Sunday, 13 March 2011

Padgate Sunday Stampers Collective

Padgate Sunday Stampers is a fairly new group which meets monthly and, whilst most people are papercrafters and stampers, the group offers everyone the opportunity to do any craft they wish. It is a very friendly atmosphere and, not only do we have lots of fun, we share information and skills. There were more than 20 at the last session, some missing from the photo below, and many travelled quite a distance to be there.
Here's a selection of projects from the day........
Quite a few revisited and brushed up the resist techniques from Gill's last class for Victoria Stampers with some great results.
There was stamping and excellent techniques for colouring with Copics
Even a Christmas card or two was made!
A Tri Fold card....
Some background experiments
Box making
Sewing by hand
Sewing by machine
Producing beautiful bracelets
Lovely crocheted flowers
Here's the parts of the pull out card I made, before it was constructed.
Here's Jayne's ATG gun personalised with bling and BTW it is decorated both sides.
So much produced, great company and a great day was had by all and as a bonus we all enjoyed Jayne's yummy catering..... corned beef hash, leek and potato soup and fresh bread rolls along with continuous tea, coffee and bickies.


lisa said...

Sounds like a great day was had by all and what amazing and varied work.
Thanks for sharing everything Jo, it sounds a lovely group to belong too.
hugs Lisax

Unknown said...

wow some cool work going on there i am so glad you enjoy coming you are a true asset to the group big hugs always jayne xxx

sam21ski said...

Heck, so much going on there, so many different techniques!!!

minnie_mac said...

What a wonderful group producing such a variety of lovely works of art.


donnalouiserodgers said...

i love it when people get together and make disparate things... collectives are far more creatively productive than factories or individuals...


cockney blonde said...

What on earth possessed you to have that piccie of me on display. I'm off to cross you off my Christmas list....
Seriously though its great to see all the different crafts being done, x

olive said...

It is a great group of crafters... shows the different items we craft, which is great. Throughly enjoy these days. take care, hugs xxxx

Vixykins said...

Oooh tell me more! I might be able to get day release :)

Diane said...

Thank you so much for posting these, Jo- it's so good to have memories of a fun day! I'm sorry I shall miss it this month but the Harrogate Show calls!
Diane x

Scrapcat 1 said...

I had such great fun and am really looking forward to the next one!

LorraineB said...

It looks like you all had a great time. I'd love to join you but it's quite a hike from the USA so I'll just read about it and enjoy the photos.

Lee said...

Oh WOW.Thanks for sharing.Looks like you all have a good time.Obviously some very talented people there.Yummy grub too.xxxx

Dotpat said...

Fab photo's Jo I did enjoy my day with you when I was at Neets, wished I lived closer