Monday, 2 May 2011

Devon to Calcutta!

Calcutta West Bengal..... Queson City......... Dublin......... Maribov Brezovica.......Blackpool....... Szeged......  Sheffield.......Moradabad Uttar Pradesh.... just a few of the amazing locations on the live feed list I recently installed on my side bar. I really find it fascinating plotting these places on the world map and I am honoured to know that people from all over the globe take time to visit me! Thank you one and all!
 Last week DH and I took a jaunt to Devon, over 200 miles away from home, and we enjoyed a wonderful break in exquisitely beautiful countryside, with the luck of such warm sunny weather that we didn't wear a jacket all week.
This is the magnificent view from our hotel window, in the glow of the evening sun, looking over the Bristol Channel from Lynton, North Devon.
All the steep tiny streets were decked out for the Royal Wedding. Note the mural with red deer on the left wall.
The Art Nouveau Town Hall
Ever seen a cinema like this one!!
We walked down the steep cliff side path to Lynmouth but were thankful to ride back up on this funicular railway.
We visited the Valley of the Rocks and were able to walk so close to the many wild goats. We also saw red deer and wild ponies when we toured all over Exmoor... Lorna Doone country!
An extra special horse was spied in Lynton Village... this pic is for Elizabeth as I really think she'd love to own this rocking horse in the window below!

Lynmouth at the bottom of the funicular
 Wonder who made these on Lynmouth beach? Stuck together with Glossy Accents... no! ...all free standing!
Dunster with the castle in the background
A first quick glimpse of the royal bride at Sedgemoor services on our way home. It was hilarious to hear all the ribald comments about the varied outfits and wacky hats, as each guest arrived, but when the bride first appeared there was a gasp of admiration from the crowd (which completely packed the entrance to the services), followed by applause and cheers. I had been quite happy to miss it all with being on holiday but I was soon swept along with the fervour, pomp and circumstance of it all and thoroughly enjoyed watching the evening's highlights when I arrived home. It made me proud to be English!


Tuire Flemming said...

Wonderful pics from your holiday trip!
We also had some unusually warm days here during the Easter - now here´s quite chilly again, but I managed to get some freckles on my face :)

I also watched the royal wedding - who didn´t?
That kind of hats can´t be seen anywhere else than in England!
Beautiful couple and they looked so happy! All the best for them!

And to you, too!

Annie said...

What a fab post with some stunning photos. Looks like you had a great time.
A x

Neet said...

Great to see the photographs of your holiday down South. Love that cinema! Thanks for sharing.

Paul B said...

Your pictures are gorgeous Jo. Wish I was there. Looks a beautiful place and you were lucky with the spell of good weather we've been enjoying. Apparently you did better than if you'd been to Spain. They've been awash with rain. You'll certainly have a better tan with all the outdoors and walking you were enjoying. Px

olive said...

busy bee Jo..... looks fabulous. hugs xxxx

donnalouiserodgers said...

ditto (skip next para - it's a rant)

caught a glimpse of 'the dress' whilst Niall serviced his client (so to speak) and poor Pippa will get all the press attention from now on - How clever of Kate to wear the sensible dress - a conformist with brains

...t'was a two edged sword to drive through the white middle class middle england villages bedecked with flags (old britain), to then arrive back in t'northern city (no flags, except the recycled football ones, no street parties just street drinking, no real celebration - too poor) that's the reality for a significant majority of wonderful British people born north of the m25

I was just north of you btw - yoo hoo from over the Bristol channel,

laughed out loud re. glossy accents - maybe we should learn to 'balance' our art more and use glue less???


Twiglet said...

Great photos - never been to that part of the country. Looking forward to seeing your idea for Annie and me to have a go at!!

lisa said...

What beautiful photos, Jo. Brings back happy family holiday memories when we were little. I remember visiting Lymouth and Dunster with my Mum and Dad. I'm glad you had such a lovely holiday and you were certainly blessed with the weather.
It sounds like you were in the perfect place to watch the Wedding. It's great to hear everyone's reactions isn't it. It was certainly a great day of pomp and ceromony and one we won't forget in a hurry will we?
Hugs Lisax

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, glad you've been able to enjoy a well deserved break :-) Ooh red deer, wild goats, sounds blissful. Great pics, thank you.
Anne xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Gorgeous pics - a well deserved and probably needed break - perfect timing weather wise! Glossy Accents..giggle - I wonder if the salt water would actually test it....!

Cardarian said...

Loved your post - so much lovely photos! I didn't take any on this trip to England but I will do next time I go - in 3 weeks!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

How fun to be able to visit this place with you, dear Jo. I always feel like I am there with you as each photo becomes a wonderful memory. Such lovely photos and a welcome vacation, I'm sure.

sam21ski said...

Yet again, thanks for sharing your fabulous photos with us all. You take some amazing shots!!!!

So pleased you had a nice break and the weather was kind to you, makes all the difference doesn't it.

Sam xxx