Tuesday, 21 June 2011


       Weeeellll, this week no strawberries to be seen on my desk at all, in fact it's not even my desk that I've been working on, in fact I'm not even at home..... the "pin up" you may recognise up there on the desk, pretending to be a bottle of Distress Stain, is Donna!!! The craft room is Donna's and the desk is Donna's and there she is to prove it! Pop over to see her desk and you'll be surprised who and what you'll see on her's! Click HERE!
I am on a short holiday in Derbyshire and the original plan was that we should meet up for a cuppa but this ended up being a crafting session and a lovely day of her hospitality, the warmest of homes and welcome, family, dogs, cat, good food, wine, chat, laughs, gifts, more chat and so it went on but we did go before we were kicked out or ate them out of house and home!!. It was the highlight of this holiday for sure, thanks to the dooings of doone. I'm looking forward now to them visiting me. 
Below you'll see some of the things I worked on, masking and stamping, and BTW, that is MY ATG gun although it was very hard to prise it away, get it back in my bag and out of the house as "you know who" really desires one.
This is my amazing birthday gift from Donna, a wooden board etched and waxed in her own inimitable style. A real treasure....my three little grandees flying free!
Here, below, we are at the Beetroot Tree Craft Centre...Donna was acting daft and out busting me! 
Here we are looking less crazy and Donna has kindly dipped down to my size...
Wondering what this WOYWW is all about? It's a group of arty crafters who every week show the amazing places where they create in all their glory. Want to see lots more? 
Well you can here, over at  our Queen Julia's Stamping Ground.
As I forgot that I won't be back home for a day or two, I will have to extend the closing date for my Blog Candy Draw, which means that you still have time to enter. There's a lot more on offer than in this picture.... so go on ... leave me a comment. You could be sorry! Full details on my side bar and on my 7th June post.
Thanks to everyone who left such lovely messages for my birthday... it really has been a great one and I still haven't cut into my beautiful cake that Neet made me (see previous post for pics).
Pleased to hear that my PiF gift to Shaz in Oz has finally arrived!! The bonus is that she loves it! Here it is below but why not pop over to Shaz's blog to also see some exquisite examples of her crafting.


donnalouiserodgers said...

come back i miss you (and the ATG) thanks so much for the needles, I had a horrid day at work so coming home to MORE gifts was lovely, ... if I wasn't blogging, I'd be machining right now...

and Milo wants to sit with Dave and snore together....

Niall is looking to see when he can take time off and come 'do' Liverpool - he so really enjoyed meeting you both...

but please can we come in through the front door?

Julia Dunnit said...

Oemgee how fun - time you had a day of spois and laughter! Wonderful photos...don't tell Donna, but the likeness to the Distress Stain is totally escaping me...far too shapely and smiley!

Neet said...

Got you loaded and it worked!
Looks as if you have had a smashing time - safe journey home and ttyl. Hugs, Neet #9

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun post...you can tell summer fun is being enjoyed by all, neat and tidy desks, or no desks, just lots of other goodies. Enjoy..

Hels Sheridan said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Looks like you two had a ball... congrats on managing to rescue your ATG gun... they are very desirable lol I have a little giveaway on my desk today :O))

Nan said...

Sounds like such a fun time. I just got my smaller ATG and now don't know what I did w/o it!

Helen said...

Sounds (and looks) like you had loads of fun - as you should! I am sure you were in no danger of out-staying your welcome.

jude said...

You look like youve had great time.Lots of laughs drinking oh and crafting got done.Thanks for chance to win this birthday candy will go link it up on my sidebar.
Have afab week
hugs judex10

Twiglet said...

Sounds like the best day out!!

Cardarian said...

Oh it looks like you two had a lovely time - you can both come to my terrace and we can have more fun! Love the pics!
I am not sure if I signed up for the birthday giveaway....
Lots of hugs,

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Have fun on your holiday! :) Happy WOYWW!

Jingle said...

Oh, it sounds like you are having a truly delightful time! How wonderful!

Angie said...

How fantastic to have a crafty day during your break ...you sound as though you had fun.xx

Sue said...

Hi hun
sounds like you had a fabulous time, great piccies, luv your gift, thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x

okienurse said...

OMG! Looks like you two had a blast. I am envious. I have been watching the Donna videos and I am learning a lot! Have fun on your vacation. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #107

nerllybird said...

Haha, I have crouching photos! Your visit sounds wonderful, perhaps Donna should charge for a retreat and we can all go up there??
Helen S

Serendipity Stamping said...

Nice to see you had such a jolly time with a crafty friend and family. #101

scrapwordsmom said...

Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time. And so much crafty goodness!

Annie said...

Wish I'd been a fly on the wall :-)
A x

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Hi there Jozart glad you are really enjoying your hols with your crafty buddy thanks again for my wonderful pif - you are truly brilliant and so many comments on my blog say how great it was -well done you!! also thanks for popping over and commenting on my blog you make my day! and thanks for sharing, happy WOYWW! Shaz in oz.x

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Glad you are having such a great time, and belated Happy Birthday. I am not surprised you both had a crating sesion - I would have been more surprised if you hadn't. Thank you for you visit earlier and for you kind comments. Don't stress about the "C" word. I am only doing things for it as a by-product of playing with my Clarity stamps.

Neil said...

Hi there,
Sounds and looks like you had fun! Thanks for visiting my blog. Here is the link for the charm swap as requested. Have a great day

Morti said...

Sounds like a ball! I met up with the great JD and Cathyincyprus and Laura and Shopkeeper Gal on Saturday, and they wouldn't let me take pics to prove it!!! ROFL

Anonymous said...

Oh that's way too much fun for one day! Look out Liverpool if Donna comes your way, lol!!

Brenda 81

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ooh I love to hear stories of blog friends meeting up:) Looks like a fun time was had by all!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

the PiF you made is gorgeous! how nice to be able to get together with blog friends!

Carmen said...

I just replied to your email and it didn't click that you would be up there seeing Donna! Doh!

Looks like a fab time was had by all. I love the friends you make through blogland - am off up to Yorkshire again myself in October to see who I now think of (apart from Craig) as my very best friend who I wouldn't have met if not for these blogs.

Anyhoo - am slowly slowly catching up on my blog hopping and *gasp* actually took part in WOYWW this week too. Great to read such a fun bouncy post here :D

Jackie said...

What a lovely set of photos, tfs :)