Thursday, 1 September 2011

Mystery Item!

Here's the Mystery Item that took almost two weeks to be identified.
It's a hat block/former/mould and here it is below poised over my head.
All of a sudden there was a flood of correct comments so I have put them into the hat and picked out.....
Ally Fiddy to receive a small prize which will be posted when I return from Germany. I don't know Ally so hope she will email me her details so I can send a nice treat in the post.
Thanks to everyone who made a guess as it gave me such a good laugh at the amazing and astounding suggestions as to what it could be.
I've arrived here safe and sound, everyone is in bed bar me due to the time difference and the early start for them so I thought I'd put you all out of your misery.
I participated in Neil Walker's matchbox swap and received my swap from Mickie. I don't know Mickie, who doesn't have a blog, but I have emailed my thanks. Having had no return contact I was hesitant to post pictures without permission but realise that Mickie has not been directly identified and it would be rude not to show what was made and the thoughts behind it. It is quite apt that I should be posting it from Germany too!
Mickie's father was in the army and married a German woman who went on to have Mickie.
 Mickie as a result has become a pacifist and symbolises this by the dove of peace inside the tiny box in contrast to the strong image of the British soldier, the Red Rose of England and the German flag. All really poignant. The frame is crackle glazed really effectively adding to the story.

When we had our Brighton Belles staying last week they had great fun romping in the garden and picking apples for me. The trouble was that the little one took a taste of one in four but soon threw them into the basket when she realised they weren't sweet.

This is the new canal basin at the Pierhead right by the new museum and we couldn't pull the 4 year old away as she was fascinated that people actually lived on those long colourful boats.


Unknown said...

Fabulous photos - well done the lucky winner of the mystery object, and have a wonderful time in Germany

Von said...

Well I never a hat block lol
The little'ns look very helpful :)
Von x

cockney blonde said...

Adorable piccies of the girls. Love em. As for your mystery object, where on earth did you find it??? Enjoy Germany, x

Angie said...

Bless them they are so cute.
Have to say you look medieval with the hat mould on your head lol ....well done Ally

Lizzybobs said...

Well done to winner Ally congrats. Have a lovely time with the grands ((HUGS)) Liz

Diane said...

Great piccies of you and the Brighton Belles, Jo! I love that nickname for the grandees, by the way!
Diane x

Ann B said...

A hat block - would never have come up with that one. Lovely photos of the Brighton Belles, could do with some of those striped leggings myself - on second thoughts, not with my legs.
Hope you have a great time with your Grandee and family, looking forward to lots of photos.

Annie said...

As they say....if the cap fits wear it. Thanks for putting me out of my misery :-) Hope you're having a great time in Germany with that little treasure.....Our twinnies are keen to put in an early appearance so keep an eye on my blog for news :-)
A x

donnalouiserodgers said...

glad you arrived safe, and I can vouch for the acidity of the apples, decided not to sweeten mine - some interesting faces at the dinner table when I served them up!

i used some of the papers we made - they dried beautifully & i'm all stocked up on air, starch and foam...

i thought about the house and i want to do an electrical engineering theme for my Man.

also I have had some surreal ideas for your doll.


Unknown said...

Lovely to see some new photos of the grandies.

Carol xx