Friday, 10 June 2011

Bag Bling PiFs

I sent PiF gifts to celebrate WOYWW 2nd Birthday but didn't post any photos as I intended to keep the surprise until they had arrived at their destinations. The trouble is some arrived so quickly and have been posted on blogs by the recipients! Never mind eh! They are all different and so those people who are still waiting for the mail to arrive will not know which one they will receive. I also sent the PiFs I owed from earlier in the year (they had to be sent within 2011) to Kay, Liverpool Lou, Carmen, Tuire and Sam so quite a lot of bag bling was made and sent off and I was happy to make these gifts for such lovely people!
 Here's a sample range....
I made a variety of charms to hang on each key chain. The spooky faces were made in the meltpot from UTEE. 
I used shrink plastic for the tag with the little face, to the left above.
 Each chain has a bell for security which can be heard if anyone tries to take your bag. There is also a reflective strip for safety as it helps you to be seen after dark.
 The heart below is made from Friendly Plastic and the little turquoise barrel is an old knitting row counter
The WOYWW tiles were stamped on coloured stampboard which was then etched to highlight the letters... you can see the difference it makes below. I later embossed these tiles so the writing would not wear away.
Don't miss my birthday blog candy, below..... .
full details and sign up on my 8th June post
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd will receive a selection of craft goodies, some shown above and the 1st prize will include a key chain with bag bling as featured in this post.
A big thanks and welcome to all my new followers! Heading for 200 soon!


Artyjen said...

Great bling you made ;)
Bet they are thrilled
xoxo Sioux

Annie said...

Really love all the bling. What a lot of love you put into making each special.
A x

Sheilagh said...

They are Absolutely Fabulous:)

Von said...

Whay gorgeous bag charms Jo and such a good idea to add a bell, the are sure to bring a simle to the lucky owners :)
Von x

Debs said...

wow they are awesome and the tiles are fab.
I need a new project and to make something for me. You may have given me an idea hmmmmmm.....

donnalouiserodgers said...

It is much much blinger and beautifuler in real life, and has reminded me to get out the utee and meltpot...

what did you put in the UTEE that makes it sparkle? Is it glitter?


Kay said...

Thank you Jo! My key chain arrived on Thursday but I have been away with work so only got to see it yesterday. The pics are fab but these are even more amazing in person.
Once again thank you for a truly gorgeous piece of art.
Kay x

lisa said...

Your Handbag bling is just gorgeous, Jo. I love all the details and the security bits and pieces you've included. Beautiful and practical!!
Hugs Lisax