Tuesday, 8 March 2011

WOYWW Shaving Foam & Hand Gel

Life has been very hard this past week trying to deal with happenings we just don't want which will affect our family for a long time but I took refuge last Saturday, for a day, to attend a workshop at Victoria Stampers with a group of lovely friends. Caz of stampattack gave a fab, much appreciated and enjoyed, workshop despite the fact that she was unwell and had sadly suffered a recent bereavement. We made origami folded cards..... weeeell, I nearly made mine and still haven't managed to finish it but you can see it below with the front covers waiting to be attached. 

My desk isn't TOOOO bad, all things considered, in my opinion, (but I'm sure you'll give me your honest views PDQ!) and at least you can still see some of those famous strawberries, which is my personal guide to how messy it really is!  
There are some new fabric lengths to the left waiting to be made into Hangabouts. They will certainly hangabout for a while now!
 To spy on lots more of this weekly mayhem go over to WOYWW on the blog of our lovely leader Julia...at Stamping Ground.
We played and got wonderfully messy with the Shaving Foam technique giving lovely marbled effects and card which, I must add, smells gorgeous.
We also used Hand Gel to create more subtle backgrounds, much in the same way as the Shaving Foam, and these were used to make tags to insert into the folded book.
Here's a great idea which my friend Jayne acquired from a super blog which gives lots of storage hints and tips. I will get the blog name ASAP to give due credit. I bought the DVD storage unit for around £7 in Ikea and the shelves are cheap DVD cases which I glued in.
  Now I just need to collect a lot more Promarkers and Copics to fill it up but I keep forgetting to carry my list with me of which ones I already have!
So sorry I didn't get round very many of you last week with all that was going on here but hope to be back spying this week with a vengeance. Thanks to all you lovelies who visited my blog and I hope to get back into productive creativity to keep my mind body and spirit channelled.


Neet said...

Can't believe you beat me to it this morning. Excuse is the long email I was doing to you LOL.
Not touched my project since Saturday either but might get around to it before the week is out.
Good to see you posting.
Like the Promarker storage but just haven't a space for it - my room is half the size of yours (boo hoo).

Sheila said...

The origami card looks cool. Love your marker storage.

Carola Bartz said...

I love those beautiful backgrounds you created. Sorry to hear that you're going through a difficult time, I hope things will get better for you soon.

Nicky said...

Love your card with all the folds really stunning - great storage idea as well - happy WOYWW ~ Nicky 2

Sarah said...

Looking very colourful today. Great backgrounds. Yes - you will "have" to fill those shelves up!
Sarah or Sasa at 4

Marjo said...

Super creative storage idea! Thanks for the peek and sharing. Hugs, Marjo #6

Helen said...

Sorry to hear you've had a bad week - hope things get better soon. Love your shaving foam backgrounds, I never had any luck with that, just ended with a mess - but at least it does smell great!

Julia Dunnit said...

Ugh Jo, I think at times like this the best solace is definitely a crafty spell - one that is 'prescribed' like a workshop can only force you to move your mind away for a while. No doubt that your collective family strength and love will shore you all up. I've tried the old shaving foam technique and I must agree with you - a very nice way to fill your room with the scent of freshly shaven men!!

Dotty Jo said...

Great backgrounds and you get scented projects too! Sorry to hear you are going through tough times right now Jo. Here's a cyber hug (((you))), Jo x

donnalouiserodgers said...

Hello, matey, doll finally on the way to you and a few scrap bits, my eldest baby came home for the weekend, and what with collage, sketching, eating and catching up I never got to the PO.But I did mail yesterday first class so hopefully by tomorrow...

I personally think Art works as therapy because it is possible to lose yourself for a short while and take a rest from all the other stuff, that rest keeps you going for the long haul, this too shall pass My Love.

Annie said...

Hi Jo,
Sorry to hear things aren't too good with you....You know where I am if you need a listening ear.
Love your show and tells today.
A x

Sue said...

Hi Jo
sorry to hear your havin a rough time at the mo, hope things soon get better. Great piccies, luv the back grounds you have done, beautiful colours, great pro marker storage, hugs, have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

okienurse said...

Awesome storage idea! Love the backgrounds. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #69

Di said...

Hi Jo, hope things improve for you honey! I thought shaving foam was soemthing we used on our legs?! :) You learn something new every day! Di x

Cathy said...

Ohh I love those papers you have made ... gorgeous marbling and colours.
Cathy xx

rach said...

Love those backgrounds. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Glenda said...

Lovely background papers! I may need to check out this technique!

Dotpat said...

Love your backgrounds Jo, you have a fab eye for colour

alexa said...

Sorry to read that you are having to cope with difficult and potentially life-changing things right now - even more impressive that your desk is wonderfully bright with such creativity - love that marbling and the storage is a great idea.

Minxy said...

Hummmm i'd say the desk is reasonable, you can still see the strawberries so it can't be classed as overly messy lol
Love the shave foam papers, not tried that!
And love the make shift pen tower, very nifty :D
Stay Inky
hugs Minxy #65

Anonymous said...

FAb piccis and fab backdrounds too. Happy WOYWW

Ali x #89

Moy Yin said...

Hi Jo

Great works with the hand gel! I will try it some day.

Thanks for sharing!

Moy Yin #1

The Crafty Elf said...

Love the shaving foam idea I have seen that before - pretty cool.
Time works wonders and thanks for sharing your workdesk with us today!

olive said...

I thought you had got further than that. ha ha! can I ask where you got your WOYWW stamp? does Julia do them??? keep positive and keep crafting. hugs xxxx

Cauliflower Cupcake said...

The origami book looks really fun. It sounds as though you've had a tough week - I hope things sort themselves out for you - happy WOYWW
Rebecca (42) x

cockney blonde said...

Love the shaving foam backgrounds and looks like I missed a brill project on Saturday. What a brill storage idea for the pens.
Take care, x

shazsilverwolf said...

Those backgrounds are way cool! I love spending time on making different ones. Shaz #118

lisa said...

I'm so glad your workshop was good medicine, Jo. It was just what you need I'm sure.
Those backgrounds are great, I must give the shaving foam a try, I think there may be some lurking in the bathroom cupboard somewhere!!
I love your pen storage too. Like you, I forget to take my colour chart with me when I go shopping and can never remember what I have!!
Take care of yourself, my thoughts are with you.
Sending you big hugs
Love Lisax

Zue said...

You have some lovely results and given us all some new ideas to try.
Hope you will be OK
Sue xxx

Mrs A. said...

Love your natty storage idea for your marker pens. Looks like it will hold lots and lots and lots.Good excuse for going on a buying spree.
Hugs Mrs A. #58

Caroline Hallett said...

great backgrounds - I love playing with shaving foam and Cosmic Shimmer Mists - they are awesome too - thanks for sharing happy WOYWW x

Berry said...

Gorgoeus marble work and so much yummy stuff on that desk! Hugs Rebekah xx 109

Twiglet said...

I agree, crafting can take your mind of things for a while so its good to keep busy. I love the colours in your foam and gel experiments. x x Jo

Starla said...

OOOOOOO!! I haven't done the shaving cream technique in forever!! So much fun, if I recall!
Hoping things look brighter the rest of the week for you!

Jona Panesa said...

that is really a cool technique! and your pen storage is really great.

Anonymous said...

Love those backgrounds and I bet they were fun to make and very therapeutic.

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I hope things soon settle down into a better pattern for you. In the meantime, use your crafting as a de-stresser. I like youe idea of the CD stacker and cheap cases to make your pen storage.

Spyder said...

ohoo haven't played woth shaving foam or gel since play school, it all looks grat to me
have a happy WOYWW

Dragon said...

Hi honey.... Great project but sorry to hear you are having a difficult time... You have my email If you want a word... If you want an awww!!! Moment I have some new kittens on my blog today!!

Artyjen said...

I think there just might be a run on those Ikea cd racks....looks like a fantastic idea....might have to make one myself!
xoxo Sioux

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, sorry to hear about what sounds like such awful problems. I know you'll find some diversion with your art, but understand at times it may feel like the last thing you want to do.
The marbled papers are beautiful; I've never tried the hand gel though, must give it a go.
Hugs Anne xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, Sorry to hear you are having a bit of hard time just now, I hope it all settles down soon. I love the shaving foam technique for marbling paper and the smell is a very welcome side benefit. Never thought of using hand gel - something else to put on my 'to try' list. Your pen storage is a great idea too. Take card, Elizabeth x #97

Elizabeth said...

PS: I meant to write 'take care' :( Elizabeth x #97