Saturday, 19 June 2010

England on the Scrap Heap? & BlogCandy

A reminder that my Birthday BLOG CANDY will be posted later today... keep an eye on it!

Flags are everywhere supporting England in the World Football Cup.... yes everywhere. There is even a big one on the window in my DH's hospital ward! Can you spot this one?

As we queued to cross the busy Runcorn Bridge, on the way to Wales on Wednesday, we could see this car scrap mountain alongside the road. It was causing great amusement to all the drivers as we slowly crawled past to see a St George flag on the top.... not an excellent picture taken from our car window but there it is all it's glory!!! It was a brave soul who climbed the scrap heap to raise it there!!
late addition...I've just been told by my friend that one of our local radio presenters saw it and phoned the scrap company to ask who had got up there with the flag, thinking it was one of their employees. They don't know who did it and someone must have entered the premises after hours!!!

Yet another vibrant poppy popped out in the crack today and still more to come.


Dotpat said...

He must of been brave Jo to climb that mountain of rubbish. Love the poppies

Diane said...

When you see things like that, Jo, it makes you wonder about football fans!!

The poppies are wonderful....I think that poppies and daisies are my favourite flowers because they both look so cheerful.

I hope Dave is doing well.
Diane x