Tuesday, 15 March 2011

WOYWW and Kind Thoughts

I can't believe that WOYWW has come around again so quickly yet it seems like an age since last week too. Not too many strawberries to be seen on my desk this week and not much crafting has been attempted except the simple card above. Just a bit of a mess around as I can't concentrate. I've tried to channel myself into making something, anything, just to keep myself occupied, as I am thinking so much about my beautiful little grandee in Germany who is back in hospital. This has knocked us all for six as she has leukaemia and thus will have to undergo intensive treatment over quite a long period. I wish I could have it for her.
It's totally unfair that they all have to go through this, but life is cruel and more than unfair at times, so now I want to remain strong for them all. 
I'm not going to write about it all very often but I felt I had to tell everyone, who responded to my ramblings last week with such kind thoughts, that there was something really wrong. Thank you all for your special messages and concern. There's a way to help us at the end of this post....
but for now there are lots more desks to be ogled on Julia's blog Stamping Ground.
Thanks so much to Wipso for this wonderful thoughtful gift and card
The key is to indicate how tiny this little Teddy is.... just read the special message with it.
Now to all UK residents....here's how you can help.....
He was from Marks & Spencer and was a gift to my little grandee when she was born. She loves him so much and he has been to hospital with her, at Christmas and now again, where he has had slings and bandages, injections and temperature checks alongside the little one. He's worn out!
We badly need a replacement so Baxter No1 can be washed and repaired.
Do you have one in a toy box, lying there all lonely and unloved?
Can you spot one in a car boot sale or charity shop?
We can wash him and send him into hospital to stand in for No1
We have searched on ebay and the net and we have asked M&S to help but he is no longer manufactured or sold.
There must be thousands out there hiding somewhere! Here's the code on his tag.
Late editing... this photo was taken a few minutes ago of the computer screen as we have just Skyped. Not a good quality pic but you can see how much she loves Baxter and here she is biting his nose! Joy of joys, they are home for a day or two before her next treatment.
If you even bother to look for Baxter, thank you so much. If you are able to find one that will be wonderful.... please email me. I will reimburse any costs and will also make a one off piece of artwork in return as a thank you. 


Unknown said...

my thoughts are with you and the rest of your family you been in my prayers every night since i found out big hugs to you always jayne xxxx

donnalouiserodgers said...

keep on keeping on Jo...

there are
lots of us not sleeping so well at the moment...and if you do not wish to feel alone, Darcy and Amy are invariably on skype/facebook if you want to watch someone else doing Art....

really do watch Amy's tutorial on dreads - I did one and then realised they Do Not come Out

At all

she has a classic line towards the end that had me holding my sides I laughed so much...

I must try to sleep now for i have work in the morrow,


Carola Bartz said...

Jo, I am so so sorry to hear that your granddaughter has leukemia. I am praying that the treatment will help - yes, it is a long one - and that the girl will be healthy. This is very hard for all of you. My thoughts are with you.

jude said...

So sad Jo to hear the news my thoughts and prayers go out to you.Life is so creul as you say i just hope she has the strebgth in her wee body to fight this!Will be thinking of you all.
As for the bear do you know how old it is?when was he on sale ?I will check in my girls soft toy bag as my sister would always be buying toys from M&S for the girls and the bag is up in the loft out of sight but not thrown out.
I will keep my eyes peeled to try and find one as im often in charity shops.
Take loving hugs

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!

I am so sorry to hear this bad news about your granddaughter but it might not be so bad - she will beat this - I know a few people who were sick when they were young and are now in their 30s healthy and happy with lovely families! So do not dispair! She will be in my prayers everyday!
Just stay with us crafty lot - we are all here for you!
Lots and lots of hugs

Annie said...

Bless you Jo for your lovely comments. It's just 'what I do' and my little bears really do work a little magic cos they are all made with love. I really do hope your beautiful little grandee makes a speedy recovery. Sending you all lots of positive vibes.
A x

Anonymous said...

Sorry to about your grandaughter - my thoughts are with you and your family.

Virginia said...

Jo I am so sorry about your granddaughter, I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Sending hugs to you to keep strong and I will keep an eye open for a bear just like that!


Helen said...

Oh the poor baby! Thinking of you and hope the treatment goes well. They can do wonderful things, try to keep positive. I am sure you feel worse being so far away. Afraid I don't have a bear for her!

Twiglet said...

A big hug from me and a promise that I will check out our car boot and charity shops for Baxter - there are always loads of soft toys around!

karen said...

I send all the best wishes and thoughts to you and your granddaughter.
I wish I could find a bear for her. I am in Canada but will keep my eyes open for one that may have made its way across the pond.
(((hugs))) Karen

okienurse said...

Jo so sorry to hear about the grandbaby being ill. I hope everything turns out well for her. Thanks for sharing with us and I wouldn't worry about saying to much about it. Vickie #52

judith@poppy cottage said...

Oh Jo, so sorry about your granddaughter, I'm thinking about you and your family, it must be so hard for you all. I'm afraid I can't help you with the bear. Hang in there, leukaemia is so beatable these days, and she looks like a little fighter bless her. Big virtual hugs to you, Judith xx

Minxy said...

Aw sending big hugs to you and the family to get you through this really rough time, i hope the treatment goes well the poor little mite.
I will keep my eyes out for the bear though i don't get out alot at the minute.
Happy Wednesday
StAy sTronG
hugs Minxy #28

Zoechaos said...

Poor little mite so very hard for all of you. Do not have any unloved toys tucked away but hope someone will hear your plea, have you tried contacting M&S? XOXO Zoe

rach said...

Sorry to hear about your grandee, hope the treatment works and she is better soon. Also I hope you find another bear, I'll keep an eye out for you.

Karen said...

I was so sorry to read about your dear Granddaughter, my thoughts and best wishes go out to you all. {{{Hugs}}}
Karen #73

minnie_mac said...

I am so sorry to hear about the ordeal that your little granddaughter, your family and you are going through. My friend who suffered the same fifteen years ago went through the treatment and ever since has been his old healthy self.

Will keep my eyes peeled for a Baxter bear.



Scrapcat 1 said...

I've asked my family in Scotland to look out for him as well as my friends here I just hope you get one from somewhere for the little one. Thinking of you all

Dotpat said...

Wish I had a bear would glady send it too you Jo, I am so sorry to hear about your Grandee but just keep in mind Kaitlynn and I hope your little one recovers like ours did. Keep your chin up pet xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh I will go search the bin bags of soft toys in the attic - and of course, keep my eyes peeled. Bless you JO, you need a mighty distraction, so hard when you aren't there and can't 'do it' for them, I agree. A beautiful gift from Wipso - how thoughtful she is.

Sarn said...

Aww . . . your poor little grandchild. Sending big big hugs, but unfortunately, no bear. Hope someone can help you out. Happy WOYWW.
Hugs, Sandra (no. 71)

Artyjen said...

If I had the bear you could have it with pleasure.....but I'll keep my eyes open anyway in the local charity shops ;)
Take care....and I am sure she will be better soon with the treatments.
xoxo Sioux

Sarah said...

Thinking of you all at this time and sending you peace of mind. If all you can do right now is love and care - it's enough. Thank you for sharing your story.

Sasa (Sarah at 3)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, My prayers are with you and your granddaughter. I am so sorry to hear this news, but as has been posted, she can beat this! I have a brown bear with similar fur that I could tie a red ribbon around his neck and would gladly send it to you. It's not the same but similar. Maybe you could tell your grandee it's her bears brother who has come to visit? If you are interested let me know. Hugs. #19

Julie M said...

Aw Jo, I'm sorry to read about the wee pet. I will ask around about Baxter - I thought we had one here, but I checked and it's not the same.


Julie #144

Annie said...

What a little treasure she is Jo. Please give her a big hug from me.
A x

Unknown said...

You know my thoughts are with you. Will go round the charity shops over the next few days to look for a Baxter Bear. Amy has given me a bear for her of her own:-)
Stampattack Art Stamps

Helen said...

I wish I did have a Baxter to send to you, Jo - will keep my eyes open and hope that with lots of people looking, you will find one. Will be thinking about you and your family - sending you a hug.

Helen x

sam21ski said...

Take care Jo, thinking of you all and I'll keep a look out for a Baxter No 2 - Sam xxxx

The Crafty Elf said...

I can't imagine what you and your family are going through right now. I do hope you find a bear for your grandchild. Keep us all posted!

Mrs A. said...

Will certainly look out for a Baxter Bear. Sending hugs for your granddaughter.
xxx Mrs A. #57

cockney blonde said...

I know you've had my private email but just wanted to post on here too that I am thinking of you all and praying for little'un. I too will keep my eyes peeled for a Baxter Bear.
Love to everyone, x

Dragon said...

Take care honey... No bear here, unfortunately, just kind, positive vibes as always

Marjo said...

My heart feels for you and yours. May better days flow your way.

Just gotta ask you where you got your WOYWW stamp? Thanks for the the view and sharing, hugs Marjo#10

sandra de said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. She does love that bear and i do hope someone in blogland can help.

oneoff said...

Jo - so sorry to hear about your little grandee. I have taken a photo of Baxter on my phone, so I can keep my eyes open when I am out and about. What a lovely bear from Annie, and suggestion from Rhonda about a brother bear. Sending lots of good wishes, and a big bear hug from my own Scratchy Bear (now 47, misshapen, discoloured and still much loved...).


Sue said...

Hi Ya Jo
so sorry to hear of your granddaughters illness, wishing her well, i will keep my eye out for Baxter Bear, will keep you all in my thoughts, hugs, sue,xx

Twiglet said...

Jo - my last message didn't load! I have emailed you!! x Jo

Hettie said...

Sorry no Baxter but I will ask in work. Sending you and your family lots of hugs and prayers.
Hettie x

olive said...

Oh Jo..... I do hope that Baxter turns up and soon, I'm sure your Guardian Angel will turn up trumps for you. Take care of yourself, hope the stay isnt too difficult. hugs xxx

lisa said...

Hi Jo
You have my love and prayers and I will say no more. I know how hard all this is for you and it's hard to be strong all the time so make sure you have a bit of time for you too.
I will ask DD's school to put an appeal in their newsletter for Baxter bear. There's bound to be one lurking somewhere and I'm sure the wonderful WOYWW's will uncover him!!
Love and Hugs Lisax

Morti said...

Sending you my thoughts, hugs and prayers - I'll keep an eye ot for Baxter as best I can, fingers crossed someone comes up trumps, but I expect he's well loved by all who own him! Thanks for stopping by....

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

We are all thinking of you and your little grandaughter. It is good that she has now been diagnosed and she can now get the treatment she needs.

shazsilverwolf said...

I just want to echo everyones good wishes -and I will keep my eye open for the bear. Thats a lovely idea from Roban Studio though, if you can't find one exactly the same.

Vicki B in OP NY said...

Heartfelt wishes that you, your children and little one will find strength and comfort in one another as the next phase of hopeful healing begins. I know how important those bears can be. Hope you find another one soon.
Vicki - A little inkling 171

Maggie's Crafts said...

Sending you warm hugs... Will check out the loft!


Dotty Jo said...

Sending you hugs Jo, Jo x

Nicky said...

Had a look for a Baxter and sorry I dont have one but will look around the charity shops near work for - good luck with your search and sending you hugs, love and prayers to help you stay strong xx

Tertia said...

Oh Jo I a, crying as I sit here. I have three little granddaughters and I do not know how I would cope if one of them had to get really sick. Apart from that, all of them live less than 15 minutes away, so I don't even have to Skype, I get to hold them almost every day. I will say a special prayer for your little one from now on and every day untill she is well.
Wish I could find that bear for you, but I am sure someone will!
Love your beauyiful card.
Sending you and your family hugs across the pond.