Tuesday, 14 June 2011

WOYWW 106 & Sewing Machines

No strawberries to see today on my desk as I am temporarily barred from my craft room. The house is in turmoil whilst we have new central heating installed so I have decamped to the main bedroom with my sewing machine to stitch away, and to keep out of the way, whilst the men do their stuff around the house to help keep us warm next Winter. The radiator in this room is staying put so the room will be an oasis for me.... somewhere to escape.  
I must confess....I really dislike workmen about the house. I feel unsettled and insecure. I loath making them cups of tea and all the asking "how many sugars?" but I do 'cos I'm not mean, but I just hate having to do it. I always feel like saying...."There's the kettle, tea etc., so, go on, get on with it" but I don't! Why don't I?....I suppose because I think it's insurance that they will do a good job if I look after them and they might leave me with a leak if they don't get a nice cuppa and a bicky!. I just detest workmen! Anyone else feel the same.. . or am I alone in this? There's also so much tidying and cleaning up to be done afterwards which all takes up valuable crafting time. Aaaarrrrrgh!

My friend Jayne keeps telling me that I should share my really old "toy" sewing machine which she drools over each time she visits. It is now merely a keepsake standing on a window ledge..... however....
when I was aged around 13, many moons ago, I used to ballroom dance competitively and this (above) is the little machine I then used to run up my frilly net dance dresses (with the help of my Mum who merely turned the handle to leave my two hands free whilst I shouted "stop" and "go"). I didn't get a full sized real sewing machine until I was over 15, but at such a young age, I designed and made my dresses and worked wonders with this tiny lockstitch thing. I've photos of the dresses I made somewhere so really must find them. I still have an old treadle machine in our garage but I didn't get that until I was married.
Well, I've been asked to make some more HangAbouts so you can see a few of my fab fabrics ready to use.
Some great ones here... plenty of cupcakes 
This one is American Monopoly print
If you'd like to share many more wacky, work desks of the World nip over and visit our instigator Julia's blog Stamping Ground. It's all good fun! 
Don't forget that my Birthday blog candy (below) runs until 20th June so see the side bar for details... it's all on my 7th June post.


donnalouiserodgers said...

Hmmm not the same to not have strawberries, must get a shot of my old singer that Mum & I used to make dolls clothes with...
I don't know how i used to manage without a hang about...
or glow in the dark dangle,

or Japanese stamps,

or beads and bits,

you are terribly generous....

Do you have any film of you dancing? BBC archive? I used to watch Come Dancing - (arghhh did I say that out loud???)


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well you are early as we are just starting over here or actually a few hours into morning and boy Jo do I ever love all those materials... sorry still cant rave over your pIf yet as still not her, maybe it will come in today's mail.. and yes I learnt on a treadle machine which was the one before the hand wheel turner and really loved the motion it made - very therapeutic and did lots of sewing when younger not much now.. well better move along Happy WOYWW and let you know when pIf arrives mine to Morti took only five days weird huh! love Shaz in Oz.x

Sherry said...

I know exactly what you mean about workmen in your house - and it takes them so very long to do their stuff too!! At least your house will be lovely and warm in the winter.

Your 'toy' sewing machine is adorable - I'd love to see photos of some of your dance dresses - what wonderful memories they must be!

Love your American Monopoly print fabric - it would go perfectly with a cross stitch I have - it's the American Monopoly board - my sister stitched it years ago and it's in pride of place in our study.

Sherry (21)

Dragon said...

Cor, fabby fabrics and super machines - both!!! I feel JUST the same as you, insecure and on edge as they never treat your home as carefully as you do yourself!!! But it will be worth it when finished
Frankie 38 NOT 16

Helen said...

good luck with the new heating and the workmen! I really enjoyed your blog today, and learnt lots about you! mum had an old treadle machine too. those were the days!

Annie said...

I've got strawberries on show today Jo ....but mine are real ones :-) I love your old machine. I have two old singer machines here somewhere but neither work so are just stored.
Fab fun fabric :-)
A x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Jo, it is me back again just to say dont rush to send another pIf it maybe held up in customs as they can grab it sometimes open it up and then send it onto you a few weeks later...I have had it happen to one parcel; and had one arrived yesterday from UK which was sent on 29th May,so that was 2 weeks and three days so not dramas..love Shaz in oz.x

Tuire Flemming said...

Love that cute little machine! I also have a little collection of toy sewing machines my hubby has bought to me from fleamarkets :) (he´s collecting vinyl records - I may have mentioned that the Beatles is his favorite...)
Tuire xx

Sue said...

Hi hun
hope the workman dont make to much mess for you, i tell em where the makings are! lol, oh me mum had two singers one a peddle one had a knee arm to make it go,lovely material, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

Twiglet said...

What a gem of a sewing machine Jo. I can just imagine you creating little frothy net wonders with that. I love the fabrics too - perfect for your Hangabouts. x Jo

Artyjen said...

Love the sewing machines :)
Know what you mean with the workmen....you are not on your own!! LOL
xoxo Sioux

sandra de said...

Wipso has yummy strawberries. Your sewing machine is divine and how amazing that it still looks like it could whip up a frock today if needed.

Angie said...

That is a wonderful piece of history ...and a great talking point I bet. Those materials are gorgeous.xx

Tara Cardwell said...

I love your monopoly print fabric - my favourite game as a child. I must see if I can get the UK version over here and make myself a cushion (if I ever dare unpack my sewing machine that is!)

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!

Love your old machine - I have a very old one that was given to me by my grandmother - I can't use it much but it feels nice and warm ( like my grandmothers kitchen) just to have it!
Lots of hugs,

Jingle said...

Oh, that little sewing machine is just fabulous!!! I can't believe you were sewing that young! I really need someone to teach me to sew!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Oh, my! You've actually sewn on this! That's amazing. Happy WOYWW!

Anonymous said...

Loving that old sewing machine and I'd love to see the dresses you made on it too! Hope the workmen are in and out quickly, it'll be worth it some winter though.

Brenda 73

Hettie said...

I have one of those toy sewing machines too! It even still has the box. Hubby bought it for my birthday one year. I still use Hubby's Grandmother's treadle machine when I am doing curtains. I love to hear it whir! I even have a second treadle which I "acquired" at Hubby's Aunt's funeral!! Hmmmn! They offered to empty the tins and boxes to which I said "NOOOOOOO"!!
I used to do Ballroom too! Hope your workmen are out soon for you!!

lisa said...

I had to laugh at your rant over making tea, Jo. I always dread workmen coming but I always make them plenty of tea. My Hubby went to do a job for a neighbour recently and he came back after an hour with everything finished and the first thing he said was, "she didn't even offer me a cup of coffee" he was most upset about it. I even made tea for the gas men who came to mend the leak in the pavement outside our house.
Your old sewing machine is fantastic and so is the fact that you make your own dresses on it at such a tender age.
Good look with the new radiators.
Hugs Lisax

Lizzybobs said...

Loving your little sewing machine - and what lovely material, some materials make my mouth water!!!! thanks for sharing your desk this Wednesday ((HUGS))

Neet said...

I make cakes for my workmen and for the same reason as you give them biscuits. I would hate them to leave me a leak or something. Are we a barmy pair or what?
Love the sewing machine. I might get to see it Friday???
Hugs, Neet x

Mrs A. said...

Know exactly what you mean about having work done in the house. The carpets are being cleaned tomorrow and today has been spent moving everfy small item of furniture into the spare room then it all has to go back again once the carpets are dry. Hugs Mrs A. #98

okienurse said...

I am with you Jo I don't like workmen mucking about in my house and like you I feel it is my obligation to keep them happy so nothing goes awry! My husband says we don't pay them to make them coffee but...Love the fabrics you have there! Thanks for sharing! Vickie #46

Sarpreet said...

I am with you about the workmen, be nice. IF they are leaving a mess they ar not so good. I had people do our windows, not only were they careful about mess dropping, they cleaned and hoovered afterwards! Happy WOYWW 106, Thank you for sharing your workspace, # 25

Neil said...

Hi there, I loved reading about your machine. I remember when we first were married we also had a treadle machine before we were given an ELECTRIC ONE! Made my wife's day then!
Hope you had a great day, oh and yes, it is a doll's house in my space, it was visible on the first post but then seemed to disappear a bit!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I love that monopoly fabric and your delightful old sewing machine:) I too hate having workmen in the house, not fun.

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Hi Jo just discovered after no mail for several days that our mail has been flood affected (not affecting me, thankfully!) but mail comes from Sydney and the highway is cut in several places for about another five days so guess it wont start again till Monday!! may have it next Wed. (or not?) as we will have lost a week of mail. love Shaz in oz.x

Morti said...

Poor old Shaz eh? I feel sorry for her! Anyways, fab non-desk this week Jo. The Monopoly fabric is great, isn't it? Do they do an English one?

I used to be married to a workman, a plumber, and he was in and out of a lot of houses. You'd be amazed just how many people don't offer a drink of any sort, and he was always really grateful to those that did. He never did a bad job to those who didn't give him a cuppa, but for those that did, or took the time to chat, he'd often go the extra mile. So take heart, you're making their day a lot easier hun!

Maggie's Crafts said...

Great pics and love your old machine!

Thank you for sharing and happy WOYWW! :)

Maggie #115

Unknown said...

yay you put it up i love this little machine and it does make me wonder how the heck you made your cloths out of it.

hope the workmen are all gone now it just yet another chore with them and more men to look after lol well i hope they done a good job or i be after them tee hee hugs jayne xxx

karen said...

I hope your workmen get everything tip top and finished soon. I am sure they do appreciate the cups of tea and biscuits and will do an extra good job because you are so nice!
Your old sewing machine is very pretty to look at and good for you for making clothes on it when you were a teenager!

Debs said...

How on earth did you all manage on those old sewing machines?! lol