Sunday, 12 June 2011

Pop Out Card, Kite Fest & Blog Candy

I made another of these pop out cards for a friend's birthday last week and the theme of the images is just perfect for her. The background card is simply streaked with Distress Stains, (I love them) then splashed with water.
My original inspiration came from a class I took a few years ago at Katyscorner so thanks again to Lynne Wilky who was tutor. I cannot find my original instructions or card but it's so easy to make that I just guessed! 
International Kite Festival 
We had a lovely day yesterday, as another treat for DH's birthday, which was last week and I absconded to Vicky Stampers workshop (at his insistence!).
New Brighton, the seaside town, where we enjoyed wonderful day trips when I was a child, is just across the River Mersey from Liverpool. It is situated on the Wirral Peninsular which lies between Liverpool and Wales. There's easy access by car through either of the two tunnels, or on foot via the famous "Ferry Across the Mersey".  The place has been in such sad decline for decades, but it is now undergoing major regeneration, so we went across to see the superb new Floral Pavilion theatre and to have lunch in it's recommended bistro, with it's panoramic view, overlooking the river. 
(BTW, did you know, Liverpool has two tunnels under the river, two cathedrals and two football teams?!)
A lovely spot to sit and enjoy a meal and we had unexpected, hilarious entertainment with a bird's eye view when a wedding party arrived. The outfits were straight out of a Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and I swear (and confess) that I would have taken photographs if my camera hadn't run out of memory.
As you can see by the mess I look, and definitely not suitable for the wedding, it was a really windy but sunny day but perfect for the International Kite Festival, over this weekend, which we chanced upon, just a short walk away from the Floral Pavilion. 
.... WOW! Hundreds of kites in two vast arenas in the area called "the Dips" and every shape and subject you can think of was there flying high.  Such a wonderful experience especially as today was perfect for kites, set right on the coast so there was a perfect wind level. 
There were new kites going up during the time we were there but I, frustratingly, missed out on photographing some of the most spectacular ones as my camera's memory card became full.

 Luckily I captured these amazing dragon kites, which were my favourites. The tails reached at least 100 feet into the sky and each section of the tail was a red paper disc with a wooden stick crossbar with feathers at each end. It was fascinating to see the dragon's eye's rolling! 
The presenter told us how fragile they are on the ground but how strong they are in the air. 
In ancient wars they were used not only to scare the enemy but could also measure the distance from oncoming foes as the long length of the tail provided a means of measurement.

I love the simplicity of this one... Debbie Harry maybe?!

Below you can pick out a clown, bottom left, and a couple of scuba divers.
 One man was stunt flying those top three delta winged kites at once. 

 This dragon was designed and made by a man from Germany. 
 There were kites and people from all over the world. Stalls and a little funfair for the children made it a good free day out for all.
Don't forget a chance to enter for my birthday blog candy below...
full details on my side bar and in the 8th June post.

Thanks to the World!
During the last 24 hours my live feed widgit tells me that I have had hits from Russia, Ireland, New Zealand, USA, Austria, Malaysia, Qatar, Finland, Poland, Canada, Iraq, Germany, Philippines, Tel Aviv, Abu Dhabi and lots of UK visitors. Thanks to all who call in but not everyone leaves a why not just say a quick "Hello" from wherever you live as I am really amazed that you even found me.

I am now swiftly gaining a new skill of identifying the flags of all your countries!


sandra de said...

Gorgeous pics of the kites, what a wonderful site to stumble across.

Larisa said...

oh, so bright and nice holiday in the open! Very beautiful show of kites!

Glennis F said...

Hi Jo, love the kites!

Sheilagh said...

Fabulous Photo's, I haven't been to New Brighton for years. I have similar memories to yours:).
Maybe when life gets back to normal I will take my man for a run out there.


sam21ski said...

WOW What a fabulous sky of kites Jo. Loads more than what we get at our kite festival at Cleethorpes. What a glorious day.

Lovely card, great colour combo and fab set of images. I too love my stains!!!

Sam xxx

Unknown said...

we went today but there was not that many kites as the weather was awful so just looked at then from the car but was still a nice afternoon out but nice now to see what we we missed hugs jayne xxx

minnie_mac said...

Lovely pop up card.

Love the photos of the kites. Sounds like a fab day out.


Angie said...

That pop out card is such fun it.
What a great day out ...those kites were amazing.

Unknown said...

Love those kites. I used to go to New Brighton when I was a kid with my grandparents.

Neet said...

Next time please let us know - would love to see these and be reminded of days gone by in Tianamen Square when we watched the kite flying.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Hugs, Neet x

lisa said...

Your pop out card is great, Jo, lovely colours and I'm glad you had a lovely day out.
Those kites look amazing. We have a kite festival at Harewod House every year but the seaside must be the best place for kites with the sea breezes!!
Hugs Lisax

Twiglet said...

Amazing kites Jo - sounds like a great day out.

Paul B said...

Excellent colourful card Jo. And what a fantastic day out on the Wirral. We went there last year but it's obviously improved since, judging from your photos. The kite display is glorious. It takes me back to being a child and standing high up on the hills of the peak district with my Dad & brother, with basic kites. Glad you both had a good time. And Am I right in thinking that you're off to Abraham Heights? If you like second hand books look up Scarthin Books on the internet - it will be just around the corner and well worth popping in. Any problems - email me and I'll sen d you the link. Pxx

Helen said...

I love those kites - how fabulous - what a great day you had.