Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Jig Saw Deco

Today I sent off my last set of pages for my KCUK group Deco Swap to Hazel and her theme is Jig Saws. I really struggled with this one, even though I specially made two jig saw pieces in the friendly plastic workshop recently, but it finally came together and I hope she likes my finished result. I knew I had to finish it before DH goes into hospital for his hip replacement on Friday as, no doubt, I'll be really busy for a while with other things! Thanks BTW to everyone who has sent good wishes for DH.........Don't know if I'll manage much blogging for a while.
I also sent Hazel a signature tag to go with the pages

This poppy sprouted up in a crack between the house front wall and the path, and I just managed to rescue it as DH was about to demolish it as a weed when it was only a couple of inches high. It has sprouted like a triffid and bears so many buds that I'm waiting impatiently to see it in bloom and so are all my neighbours!!. Watch this space!


Cath Wilson said...

Ooh, didn't know Dave had got his date, Jo - hope all goes well - will be thinking about you both. Great pages, btw - gorgeous colours and the whole thing's just come together perfectly. Love to Dave!

Neet said...

Love your jigsaw pieces. I know what you mean about men and poppies - Chas dug mine up a couple of years ago thinking they were dandelion leaves.

Luckily I caught him and put them back - they have sentimental memories with them and if I ever move house they will have to come - not so the Christmas tree this time - it is over 25' now - Boo Hoo!

LME said...

Love the colours too :)

Helen said...

Great deco pages, Jo.

Hope everything goes well with the operation.

Helen x

Dotpat said...

Your jigsaw pieces are lovely Jo and please let us see your poppy's when they bloom. Love poppy's

Darlene said...

nice job - I am still trying to work on mine and figure out this Jigsaw thing....LOL

Artyjen said...

Hope all goes well with the op...time becomes one big black hole when doing hospital visits! Think the poppy looks like it is going to be one of those really frilly fancy ones :)
xoxo Sioux

sam21ski said...

Wishing DH a speedy recovery Jo

I would have thought it was a weed too - lol

Love your jigsaw piece and the pages are stunning