Sunday, 11 April 2010

Asian Folded Card & Spanish Treat

The inspiration for this card came from my talented friend Cath when I went to one of her classes. I've modified the original to this simpler form which has less flaps and can be cut from the length of a sheet of A4 card.
I used Distress Inks smooched onto the card with wet wipes then stamped the background before stamping the stronger foreground images.
The stamps are by PaperArtsy except the main image, of the two profiled heads in the centre, which is one of my favourites by Stampattack. The colours I used are Fired Brick, Mustard Seed, Walnut and Frayed Burlap.

Yesterday, on such a beautiful warm sunny day, I ventured into the city centre on Grand National Day and as always there was a vibrant atmosphere with people, dressed in their finery, heading to the Aintree trains for the short ride to the racecourse. Many were just heading into the city centre to enjoy the races via the big screens in the bars and pubs but it was great to see such amazing outfits, hats and lots of glamour around the place. The men too BTW! Lots of people come over from Ireland and so many of them dress just like country gentlemen.
My main intention was to visit the big antiques fair at St George Hall

As I arrived into the city centre I walked into an unexpected treat as the Spanish Tourist Board had organised a "Taste of Spain" event in the main square. It was a wonderful day of amazing free entertainment and many of the Spanish regions displayed all their specialties.
 I enjoyed Fino Sherry served by a beautiful talented lady who skilfully dipped into the barrel, swung her long server high and poured it into the glasses without spilling one drop.

I savoured garlic olives and sugared roasted almonds with a glass of Rioja whilst listening to live music.
There were little girls proudly parading in their flamenco dresses
A troupe of young Spanish football stars displayed their amazing skills
A giant paella was being prepared in a pan, about 6 feet in diameter, with a log fire beneath. Besides enjoying the wine and food, I came away with some quality freebies, a cloth shopping bag from Galicia, a pen from Andalucia, sweets from Almeiria, an orange from Seville and lots of brochures to tempt me to visit Spain! Just need the money!
I shopped then, before going to the antiques fair, I made a sentimental visit to the GROTTO!!! Yes a Christmas Grotto! In April! I'll tell all tomorrow and show the photos for proof. Watch this space!


Cath Wilson said...

Fab card, Jo - looks great that way :) Sounds like a fab taste of Spain - what a lovely surprise. I love live music, most of it, anyway, lol - must have been lots of fun.

Tinkertaylor said...

Sounds like you had a fun day out. Amazing what a bit of sunshine can do.

Artyjen said...

Beautiful card....Love the sound of the Spanish event. :)

LME said...

Love the colours :)

Anonymous said...

wow thats one gorgeous card, love the beautiful colours and stamping!

cockney blonde said...

Love the card Jo, x

Michelle said...

I love the card and I do like the design. I think, you used twoa4 cards for it.