Friday, 16 April 2010

Embossing & Layout challenges

I'm off to Brighton by coach tomorrow so won't be able to blog for a few days. I'm coming back on Monday and helping DD1 baby and toddler to come back here by train. The journey there of over 8 hours will be well worth it to have them stay here for a week. Looking forward to seeing my little newbie grandee again and having fun with the older one, who is nearly three. 
Thanks for all the lovely comments re my acrylic hearts and it looks like there will be a run on them in Ikea stores!!!
I've made these two cards for challenges on one of my groups and they are both really away from my own style. I don't usually do formal styled cards as I am very much the experimental messer! The photos don't show the true colours with taking them in electric light. Much better in daylight.
As I recently acquired a Cuttlebug, I used it for the first time for this embossing challenge.
This card is for a layout challenge and I used some of the card I had decorated with Distress Ink and stamped over it with an cracked eggshell stamp. It's a bit neat and formal for me but I think it works OK. 

Just had to add a picture of one of my little winged visitors especially for my birdy loving friend Cath! It is one of the tiny long tailed tits that comes each day and they flutter up and down, all along  the window. At first, I was so worried they would hurt themselves but they only flutter and don't bang into the glass. Don't know why they do it. The little feeding house is stuck onto the window and they don't seem to bother with the seed.


Tinkertaylor said...

Both beautiful cards. Have a great time on your trip down south.

Kim Dellow said...

Fab cards, love the backgrounds. Thanks for the bird picture too :) Kim

sam21ski said...

Fab cards Jo, I have that first image and just love it xxxx

Dotpat said...

Lovely Jo, like them both and love the picture of your bird

Amanda said...

Love both your cards, whether it is your style or not. Love what you did with the embossed one. Hopefully the birdie will soon see there is some food for him and tell all his friends about it.