Wednesday, 23 June 2010


Well here goes... it's fessing up time and I'm going to try to do this every week so that I may get some semblance of order into the chaos that is supposed to be my workspace.
What's On Your Worktop Wednesday always interests me... it's voyeuristic and smacks of reading a gutsy warts and all autobiography... to see what people are up to and if their mess is as bad as mine. When I see super neat work areas I cringe as, at first I think how bad mine is in comparison and then, I realise that I couldn't be like that or produce anything creative from a bland neat space. 
Starting from my new Promarkers, which I'm just beginning to make friends with, and moving clockwise, you'll then see some of my Blog Candy stash still waiting to be won.  Still time to enter for it!
There's a big letter L there reminding me it is waiting to be altered for the 1st birthday of my lovely grandee in Germany for August.
Next to the L is my new gas gun which DD2 kindly bought me for my birthday gift. It is reminding me to get cracking and make some more silver clay jewellery. 
That phone handset has been missing for weeks and I moved that box of brads today to find it hiding. I always seem to go to the phone port without a handset then it's a rush to find another one before the answerphone kicks in.
I'm working on a congratulations card for my friend Alison who's just become a grandma to a new baby boy... woo hoo! Makes a change from all the girls we both have.
In the middle some of my faves which are always out... black Stazon, Glossy accents, Gesso and my super scissors (I have 6 pairs of these).
By my left hand is one of my 2, "never to be without" ATG guns.
I'll post the card tomorrow and hope Alison has, by then, received it.
I'm having a day home thanks to the World Cup and England's match today... .DH is recovering from his hip op in hospital very well but so slowly. I know he won't want any visitors this afternoon when THE MATCH is on so I'll pop in tonight and hope they won or he'll be having a major set back!!!


Annie said...

Really hope your hubby makes a good recovery from his op. Lots to snoop on your desk. Thanks for sharing it :-)
A x

Janice said...

Looks like lots of lovely stash there.

Amanda said...

Do you call that a mess!!? Rather looks like a happy crafters workspace to me :-)

Cath Wilson said...

Positively TIDY, Madame - dunno what your problem is!! Mine is abysmal and I ended up working on the kitchen table today because my desk was so full...

Glad to hear that Dave is okay and hope you see an improvement daily. At least most of the men will have something in common with the football - it'll take their mind of themselves, too, lol. Hope you're coping.

Pam said...

Lovely busy desk lots to see Hugs Pam x

lisa said...

You'll have a very happy bunny when you visit tonight, Jo. He'll be feeling 100% better. I'm glad he's recovering well.
Your desk is wonderful, so many lovely things. I am just making friends with pro markers too!!
Love the phone in amongst it all. I usually have a cup of tea there!!!
Thanks for letting us snoop!!
Hugs Lisax

Dotpat said...

You forgot to mention the Strawberrys Jo,,,,,,,,, and I can honestly say my desk is worse than yours

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

You're being optimistic Jo, showing my desk each week hasn't helped me get the chaos under control hehe Oh I thought they were REAL strawberries at first, am disappointed now 'cos I envisioned you munching on them while watching the tennis :-) Lots of lovely stash on your desk. Ooh fancy having a hubby that does hip hop ......... oh sorry just read it again (hope you don't mind my little joke but it always makes me think of that when I hear the words hip op)
Anne xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Well, am delighted to think that the fottie result may improve your husband's recuperation! Welcome to WOYWW - first - the need for all the scissors - totally get that. The missing phone thing - totally get that. Having stuff on your desk in an attempt to motivate and remind you - totally get fact, so far, the only thing I don't get is the ATG gun and that's only coz I have't got one YET!! Am afraid that erm, exposing the desk once a week has not made me neater or tidier or more productive. But I do get a slight thrill when I think of the tidy gals hyperventilating over the sight!!

minnie_mac said...

I like the way it's all lying in a bed of strawberrries !


craftimamma said...

Hope the footie result yesterday was good medicine for your Hubby and speeds his recovery up a bit.

Love the creative 'chaos' on your desk.

Lesley Xx

Sunshine Girl said...

What a lovely pile of stash - congratulations on your win and no, I could never be without my atg gun either! it goes wherever I go!

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, was so glad you didn't mind my comment ;-) A lot of people don't understand Scouse humour and get offended and I seem particularly good at doing that so have learned over the years to be very careful but still get it wrong some times :-/ Thanks for putting me in for the candy, I have linked it on my blog now. I would've done it yesterday but I try to get round as many desks as I can but it's very time-consuming. So this week I'm making a note of everyone that's ever commented on mine for WOYWW and concentrate mainly on those in future. I'll still check a few others as I realise not everyone has the same amount of free time.
I did mean to comment also on the number of different things you do it's wonderful and of course clever you designing your own stamps
:-) What shows do you usually attend? And whereabouts do you live?
Anne xxx

Anonymous said...

Hello there and welcome to WOYWW. Glad to hear that hubby is doing well, let's hope that England continue to do well too, don't want him having a relapse do we?? A tad too late to enter your blog candy (too many folks to visit in one go now!), hope it went to a good home! Have a great weekend,

Sew This N That said...

Yes hip ops always are slow going on the recovery front, Hope hubby isn't feeling too sore :0)
*hugs* Heather x