made quilt and I am so satisfied that I made it using otherwise waste time. It kept me busy and passed time away whilst travelling or hanging around waiting somewhere. 
Now it just need a name, a label and a date.
 I might just call it "Flying Flowers"!!!
I've been busy making a few smaller items and here are some of the useful little pouches and zip bags I have made as charity fundraisers.
A great way of using odds and ends of fabric and quite enjoyable to make as they are quick and easy.
Amongst them there is Cath Kidston Fabric, Liberty Tana Lawn and the bags with those gorgeous butterflies are made from a remnant of Christian Lacroix Design Council print. 


Annie said...

What fab makes Jo. I really love your quilt....a work of art made with love.
Annie x

Helen said...

What a gorgeous quilt!! such a talent... and I love the pile of fabrics, too!

Hettie said...

Loving your quilt Jo. Lovely colours.
I have a lot of hexies that need putting together. I grab them when I am going to quilting group (being Chairman I don't get left much). I also have them in the car if we are going on a long journey, like you.

Diane said...

Wow just gorgeous, what talent.

Hugs Diane

tilly said...

your quilt looks amazing now it's done and it's gained many 'air miles' for you.
Love the fabrics on you bags especially the butterflies,....... these will soon sell lol
Tilly x

Dotty Jo said...

Stunner! fab work, Jo! Jo x

Twiglet said...

A beautiful quilt Jo - it's great that you can do those hexies whilst travelling. I get car sick if I try to do anything like that. Your little purses are fab and such a lovely way to use up your oddments. I am thinking of making a locker hooked rug for my new bathroom with some of my scraps. x Jo

Carol Q said...

Gorgeous hexi quilt Jo. Did you get it machine quilted or actually do the main quilting by hand yourself? Some lovely fabrics you've made with those small items. I'm working up to doing La Passacaglia (google it if you haven't seen it)

Cardarian said...

Oh Jo that quilt is just beautiful! A true work of art! I also love those pouches! You are a real master of fabric!
Lots of hugs,