Sunday, 15 May 2011

Port Sunlight Show May 2011

After unloading and setting up the stand at Port Sunlight on Friday in pouring rain, Saturday brought a bit of sunshine and a really enjoyable day for everyone. It was not a busy as usual but we still saw many old friends and met so many new Happy Stampers through our demonstrations on Stampattack's stand.
Here's the dress form below that I made from the card backgrounds, using Distress Stains, which I demonstrated and I'll post instructions, as promised to so many, for it all tomorrow when I unpack my bags and find the rest of my samples to photograph.
It was especially good to see Jan from KCUK, here on a visit all the way from New Zealand and also Judith of Poppy Cottage who had travelled half way up England to be there. Many members of WOYWW will know Judith. I was just so sorry I could only see them briefly as time flew and I never managed to get outside to meet up at 1pm as planned. A few friends were really missed, especially Dot, who usually comes all the way from Hartlepool, and Neet who we hope will be well enough for Aintree next weekend.
     Before the doors opened.... here's me...all set and ready to go...
and Carol below on the stampattack stand.
In front of Carol you can see my string of mini bunting and to the left the birdcage full of pennants which I made as giveaways.
Here are the big guys, my DH Dave and Carol's DH Fred, resting before the rush! In the background you can see Gill and Ian of the Stampman!
End of a busy day always leaves me with plenty of scrubbing to do but not too bad this time as with the Distress Stain applicators I don't get to wear as much ink on my hands!! Can't you tell I'm left handed?!?
A little blog candy prize for the first to tell me what I have written on my manual filofax.

POST SCRIPT!!! A winner with the 3rd comment from VON... WELL DONE...YOU'VE GOT IT... SMOOCHIES IS CORRECT!


sam21ski said...


WOW can't believe how much prep you have to do before the shows. We shoppers just don't realise how much setting up there is to do, we just rummage through the fab goods and grab what we NEED!!!!

Love your demo piece and of course your not so messy hands, after all if there is space to write something, they are not messy enough - lol.

Sam xxx

Create With Joy said...

Hi Jo

Stopping by to say hi - everything on your site is looking beautiful - I especially love your cards and the torso on this post!

However, I have no idea what you wrote on your "manual filofax", lol - try as I could it was just to blurry for me to make out - I guess that prize wasn't meant for me!

Have a fabulous week and see you for WOYWW!


Von said...

Smoochies ?
Fab makes Jo what a lot of work you all put into the shows, whish you could come further south ;)
Von x

Annie said...

Looks like you had a fab time Jo. I've just blogged my latest news that you might like to share :-)
A x

judith@poppy cottage said...

Jo, I was so pleased to come and say Hi to you yesterday. The Show was everything that I imagined it would be, and I had a lovely time, meeting up with folks that I knew through Blogland. Thank you so much for the honourable mention! It is great to be able to put a face to a name when I comment on your blog from now on. It was well worth the journey, hugs, Judith xx

Helen said...

Good to see you again yesterday, Jo - sounds like you had a busy day! Great artwork too.

Helen x

Zoechaos said...

You are just so clever sounds like a wonderful busy time was had by all XOXO Zoe

Neet said...

See what I missed - miffed!

'The Crafting Owl' said...

JO, (I'm the person you were talking to about owls.) It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday and thank you for taking the time to inspire me with your wonderful ideas. I've looked on your blog and have got some more great ideas for backgrounds. Hope to see you again soon xxx

Unknown said...

We had a great day my friend.Are your hands clean now?????????


Twiglet said...

Sounds like a great time was had by all!!

donnalouiserodgers said...

I missed you boo hoo,

will get myself organised and get to one and ambush you by surprise,

I'll be the loud one singing and generally making a scene -

In the end I decided I needed to sort out the web site and start closing down the blogger blog,


I will be following your tutorial tomorrow as that Demo article looks fabulous Dahling.

lisa said...

Looks like you had a great day Jo. That's what I like to see messy hands!!!
Nice to see Jill and a very rare photo of Ian Stampman there, be he didn't realise he was on it!!
Hugs Lisax

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Had to stop by for a few minutes, since I've been so busy lately, I guess that's about all the time I've had. Love the hands. Yes, I can tell you use your left hand the most! And it was fun to see your DH again, in photos, too.