Saturday, 19 June 2010

Thank You & 1st stage of Birthday Blog Candy

I have now had 12345 hits since I started this blog just over 6 months ago  and so the blog candy offer starts here!!!

First....I cannot thank everyone enough for all the messages of concern and support for DH's operation. I'm relieved to say that it went really well and he is making a good recovery. He never complains and has put up with all the pain and immobility for so long that I'm looking forward to him getting mobile again. We both think that we are so lucky as a hip replacement is something we can get over and is far better to go through than a life threatening illness.

This will be posted as near as I can get to a certain point in my blog history. I'm giving two prizes. One for those lovely artists, bloggers, readers, now friends, who have become regulars leaving comments for me. Their imput lifts me day to day. Whoever posts nearest to 12,345 will get a sheet of UMs so I'm not posting this until my counter reaches that point.
I can now announce that the talented and lovely Dotpak , who has a great blog, posted the last message as I tipped 12345 so has won the prize for regulars!! Congratulations Dot!

The rest of the blog candy will be given to someone, from the list of anyone else, new or old who leaves a comment within the following 6 days ( I'm now 66 and therefore a new member of Neet and Mo's Clickety Clix Club) So closing will be in 6 days time at mid-day on Friday 25th June 2010

We celebrated my birthday early with a day trip, on Wednesday, to Wales where we had a wonderful meal in the Groes Inn, a 14th century coaching inn which was the first licensed premises in Wales. The food is fantastic and the views across the Vale of Clwyd are amazing.
It was so hot we sat outside so please excuse my silly but sensible sunhat!
We also visited Llandudno and I show these pics to make Neet & Jayne envious as it is one of their favourite Welsh holiday towns
The Little Orme
The Great Orme
Just look how peaceful it is!


lisa said...

I'm so glad the op went well, Jo. Hopefully Hubby will be up and about in no time.
Your trip to Wales looks beautiful, you were certainly blessed with the weather, what a gorgeous day. I love North Wales too but we don't get there neary enough.
That glass of wine looks delicious, a lovely way to celebrate your birthday.
Hugs Lisax

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Hope your DH has a speedy recovery Jo. Lynne M x

sam21ski said...

Fab photos Jo

Hope hubby is recovering ok


Dana C (KyStamper) said...

You pic's of Wales are beautiful !!

Dotpat said...

Wow thanks Jo can't believe I have won something, I am over the moon.
So glad Dave is doing well and love your photo's of wales, it is one place I have never been. One of these days I will get there

Ann B said...

Pleased the Op went well and wont be long before Dave is back home. I'm also part of Llandudno fan club - hope to go sometime next month and the Groes Inn looks a great place as well.

Yvonne said...

Happy Birthday, Jo! Glad your hubby's op went well.

Diane said...

Lovely photos of your birthday day out, Jo. So glad to hear that Dave is doing well.
Diane x

Larisa said...

Happy Birthday!!!
Oh, so beautiful photos - this looks like Paradise ))) I wish I was there too )))
Hugs. Larisa. xxx

Glennis F said...

So glad the op went well. Those pics look great - have not been to Wales at all

Amanda said...

Hi Jo, so happy that your DH's op went well! Looks like you had a really good time on Wednesday.
Congrats on so many hits in such a short time. Thanks for the candy offer. Have posted it in my Candy Lane. Holding thumbs to be lucky again!
Have a great week!

Ирина - Magis said...

Всего самого хорошего!
Моя ссылка на панели слева:

Rosa Forino said...

sono felice che tutto vada per il meglio e che il tuo viaggio sia stato bello... partecipo volentieri al tuo giveaway, sorry se non riesco a tradurre questo in inglese... ma spero che google ti aiuterà :-D
Thanks for a chance to win..
un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa public on slidebar

cockney blonde said...

Glad to hear that Dave is doing well Jo. Lovely that our new little Grandson will be sharing your birthday, and one of his middle names is David, x

massofhair said...

Hope you had a lovely birthday Jo:-) Wales looks well when the sun shines...

Didn't know your DH was having an operation,glad it all went well. Hope Dave recovers very soon. Take care:-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo,love the fans and hope to be seeing you and Dave in Hagen come September. Glad that you gave us all the chance to win. Take care, best wishes and a speedy recovery to Dave, Christine

Create With Joy said...

Happy birthday Jo! Glad to hear your hubby is on the mend. Love your photos!


Ailen ღ❀ღDesignღ❀ღ said...

Elena from Russia

OllaL said...

Happy birthday!!!
Olia from Russia

sequin said...

I wish you all the best!
Thank you! Super candy! Looks amazing.

JuliSt said...

Happy Birthday!!!
I wish you all the best!
You have a very interesting blog
Thank you! I've added your candy to my sidebar.

Наталья Лымарева said...

Поздравляю вас!!!
Очень хочется поучаствовать...моя ссылка...
Наталья из России....

Лера Kava said...

hello from Ukraine!
Happy Birthday!!!
you like very good!!!
I've added your candy to my sidebar

Neet said...

Rightio Jo - have linked you on my blog. having a bad day - read my post-script on the bottom of my entry today.