Sunday, 20 March 2011

Curly Hair

This was prepped before we came to Germany to visit our family and the little'un who is in hospital so this is a last minute editing just to tell you all that it looks like Twiglet has managed to secure Baxter Mk2 for our special little one! Thanks so much for your trouble Twiget... .posting this from a cafe with internet so in haste. Will be home in a couple of days.
My eldest little grandee, who will be 4 at the end of May, has such very curly hair and what a problem it is trying to brush it for her. We have to warn the neighbours!! We've tried detangle products, conditioners, special brushes and combs and even bribed her with little treats to get it done. My hairbrush was reasonably successful so I tried to buy another to send to her...... no luck .... so, inspired by Jayne's ATG gun, I have decorated my brush with bling, Stickles and ribbons and hope that will encourage her to use it!
Here's curly head watching the Iron Boot Scrapers .... hilariously talented street entertainers outside the theatre in Brighton. They are so much fun that it was really difficult tearing her away.
A favourite shop in the North Lanes selling amazing sweeties but now, all those origami cranes, Mount Fuji and the Hokosai Great Wave in their window could act as a memorial to the dreadful Japanese tragedy.
She can look and dream but doesn't get treats from this shop! Too many additives, so we chose a little healthy yoghurt ice from nearby.
More entertainment at the end of the North Lanes


Scrapcat 1 said...

I'm sure she will love using your hairbrush Jo especially now you have blinged it up. so glad twiglet managed to find another Baxter for the little one.

donnalouiserodgers said...

aw let the poor thing grow dreads...


sam21ski said...

Fab photos Jo, hope all goes well. Great to hear you've secured a Baxter No2 xxxx

Neet said...

Fab photos Jo - have always loved seeing photos of her with those gorgeous curls but can imagine it is a nightmare brushing them. Hope the BLING works.

lisa said...

I'm so glad you've managed to track down another Baxter, good on Twiglet.
The blinged up hairbrush looks fantastic and I'm sure it'll do the trick.
Thinking of you.
Hugs Lisax

cockney blonde said...

Good news about Baxter. Love the brush, hope it works, x

Diane said...

You've done a wonderful job on that hairbrush, Jo and such good news about Baxter mark 2! Have a safe trip home!
Diane x

Dotpat said...

Just love your posts Jo always fab photo's and what you write is so interesting too. Your little one has gorgeous hair, remember the nightmare well from when my Kim was little trying to brush her hair, love the blingy brush

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh well done Twiglet - we looked through three bin bags full of soft toys...DD has decided that they certainly could be better used than stashed in the attic, so thank you for needing a baxter; her old toys will go to younger homes now. Hope the news from hospital is positive. YOur photo of the curly haired cherub looks like a clothing ad, it's fab!