Tuesday, 29 March 2011

WOYWW, Eggs, Pegs and Klitty

We didn't lose an hour this week... we lost the whole week somewhere and it's already WOYWW again. Each week I think I'm not going to be able to find anything to show but whilst I rarely have a tidy desk I just don't worry any more about showing my mess in this massive expose of craft desks around the world.
Yes! you guessed... it's a mess again, but isn't it so much more interesting than a tidy space?... well I've got to have some excuse!
If you want to experience this mayhem in depth call in on Julia at the Stamping-Ground blog for the link to over 100 more desks and I bet there's one worse than mine!!!
So many things on there that I bought in Germany, still waiting to be stored away but I'll get round to that one day soon, meanwhile I have been messing around with eggs. There was a make and take session in one of the craft shops in Germany to marble plastic eggs which prompted me to bring home some of their white plastic ones...  they were so cheap.... so I could have a play at home.
The big egg with the lacy band opens up so it will be great to give little gifts of chocky eggs and money to the children.
I'm going to stick this little nest, with it's small marbled eggs and cute compressed paper bird, on top of a round Ikea box.
Here are the German made Silikon Stempel from My Paper World which many of you asked to see. I haven't yet used them but I envisage them being handy for masculine cards. They were good value at 4.55 and 6.50 euros a plate.
Still no requests for these Dolly Pegs... Some time ago someone out there expressed a need for them, and I think it was someone from America... so if it was you, shout out now or I may just find a use for them myself!!! Even if you didn't request them originally please ask if you'd like them and if there are several people I can draw names for them.
Who needs them? email me!
Here's Klitty
My new best friend was sent to me by my blogging buddy Donna of the Doings of Doone blog as my gift for participating in "Pay it Forward".  It was such fun to receive this Tart with a Heart and she makes me smile when ever I see her so she will probably find a home in my kitchen so I can smile more often. I need her badly! I just love Klitty's tatty red hair and her stripey stockings... and I must reveal (but it probably won't embarress her when I tell you) that she wears no knickers!!! Ooh, er! 
Thanks so much for this treasure Donna, I will give her a good home, I promise.

I still owe my promised hand made items to the folk who responded to my PIF post but they won't be too long now (even though the rules stipulate the gifts must be made and sent during 2011, I won't leave it till November), and mine will be going out to.......Sam, Liverpool Lou,Tinker Taylor, Carmen, Kay and Tuire.

Last but certainly not least ... a huge thanks for all the good wishes sent by you for a very special person... my little grandee. There have been so many kind loving messages from all over the world and they are all really appreciated by me and my family. I am pleased to say that the latest tests have shown that her treatment is working really well and leave it there for now.


Carola Bartz said...

Your marbled eggs look gorgeous, I really like them. And of course I love the "tart with a heart", she's fabulous!
Ongoing healing thoughts to your grandee.

MvM-design said...

A lot is going on on your desk!!
Happy Wednesday!!

jude said...

So pleased that it's good news from germany.Wow love the marbled eggs are they easy to do .woul;d love to have ago have got some white and eg shell ones .Happy creative wednesday hugs judex 6

Neet said...

I want to know how you have two 8 o'clocks in a day!
Love your marbelled eggs and your "tart with a heart" is just perfect as your new best friend. Now you can tell her everything and unburden yourself on her whenever you want.
Great news about Lotta - keeping her in prayer.

Annie said...

What fab show and tells this week Jo. It's good to see you're keeping busy. :-) We have been talking about you a lot this week cos we have been making patterns and cutting out sets of the needed bits and bobs to make some of you hangabouts :-) Thanks for the permission to make a few to sell in the shop.
A x

Marjo said...

Hi Jo,

OMGosh! I love the look of those marble eggs. What's the medium you used to create that look on the plastic.

Thanks for the peek and sharing. Have a great WOYWW

Hugs Marjo #22 oops thats 23

Helen said...

Great news about your grandee, hope she continues to respond.
Your desk looks fab - LOVE those eggs, they are gorgeous.

Scrapcat 1 said...

Oh that is really good news that the treatment is working Jo,
love your tart with a heart and those little eggs you have marbled look so good that the mess is justified in my book.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well, Jo, here we are with another WOYWW! – quite a bit going on here again love the eggs and if no-one else wants the dolly pegs I would like some. But only if no-one else wants the as a long way to post them here..
Thanks so much for sharing..
Shaz in oz. x #35

Dragon said...

Great news about that little scrap... Pleased she is doing well bless her!!! This desk looks refreshingly busy so have a great week

Cardarian said...

I am glad to hear your grandee is doing fine, I loved your post today with all the interesting things - I will be getting up to egg coloring too! Donnas dolly is very nice and I think she can bring a smile to your face! I was looking for dolly pegs a while ago but my DBF bought a whole bunch of them for me so I don't need them anymore!
Lots of hugs,

Julia Dunnit said...

Consistent good response to treatment is a big forward, I keep that little girl in my heart Jo, I really do. I love the look of your desk today - the egg marbling is marvellous -it was like being slapped in the face by a memory long forgotten; we did several 'tours' in Germany and when I was too small for boarding school, egg marbling was certainly on the agenda...I can't remember if it was a german friend of my Mum or at the primary school..blurred edges to this memory! As for Klitty - like you - I think she's perfect. :)

karen said...

Wow, those eggs are fabulous! You will have to give a tutorial as everyone who posted before me seems to love them too!
Good news about your granddaughter, will keep sending the best thoughts and wishes your way!
xoxo Karen #68

Sarah said...

Good news - that is great. Stamps look really good too. Will check them out.
Thanks for sharing your workdesk today. Wishing you lots of creativity until next time!

Sasa (Sarah) at 1


HeARTworks said...

Wow those eggs are great! and what a cutie Kitty is! She'll brighten up any corner!
Patsy from

Theresa Plas said...

Marvelous Messiness you lucky lady!

Karen said...

Thats brilliant news to hear that the treatment appears to be working well and your Grandee is doing well {{hugs}}. I love those marble eggs, they are beautiful.
Have a great WOYWW,
Karen #79

Susanne said...

Such a fun peek today!

Cauliflower Cupcake said...

How lovely those eggs have turned out. They look so bright and beautiful. Glad to hear things are going well for you.
Have a happy day.
Rebecca (41) x

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

So glad your little grandee is responding so well to her treatment. We continue to think of her and wish her well. Those eggs are so pretty.

lisa said...

How great to hear that your precious bundle is responding well, that's brilliant and I hope it continues to be so. Your remain in my thoughts.
Love those marbled eggs, I've just been having a go at stamping polysterene ones with mixed sucess at the minute. Will try again tomorrow. I hope you find a home for your dolly pegs. I saw some on Saturday in The Works so if you find a home and still want some let me know.
I love your messy desk, anyway it's not messy it's just creative.
Take care
hugs Lisax

donnalouiserodgers said...

one cycle down a few to go, as you say, take it as it comes and it is ALWAYS very important to note that when they do well first cycle that is VERY good news,

klitty is made for sheer joy

knickers just get in the way,

She IS a tart


Unknown said...

another fab filled desk always something new to share all the time love your eggs and your little dolly is so cute in a different way and what great news for you lil one good to hear somthing positive and we all will keep her in our prayers hugs jayne xxx

Sue Althouse said...

The eggs are so beautiful and I love Dolly! Thanks for the peek and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!

Gez Butterworth said...

Wonderful news about the treatment. Keeping my fingers crossed & saying a little prayer for your little one. Love, love, love your egss they are amazing. Your dolly is gorgeous too. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful marbled eggs, great tutorial too. Love the new stamps, you couldn't pass them up at that price. Keeping finger crossed for continued good news for your family.


Kezzy said...

Ooooo wow those eggs and nest are fantastic and its great that you have shown us all how. The doll is brill i can see why she makes you smile. Loving the wow stamp fab idea. I hope the treatment keeps working. Xx

Morti said...

Fab stuff on your desk Mrs! Those stamps are to die for!

Elizabeth said...

Hello Jo, good to hear the wee one is responding to treatment, may a speedy recovery follow. Love all the marbling you have been doing recently and the eggs remind me of the years I spent in Germany :) You asked if it I am the one who wanted the dolly pegs and I'm afraid not - so your search continues. It may be Elizabeth of Bleubeard fame. I remember making peg dollies with my mum when I was a little girl though - we made a whole family and I just loved them all. And I don't think any of them wore knickers! Elizabeth x #96