Monday, 19 September 2011

Still Seeing Stars & Magritte

I've just found this post as a draft and I had never posted it ... so here you are... why waste anything!!! I also wouldn't want anyone to miss the chance of seeing such a major exhibition as Magritte if there is a chance of getting to Liverpool.
I hope I'm not into overkill with these star cards but I couldn't post these until I had given them to the birthday girls, my friends Enid who was 70 recently and Gill (who wasn't!) I just love making these star cards.
For an excellent video tutorial go over to Valerie's blog bellamios
These were made using scrapbook papers.

If you can get to Liverpool, before October 16th, be sure not to miss the Magritte Exhibition at the Liverpool TATE
All over the city centre pavements there are adverts painted so maybe no visitor will miss the chance to see it. 
For full info go to TATE site
I have not yet been to the exhibition so I cannot guarantee which of his paintings will be displayed but I'm hoping some of these well known ones will be there.



Angie said...

I never tire of seeing your amazing cards these

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, I do love those star cards, in fact, I love all your folded cards!

What an amazing coincidence that you were at ED too! I think Andrews GF retired around 1960 or so, I'm not too sure about that. He did have an article written up in the company magazine though, which the family still have. I paraphrased it here a few years ago but would still like to get to Kew one day and look up the ED records that are there!


Paul B said...

Ahh you're showing my favourite painting - The Kiss! Nick & I are hoping to see this before it finishes. Depending on weather this Friday, we'll either see sculptures at Chatsworth or if it's wet, go to the Tate. If it's fine this week, i've put it in my diary to do next Friday. I thought I had loads of time to see this but as always, it creeps up on you lol. And there's no such thing as overkill on the Star cards. I adore the one I received for my birthday (& thx also for the pressie :) ) Let's see MORE!!!! Pxxx

lisa said...

I could never get tired of your star cards, Jo, they are stunning.I love mine. I really must give them a go.
The faceless man always reminds me of The Thomas Crown Affair, one of my fav films. I hadn't seen any of the others, but I must say they look really interesting.
Hugs Lisax

Annie said...

Fab post Jo.....I hope to have exciting news soon :-) I don't have your mobile number but think you have mine....if you want to know more text me :-)
A x

Tuire Flemming said...

Lovely card! The folding idea is just brilliant.
Wonderful exhibition, too. I´ve always loved the works of Magritte!!!
And if you want to know the name of my grandee, it´s now on my blog :)

hazel said...

Fabulous star card Jo.
xxx Hazel.

Cardarian said...

Hello Jo!
Love, love, love your cards - will some of that knowledge be past on to me when you come??? So looking forward to it! Wish I could come to Liverpool to see the Magritte expo! I will be in England the weekend of 17. - 20. November! Just a quick visit to my DBF! Lets skype again some time!!

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Hi Jo
Just popped by to say it was not hard to write a 'good' post about Liverpool as we were truly thrilled with it. Since our retirement we have been trying to see some of the places we never got to visit when our family were at home, and we are having a great time doing so. Not sure if we will get back to Liverpool but hope so and will definitely get in touch if we do.