Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Birthday, Anniversary Cards & Liverpool Street Art

The oldest of my 3 gorgeous little grandees, who lives in Brighton, will be 4 on Wednesday and this is the card I made for her. She loves making cupcakes with her Mummy and the 4 main images depict her and her baby sister who loves to get messy. 
My DD in Germany recently celebrated her 10th Wedding Anniversary with her DH and her little one out in the sunshine in the cafe of Kloster Luene where they held their wedding reception. Take a peek at the website, it's such a beautiful place. They had planned a trip to Paris but that has been put on hold until the little one is through her treatment when I'm sure it will be an even more special celebration for the wait.
 Each year I try to make them a card with Lily of the Valley somewhere on it, as DD wore it in her hair for her wedding. This year I made a simple card with a removable bookmark using some beautiful ribbon I discovered which is embroidered, of course, with Lily of the Valley. Three tiny heart brads added, one for each of them.

I love public art, it enhances the environment and enriches the lives of the public...that's you and me folks!
I recently spotted this mural in Tunnage Square off Duke Street, at the edge of Liverpool City Centre
It took me a while to decipher the large word.... Dream
 Silhouette of the Metropolitan Cathedral
 Ask yourself this question........ answer on a plain postcard (aka in the comments box) and no prizes given but I'd love to hear your answers.
I really do hope you ARE happy!

So many of you ask regularly about a certain special little girl, my grandee in Germany who bravely, and cheerfully, is progressing well with her yucky chemotherapy. Thanks so much for all your good wishes, care and concern for her. All three of them are so valient and I'm really proud of them all.
So here's the treat of the day........a photo I adore! This little fraulein recently went on a special trip for new shoes (lovely to see her wearing one of my crocheted sun hats). She had to go to the shop as soon as it opened so it would be empty, thus with less risk to her of infection. She loved it there! I wish she had managed to bring that fabulous orange sofa home too!


judith@poppy cottage said...

Hi Jo, the mural is very striking and thought provoking. I am happy when I am crafting, busy when I am not! The picture of your little Granddaughter is delightful, what a fab sofa. Best wishes for her, as always. Judith xx

Unknown said...

beautiful pic of gd and great cards to it flown the b-day as seems only 2 mins since she turned 3 tfs hugs jayne xxx

Cath Wilson said...

That's a gorgeous card, Jo, but the photo is absolutely gorgeous. Isn't she a dream? She's really beautiful and looks so unaffected by everything that's going on. Lovely to see her.

Haven't seen the art, but will keep my eyes open for it when travelling through L'pool.

Paul B said...

Beautiful cards Jo. Bright, bold and cheerful. Liverpool is such a haven for art. You're so fortunate to have all this interesting culture on your doorstep. And what a sweet pic of your grandee in her hat. I can see why it's a fave. Pxx

sam21ski said...

Gorgeous cards Jo, but I just love the photo of your little grandee, it's just stunning, and really steals the show on this post. Hope she continues to improve and really pleased you shared the photo.

Sam xxx


Carola Bartz said...

What a wonderful photo of your little granddaughter - I love all that orange! She looks so cute! I really hope for you, for her, for her parents and everybody who loves her that she will come out of this ordeal cured and healthy. I'll continue sending good thoughts into your direction.

lisa said...

What a treat to see such a gorgeous photo of your little princess, Jo. She looks fabulous in her hat and that orange sofa was made for her. I'm so glad to hear she's continuing well. I think about her often. You know you all have my love and good wishes.
Your card for your other Grandee is beautiful. I hope she had a lovely Birthday. Being 4 is very special!
The answer to your question is yes, very!!!
Hugs Lisax