Tuesday, 17 May 2011

WOYWW 102 & Creepy Crawly

It's confession time again and, whilst it is said to be good for the soul, I'm not too revived after baring this mess. It's partly the aftermath of preparing for and then unpacking after the Port Sunlight show last Saturday and the tedious job of cutting and mounting my new UMs. 
The first view looks reasonable and I still have a few of the notorious strawberries peeking out round the edges.
How misleading it is when I bare my soul fully and show the bigger picture. 
Did I hear a mass scream of Eeeeeekkk!!?? It's creeping out of everywhere but I have been busy, busy, busy, folks and, no excuse, but I have been creative, (see yesterday's post for proof) and OK, I know I have made a mess I admit but, no buts... it's all to keep the world happy snooping, not just here, but at the rest of the crafty spaces of we WOYWW-ers who expose what we've been up to each week, where we do it, and whether or not we stay tidy and organised. Mostly we don't!!
Call in on boss lady Judith at the Stamping Ground Blog to see them all.
Go on now ... admit you loved noseying around, we know you love it!

Giant Creepy Crawly
Just had to share this as I love public art.
There's an area our the city centre where all the bikers park, at the bottom of Bold Street, and this piece of public art appeared a while ago. I love it and what a great concept it is for it's situation. It's a leather look bikers glove with a huge creepy creature settled on it and it's made out of bike parts. It lights up and moves too.
Further Confessions
Inspired by Deanne at Quirky Boots, the Boss Judith has confessed her answers to the questions below remarkably well and with great humour, so I too am taking up the challenge just for fun....check Judith's out on Stamping Ground ... quite different to mine of course.

Age: You are welcome to choke at my honesty... 66 and soon to be 67 but feeling 36 in my mind until I see what's in the mirror!
B. Bed size: Super King Size.. it's a dream!
C. Chore that you hate: Trying to get and keep tidy.
D. Dogs: I wish we still had our crazy lovely little Jack Russell, Ziggy
E. Essential start to your day: Opening my eyes and getting out of my pit.
F. Favorite color: (s)Purple, cerise, turquoise.
G. Gold or Silver: Defo silver
H. Height: 5 foot, just.
I. Instruments you play: Comb and Tissue paper or Kazoo
J. Job title: General Dogsbody, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer, Artist and Stamp Designer.
K. Kids: two beautiful grown up women
L. Live: North West England
M. Mother's name: Lilian
N. Nicknames:  Too many unmentionables....
O. Overnight hospital stays: Two births, removals of one non malignant breast lump, one fish bone and one non malignant head lump (no comments please as I still have my brain).
P. Pet peeve: Homelessness... nobody should be.
Q. Quote from a movie: Life's a kaleidoscope.
R. Right or left handed: Left
S. Siblings: None, I'm a one off.
T. Time you wake up: Don't have 2 x 8 o'clocks in a day now I'm retired, so shortly after.
U. Underwear: Of course...comfy but brief.
V. Vegetable you hate: asparagus.
W. What makes you run late: Life but I'm always manage to be JUST on time.
X. X-Rays you've had: Work down from the head and keep going.
Y. Yummy food that you make: Scouse.
Z. Zoo animal: Giraffe... maybe I'm wishing I was tall.


Annie said...

There aren't many tidy creative folk out there Jo so no need to feel bad :-)
I don't like little creepy crawlies so this is really my worst nightmare :-)
A x

Unknown said...

Love your ABC list And the art was great. Seeing that Tupperware dish took me back though ;0)

Love Dawn xx

Helen said...

Great desk, I didn't go EEK once... Love that biker glove... and the ABC list too. No wonder you have a lot on your desk, with that much going on!!

Paul B said...

Messy desks are fine Jo, they are evidence of an artistic soul. And I know what you mean about the chore of UMs after a show lol. Great answers in your A-Z - don't like asparagus???? We're eating it till it comes out of our ears in this household haha. It's Nick's fave. Don't like the after effect though. Pxx

Unknown said...

Hi Jo

in reply to your ? bird cage was a gift, sorry no idea where she got it, but she lives in Malaysia so a wee bit far to travel me thinks? ;0) Dxx

Neet said...

I love asparagus! I hate mounting UM's! Love that sculpture!

minnie_mac said...

No eeks from me. I like to see a desk that is well and truly being used.


sandra de said...

Fabulous creative desk with a touch of fruit. Love it. Also had a giggle over your ABC's .

Cardarian said...

Your space is messy but lets call it very creative! Really enjoyed all your "confessions" Huh you look good girl!!
Lots of hugs,

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Mm, so agree messy desks show creativity.. and especially when crafting with goo, gunk and glitz!! wot fun!! love your post below too going off to peek a bit better at it, Shaz in Oz.x

donnalouiserodgers said...

Ah you know me so well!!!

on your table:

I spy with my little eye what looks like urine specimen bottles filled with embellishments,

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that public art!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Thanks for keeping it messy for all of us snooping types. :) I love your answers, too. :) Happy WOYWW!

Cauliflower Cupcake said...

Love the abc list and love the desk - it's got to be one of the best this week!
Rebecca(51) x

Sunshine Girl said...

Who wants to be tidy? not me! Love that sculpture - isnt it fun. Like the look of your tutorial on the next post too - hopefully will be back soon to read it! thanks for sharing. Sunshine Girl No. 40

Deanne said...

love your creative space - mess is always the best and most productive way to craft :) love the art too and fab you for joining in with abc :) xx

scrapwordsmom said...

Awesome art, Jo!! Awesome desk...love your list, too. Can I ask...what is scouse>>:)


Jingle said...

Your desk looks GREAT if you ask me!!! Love your WOYWW stamp! :-) And that sculpture is too cool!

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Love the desk, especially all that new rubber. I had my nose pressed against the screen so I didn't miss anything LOL. Love the sculpture, very creative from bike parts. Tracy x

Anonymous said...

Love the creative chaos you live in and it obviously works for you so don't feel bad about it!! Gotta love Liverpool, such a progressive city.

Brenda 84

Twiglet said...

Great A-Z. You and Annie would make a great pair of 5ft bookends!!!Love the creepy crawly.

MaudMartha said...

Great chaos - looks like you're having fun. Don't tidy up for us. Mine's always a mess. Teresa x

Chrissy said...

Nice cropped pic! lol Don't be ashamed of the creative mess!

Hazel said...

Evidence of a lot of crafting and creativity x Hazel 130

Mrs A. said...

Can I come and play in your mess please. Monkey has spotted some things he wants to look at too.
Hugs Mrs A. #65

Mrs A. said...

can I come and play in your mess please. Monkey says there some things he wants to have a closer look at too. Hugs Mrs A. #65

Carola Bartz said...

What a lovely mess on your desk! I would love to come and play a bit.
I enjoyed your A-Z, and I love asparagus!

lisa said...

Mountig stamps, a nightmare job, I don't envy you that one, Jo. That creepy crawlie is amazing, what talent someone has to create this.
Your A-Z is fascinating. I feel I know you even better now. I love Asparagus-sorry!!! and we have a Super King Size bed. I love it. Need lots of space to sleep in!!
Hugs Lisax

She Who Doodles said...

such honesty, you are brave. your workspace looks like most of ours just before we tidy it for our photos. what a creative sculpture, thanks for sharing.

Di said...

That looks like fun mess - not at all tidy is great. Thanks for coming by my blog and your A-Z was fabby ! Di xx

MvM-design said...

Hi Jo,

No EEEEEKKK from me, it's just a creative look! ☺
Hugs Marleen ;-)

Terry said...

Eeek! Just kidding. I laughed reading your post. I love the photo of the public art. And I enjoyed reading your A-Z list.


Terry #129

Terry said...

Now my desk is an "EEK" cry! I can't even believe what a mess I can create!

Kyla said...

Wow, that's a busy desk...but I spy some nice items on there!

Sheila said...

Messy desks unite!

Dragon said...

Oh good, I don't feel half so guilty now!!! But it all just so creatibe, honey...
Love and light

Dotpat said...

I am glad there is not just me messy Jo