Sunday, 4 April 2010

Japanese Tea House

Yesterday I attended an excellent workshop at Victoria Stampers and the tutor for the day was my good friend Neet of Hickdorums blog.(If you look at hickydorums blog there is so much more information and photos of samples of this project.) I really enjoyed making the Tea House and, amazingly, managed to finish it all in class. Didn't think I would as there was so much stamping and it is quite a complex construction (and we do a lot of chatting and laughing)... but most people did complete. Thanks so much to Neet for a great class.
The beads and tags are like mini pulleys which can be raised and lowered and the whole thing folds up into a book structure for presentation. Quite novel!
View with tags hanging

The roof   

Closed with tags inside and closed with tags hanging


Sherry said...

That really does look so complicated - what a fantastic job you've made of it! Happy Easter to you.

Dotpat said...

Lovely Jo would of loved to of been there

Zoechaos said...

Love Neets work and yours your 'tea house' is fabulous, looks based on willow pattern or is that a trick of the photo's.

LME said...

Love the colour :)

Cath Wilson said...

Those origami tag books are fab, aren't they, Jo? Love them and really enjoyed the one I made. It looks great :)

Tinkertaylor said...

OMG thats gorgeous

Paul B said...

Beautiful Jo, love how you take the ideas of the workshop and run with it to produce your own very clever style. Inked, spritzed and beautiful. Px

cockney blonde said...

Beautiful Jo. Just catching up on my blogging now that the cutie one has gone home, lol, x

Unknown said...

love it Jo sorry that i had to miss the class but now thanks to you i may just get 1 done you and Neet have so many fab ideas love your colours too hugs xxxx