Tuesday, 30 November 2010

WOYWW 78 & Lueneburg

Well my desk this week isn't a desk it's a dining table here in my daughter's house in Lueneburg, Germany. I couldn't get away without crafting in some way this week and you can see fabric on the table as I am making a copy of a hat and cape, in warm red fleece, for my little grandee. It makes a change from my usual mess!
If you are snowbound, or not, in any part of the world, why not pop over to our illustrious leader Julia's blog... Stamping Ground and you'll be able to peruse over 100 more desks.... messy or tidy..... you'll have to find out in your snoops!
Here, we seem to have escaped the bad weather that's sweeping through England and whilst there is snow here, it's only a smattering and the odd flurry. It's really cold at a few degrees below and a colder spell is forecast for Thursday. 
Late this afternoon we went into town to see the Christmas Market....Weihnachtsmarkt.... in full glory, all so beautifully lit up and, of course, we partook of our first gluhwein of the festive season.... Neet, I had one for specially for you and it was just wonderful and warmed me through so well! That's two new mugs to add to my collection! If you don't claim back your deposit you get to keep the mugs and they are different each year. I've got to make a confession here... we did take our own home made mince pies with us to eat with the gluhwein!! Is that a first I ask?? 
The Raathaus (Town Hall) looks amazing with Renaissance style images projected on it's facade. 

I bought these tiny wooden decorations specially for my friend Neet who is making an Advent House... I think they'll fit perfectly and I put my finger in the corner of the pic so you can see the scale. Hope she likes them!
Lots more photos to share so I'll post some more tomorrow.... watch this space!


Suzanne B aka brookfies said...

What wonderful photos....the Europeans certainly know how to do Christmas in all its glory. Enjoy your time away....just snow snow and more snow here! Suz #27

Serendipity Stamping said...

First, thank for sharing those Market pics, it looks so festive and fun. And taking crafting with you, great. #15

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have missed SO much. I'll be back to catch up soon. Life has been a challenge for me this past week, so I simply HAD to stop by and see you. Your photos have put me in the Christmas spirit. They are wonderful and that Town Hall is stunning. Thanks for sharing these photos because this is some place I'll probably never visit, especially at this time of year. I'll be back, but right now I'm #3 on WOYWW.

Neet said...

Oh Wowser, Wowser Wowser, Jo those decs look great and I have been wanting a star or something for the apex so one of those snowflakes will do just fine.
Your pictures remind me so much of Dusseldorf - want to go back right now!!! Thanks for showing us.
ps only you could be sewing when on holiday - "wot u like?"

jude said...

Wow those christmas markets look fabulous all lit up!Never been always tempted i think next year gonna make an effort before calenda gets booked up.Have wonderful wednesday
hugs judex#4

Helen said...

That Christmas market looks fab - I would love to go to one. Have a great trip.

Annie said...

Do share your sewing makes when they're finished. Fab photos.
A x

Debs said...

Wow what a fab time, that Christmas market looks fab, look forward to seeing the end products xx

sandra de said...

Such beautiful photos it really does feel like christmas. We have just had our first day of summer!!! at least it is raining so I feel inspired to make xmas cards because it is a little cool. Gorgeous wooden decorations, your friend will love them. Enjoy your time with family.
Sandra #70

Sue said...

Hi Jo
fabulous piccies, bet it feels real Christmassy,lovely wooden decorations, have fun,have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (23)

Theresa Plas said...

Hello to Germany! Beautiful Christmas market photos Jo! Hope you are enjoying your visit:)

Lizzybobs said...

Hi Jo loving your post this week - hope you are a bit warmer in Germany than here in Liverpool. I love gluhwein yum with mince pies If your friend does not like the decorations - you could send them this way they look stunning - sending you lve and ((HUGS)) keep warm love Liz

Cardarian said...

OH so you are enjoying the Weihnachtsmarkt and Gluhwein! Very nice - ha, ha you should also have a Bratwurst and some Sauerkraut!! Mhhhhm Yummy!They are very good!
Have a lovely time, enjoy your time with your family!

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

The Christmas market looks magical Jo ;-) I adore the little wooden decs, wonderful! We've got about 8 inches of snow here (pics on blog if you want to see), but the east coast has it worst. Don't know about Liverpool but Southport doesn't have any; yet!
Anne xx

Angie said...

A German Market comes to Edinburgh this month and we hope to go next week ...makes you feel so christmassy ...wonderful food .... and reindeers too. Your photos made me want to be there today ...shame about the snow here.

Twiglet said...

Lovely pics for the start of December!

Sherry said...

Sounds like you're having a wonderful time there in Germany. The Christmas market sounds great and your friend is very lucky - those little charms will be fantastic for her Advent house I'm sure!

Sherry (95)

Elizabeth said...

Oh, I so miss Germany and the Christmas markets - you are sooo lucky to be over there at this time of the year. Love those decorations. Elizabeth #85

karen said...

Beautiful pictures of Luenberg! Thank you for sharing and getting us all in the Christmas-y mood!
Enjoy your stay in Germany!
xoxo karen

olive said...

you lucky person.. the market looks truly magical. have a glass or two for me. Lucky Neet! xxxx

Carola Bartz said...

How do I envy you the Glühwein!!! Isn't that wonderful to drink in the cold?
I L-O-V-E the picture of the shop window with all the wooden decoration from the ore-mountain area. I have quite a lot of them and just put them out yesterday. So beautiful.

Sheila said...

Beautiful photos. Very festive.

Terry said...

I'd love to be in Germany right now! Lovely photos.

Terry (24)

Julie M said...

Oh that market looks so magical, Jo - how lovely. And those wooden decorations are beautiful, so detailed.

Enjoy your stay in Germany.

Julie :o)

donnalouiserodgers said...

I remember the Christmas markets were joyous and not like any thing any where else in the world, I miss not going this year, but then wonder does my memory serve me well? what if I saw it all through rose tinted gluhwein glasses? then I look at my tin and wood ware christmas decorations purchased each year and No... for sure it beats any other place to be, I have photographs of the boys skating in Bonn town center on Christmas Eve and it is real but so much like a fairy tale it's just amazing, they remember it so clearly...a beautiful place to be.

hope you get snowed in and have to stay ages with your famille...


Artyjen said...

You can keep your UK Christmas markets...give me German/Austrian ones every time :) Have a fab time.....lucky you
xoxo Sioux

Caro said...

What wonderful photos. Thank you so much for sharing. Caro (#56)

airing cupboard crafts said...

I have always wanted to go to the German Christmas markets I am so jealous.

laura xx 83

Spyder said...

Lovely pictures and what great markets they have too! love the Christmas charms. Happy WOYWW!!

Nicky said...

Love your photos especially of the markets my friend is going to take me over to the German Christmas Markets later this month never been to Germany before so I am lovely looking at all your photos - and your tags are lovely too thanks for sharing Nicky ~30