Monday, 6 June 2011


These are the special beads awarded to our little grandee in Germany who is so bravely, at 21 months old, going through chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia. The beads are called Mutperlen, which translated means Bravery Beads, and that is so appropriate considering how she has progressed through this radical treatment.
On the right, the first bead with the anchor is given at the start of treatment and followed by beads for each different treatment. Blood transfusions gain a  twirly red and blue one, each chemo is a face and an orange/green and white bead. Hair loss is signified by a cap and more are added as each treatment is done. At the end a pretty flower bead is the last award and this cannot come soon enough. 
(The little one calls flowers bloomsies) So we all really look forward to the wonderful Bloomsy Bead!
Looking at the picture makes me realise how much they have all gone through and I really wish she didn't have to get this necklace, but it is a wonderful badge of honour that the children can wear to show how very brave they all are and show how far they have progressed. It will always be more precious than any diamonds. It is already a favourite which she loves to play with and wear.
I can't tell you just how proud I am of them and love and miss them so much.


Mrs A. said...

What a wonderful idea. Your grandaugther has gone through such a lot to gain the beads she has so far. What an acheivement. You must all be so proud of her. Hugs Mrs A.

Twiglet said...

What a brilliant idea. I always believe in positive thinking. Anything that encourages the brain to have little "highs" also has a physical effect on the body. I can imagine these little beads give your little one a thrill each time she gets one - who knows what that does to the body? - but I am sure its a positive little surge of goodness that will help the healing! x Jo

Cardarian said...

This Mutperlen bracelet will be well diserved, but I really understand that you would rather she would never have to get it...I am sure after all this is over she will be fine and happy playing, wearing it! I pray for her health!
Lots of hugs

Ohhh Snap said...

What a wonderful idea to help kids get through a horrible time. Good thoughts for everyone.

Julia Dunnit said...

My goodness Jo, this necklace really gives perspective to the treatment that your littlie is undergoing. I can't wait to see the bloomsy bead - what a milestone that will be.

donnalouiserodgers said...


children cope much better with this stuff than I do,

such a WUnderful way to cope,

I was overwhelmed by how much better the Germans are at parenting than I have seen of the English and Irish, and I had a Germany lady explain to me that it was part of their post war inheritance, that investment in ones own children was seen to be the way to avoid future disasters,

which is why each child, and every parent is so Important,

sobbing I am....

Unknown said...

she is one little brave girl to go through all she has and has to do sending her and you all my love keep being strong hugs jayne xxx

lisa said...

What a fantastic idea to help take minds off all the horribleness they are having to suffer. Like you say, far more precious than any diamonds.
My love and thoughts and good wishes are with them all and with you too.
Hugs Lisax

Zoechaos said...

Wonder idea this will be a treasure forever a poignant reminder of all this poor little mite has gone through and thats a lot. Positive thoughts to you all. XOXO Zoe

Sarah said...

oh gosh this certainly brings it home, all those beads mean that the poor little thing has already had to endure so much :(

Dotpat said...

That is a lovely thing to give though Jo, our Kaitlynn would of loved that. So pleased she is doing well

sandra de said...

Wow seeing the little beads really does bring home what she is having to endure. What a brave little girl.

Lisa said...

Oh this has touched me so much. How brave she is and how proud you must feel. With hugs x

fairyrocks said...

Awe poor sweet little one. From one Grandma to another Hugs.

Angie said...

Poor little soul ...she obviously is a brave little girl ....I think the beads to mark each step is a wonderful idea ...hugs to you as i know you will feel her pain xx

sam21ski said...

WOW Jo, just looking at how many beads are on there is making me cringe. If each one represents a treatment then she really has gone through a lot. Can't wait to see her flower on the end. It will be a fantastic breakthough for you all.

Thinking of you.

Sam xxx