Watch out for some blog candy here very soon, on offer for only a short time........ 2 ways of winning, so make a comment and you might be a winner. One prize for followers and one for anyone else interested who pops by.
Today I came across these Japanese Netsukes I made from Washi paper. Netsukes are decorative objects, usually carved but can be purses, which are hung from Obis, the belts on mens kimonos. Some time ago I took part in a swap where we had to make something from Washi Paper and this idea of a take on Netsukes, which I made, was published in a magazine. I had completely forgotten about them until I unearthed them today and I think I will play around and make some more soon, maybe with my own decorated papers instead of printed Washi papers.
Today I treated the day as a Royal Birthday and I opened all the lovely cards I have received early, so I could share it with DH, as tomorrow when it IS my real birthday he will be in hospital having his hip op in the Royal Hospital. So it's a not too Happy Birthday for me and hopefully a Very Happy Hip Hop for him. I'll put my cards on display tomorrow.... what a fabulous stash and how lucky I am to receive them all.
I had phone calls as if it was my real birthday and my friend Jayne came to visit with lovely flowers, yummy cakes and a bag of crafting treats, and brought along her little ray of sunshine, her 3 year old little son. We had a lovely day playing in the garden in the sun where he delighted in knocking the loose head off my broken Bhudda by kicking the soft ball at it. I'm sure Bhudda didn't mind the joy provided! We later visited Hobbycraft where I treated myself to 4 packs of Promarkers at HALF PRICE!!! Thanks to Jaqui on KCUK for telling us about this great bargain.
My Poppy "Weed" in the crack under my front window flowered, just one flower, today and has also dropped all the petals with the heat of the day. It is a stunning colour with varied shades and I'm so pleased I took photos first thing this morning of it's short life. It is not as red IRL as it looks in the pics.... more cerise. I'm certainly going to catch the seeds to grow more next year. Plenty more buds to open!

Keep watching for my special blog candy alert!!
Happy Birthday for tomorrow Jo
Hope all goes well with hubbys op and wishing him a speedy recovery
The flower, which I too thought was a weed, is absolutely stunning
Take care xxxxx
Happy Birthday for tomorrow :) and hope the op goes very well :) aren't poppies just a joy to see .
Keep smiling
i too had a great day and lots of fun with the budda even tho i missed everytime good job england have not hired me to play footy for them have a great day tomoz and dave op goes well sending yopu both big hugs jayne xxx
Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I hope your husbands op goes well - mine was done about 5 years ago, and I am not that happy with it. But then other people have no problems at all. Keeping my fingers crossed for him
Happy Birthday looks like you had a lovely celebration yesterday. Poppys are so pretty and fragile good idea to harvest the seeds. Best wishes to your OH for today he'll soon be back on his feet feeling like a new man.
Happy Birthday Jo.
Wishing Dave good luck and a speedy recovery.
Hi Jo. Sorry I haven't stopped by for awhile, what with summer making an appearance and the football making the internet impossible blogging time has been short and sweet lately.
Anyway, enough of all that, A very Happy Birthday. I know you'll have other things on your mind today, hope your Hubby's op goes well, I'm thinking about you both.
What a lovely lot of cards you received and all handmade by the look of it and well done on those promarkers, what a bargain.
Happy birthday Jo, hope the Op went well and Dave is not too sore. I love those Netsukes - at last something to do with all my Washi paper
Happy birthday Jo and I love your Japenese thingys, fabulous. Glad you had a good day yesterday and hope Dave is ok. Your poppy is fab too.
so it was you who bought out the store!!! great you had a good birthday.... loving the poppies, such a beautiful, simple flower. Ciao
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