Sunday, 25 April 2010

My Candy from Aintree Show etc.

Back in the land of blog which I've missed for the last week but I've had a fabulous precious time with my DD1 and 2 of my grandees. After coaching it down to Brighton, (left home at 7am and arrived there at 4pm eek!) I stayed there for 2 days before we travelled back up here by 2 trains, that is with a baby and a toddler, pram, bags etc., etc.,!! and it took almost 6 hours door to door. Ah well, we could have all been stranded abroad due to volcanic ash so I thank my lucky stars it was only buses and trains we had to cope with.
On Friday my DD1 went to visit friends so I was able to visit the craft show at Aintree Racecourse (home of the famous Grand National horse race). Not a show dedicated solely to paper crafts and stamping but I really enjoyed the exhibitions and dems of other crafts. 

I limited my spending by just taking cash and managed to buy all the things in the 1st pic, which included one of Tim Holtz's new dies, 5 of the clear storage boxes for £10 and lots of things on the "anything for £1 stand". Also brads, cosmic shimmers, embellishments, animal print paperbacked fur, more new Distress ink colours. 
Lovely too to spend the day at the show with my friend Caz and she brought me a lovely gift of the new Art Specially book from her trip to their show last week in Zeist Holland.If you fancy a copy she has some for sale on her stampattack website. I'm so thrilled because there is an article in it using my birdhouse design stamps which I did last year for stampattack. She also gave me a plate of her new Alice in Wonderland stamps so I can't wait to play with them and there is another plate coming up in a week or two.
Exhibition at  Aintree show of the costumes from the film "The Duchess" starring Keira Knightley and Ralph Fiennes

The Knitted Garden on show... amazing!
Caught up with Wendy and Martin of Card-io who will soon open a new shop and have some great new stamps and ideas so watch their website for news.
I'm already missing my DD1 and grandees who left this morning and are back home in Brighton but I have a workshop next Saturday then I'm demonstrating for Caz at the Port Sunlight show on May 8th on her stampattack stand. Then a traumatic time ahead as my DH has to have a hip replacement operation mid May. On May 25th my DD2 will come to visit from Germany with my other beautiful grandee, so that will give us all something to look forward to and help cheer DH no end.   


Dotpat said...

Wish I was as good as you Jo at writing on my blog, you tell a lovely tale enjoyed reading it

cockney blonde said...

Lovely stash Jo and nice to hear all your news, x

Tinkertaylor said...

Great to catch up with all your news, some nice stash you bought there

Unknown said...

so glad you had a gr8 time and some fab new goodies to play with.

also nice to hear you had a gr8 time with your dd and children and what gr8 weather you had as well hugs jayne xxx

Lynne Moncrieff said...

That is some bounty!
Congratulations on an article with your stamps for Stampattack.
Lynne M x