Tuesday, 6 September 2011

WOYWW 118 Just Back from Germany

A quicky post as I'm only just back home within the last few hours from Germany and I really miss my lovely family so much. I've spent quality time with them all but it was especially good to see my little grandee looking so well after so long without seeing her whilst she had her intensive treatment. She really is a star and spreads sunshine wherever she is. All credit to her lovely parents too. I had a wonderful time.
This morning we went to see the ducks and also visited a craft store and a Rossman store where all the ribbons were reduced. I came back with all this bargain stash. Well I couldn't leave it all there in Germany, could I?
I also bought a few lovely fabrics which I have plans to use very soon. Otherwise my desk is just the same since Donna's departure. I just left it as it was as I didn't craft again before I left for Germany. You can go and nosey around lots of other work spaces via our illustrious leader Julia's blog if you are that way inclined...why not!?! Stamping Ground will take you there.
Here's what I've been doing since last Wednesday and it has been wonderful!
Feeding the ducks.......
 Playing hide and seek.....
 Visiting all the animals at the local allotments......
Painting on the new easel gifted by Vicky Stampers
Making daisy chains, all simple pleasures but such treasures.
Back now but I already miss them soooo much!

Follow up from last week......
A big shout out for Ally Fiddy who has won a small prize for guessing correctly my Mystery Item! Well done Ally and please leave me your contact details so I can post it on to you.


peggy aplSEEDS said...

i am so glad your grandee is doing well!

Diane said...

So glad that you were able to spend such quality time with the family, Jo, especially the little one. Looks like there's a little occupational therapy waiting for you on your desk!
Diane x

Neet said...

Love the picture of her bending down, I think they look so cute the way they do this. I'd topple over if I tried.
Glad you are back but sad that you had to leave them in Germany, hopefully not long before you go back.

Twiglet said...

Gorgeous pics Jo - what a little poppet - no wonder you miss them all. I love that little crochet hat too. x Jo

Paul B said...

Good to see you had a brilliant time over in Germany. I'm sure you are now counting down the days until your next visit :) Love your stash haul, must be tempting to bring back more if space allowed lol. Px

jude said...

Bless she looks so cute !Im sure they are missing you too.At least you had lovely time and gathered up your crafty bargains to bring home.
Happy woyww
hugs Judex6

donnalouiserodgers said...

Grandee L is simply adorable,

and that doll on your desk need attention...

will speak soon,

Did i leave my Tim Holz Hammer?

if not I think Niall confiscated it after my antics with it in your room...


Annie said...

Gorgeous pics Jo. So lovely to see her looking so well now and enjoying the fun things in life that we all take for granted.
Big hugs,
A x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Glad to hear you had such a great time and that your grandee is doing so well. What a little trouper, she is gorgeous. I agree with Twiglet, I LOVE that little crochet hat, wouldn't mind one for myself. Perhaps I'll ask Julia to make me one - lololololol!! Nice bit of stash too, like those gingham ribbons..mmmmm XX

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Of course you had to take it with you. :) You're girl is looking beautiful.

Tuire Flemming said...

I´m SO glad to see your grandee is getting well!!! She looks so cute. Now I´m going to see mine - who fortunately lives near...
Tuire xx

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!
Sorry I haven't been around for a while - I see you had a great time with Donna - sorry I missed the Skype chat - I hope we can do that soon! I am glad you enjoyed the stay in Germany with your family and that the little girl has grown and health has improved! She is soooo cute! Hope to hear from you soon,
Lots of hugs,

April said...

Glad you had such a lovely time with your family. Lovely piccies thanks for sharing them with us. Great crafty bargains!! have fun playing with those :o) x

Unknown said...

Fab stash you have there Jo. Missed you Saturday but I am happy you had quality time with your family and the babe. She is looking well and cute too with the hat you made.

Angie said...

Looks like you are going to have fun with all that in on your desk. Love the shots of your gorgeous Granddaughter ...what a couragous soul xx


Welcome back from Germany - I like it there, my husband worked out there for 18 months before we were married and I liked it very much. I thought that craft papers were bad but I have recently decided to expand to fabric stuff and time just vanishes while looking through all the different options! Looking forward to seeing more crafting once you are settled again :)

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh bless her in that lovely hat! So glad you've had time to spend with your precious ones, and to enjoy a grandee in better health than for some time too, marvellous. Love that yellow 'clothes' fabric, it's fun.

Helen said...

A lovely time was had by all... and your purchases look very interesting.

Sarah Anderson said...

What a little sweetie she is, and looks adorable in that hat! Talking of which, glad you told us what that wooden block was, I didn't have a clue!!!

Sunshine Girl said...

Glad you had a great time and look at all that lovely new stash you have to play with! love the hat too.

MadeByKarla said...

very pretty stuff on your desk! It would have been a crime to leave it behind ;) Adorable pictures of your grandee.

lisa said...

Oh Jo, what gorgeous photos of your precious grandee. I know how much you've been looking forward to this visit and I'm so glad you got there at last. The simple pleasures are the best ones, espcially after the year you've all had.
I'm glad you managed some crafty shopping as well and what bargains.
Love and Hugs Lisax

Spyder said...

Love your pictures and some lovely crafty things on your desk too. Happy WOYWW

Hettie said...

Aw your Grandee looks soo cute and I love her hat.
Love your stash you have brought back from Germany.

Elizabeth said...

Lovely pics, you grandee is lovely and isn't her hat just so cute. And it wouldn't be me if I didn't drool over all that ribbon :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #50

Neil said...

Hi there, bit of flying visit from me today but just wanted to pop in and say Hi. Thanks for sharing your little corner of the world with us this week. Hope your creative journey this week is a good one!
Enjoy the time you have with family, they are always precious! Enjoy the ribbons too!

Lee said...

Oh Jo,your post brings tears to the eyes.Seeing your gorgeous little grandee enjoying herself and intrigued by the animals,soooo cute.So glad you had a lovely visit,and that you even got some crafty bits lol.xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

I found the hammer

can i come and get the poangs, the charger and craft and do Vickies Stampers in October?
