Tuesday, 13 September 2011

WOYWW 119 & More Tin Jewels

 Another week amazingly has zapped into nothing (but everything) and here I am showing my desk, as part of the biggest "own up" in the World, courtesy of our instigator Julia who invites us each week to spy on her desk and own up to what is going on in our creative work place. You can join in this mayhem, madness, craziness if you pop over to Stamping Ground to see over 100 more.
That sad daffy doll is still relaxing on my strawberries waiting to be altered with a loose limb on top of her. Little does she know that the rest may be cut off before she is painted, sewn, embossed etc.,...please don't warn her, will you?
 I still haven't tidied away some of the stash I brought home last week and yet I have added to it. Those gorgeous retractable jungle print pencils were only around £1 for the lot in Wilkinsons and the adhesive paper lace is from Clas Ohlson... a shop well worth visiting. It is a Scandinavian hardware and household shop.... fairly new to us in Liverpool... and it also stocks a range of art materials. Not too much but it seems to increase and change each time I visit. On the back middle edge of my black messy mat you may spy some hooks. they also are from Clas Ohlson and are so handy. They are little spring clip hooks with a loop, intended as a device for hanging kitchen cloths but methinks they could be used far more artistically. I'm thinking and cogitating.
This pendant below is the result of my recent experiments making jewellery from recycled tin plate and this so far is my favourite item. 
My previous post shows how to treat the tin and as I've progressed I've modified my method. 
This piece was easily cut (with scissors), filed smooth, beaten, sanded, alcohol inked then glazed to seal with Glossy Accents. There is a little dot of gold leaf front bottom. I trapped a bead in the neck, one of the beautiful glass beads Donna gave me.
Here are my earlier experiments with, first, my charm from Roni's swap on the left and the larger pendant I made whilst Donna was visiting, on the right.
some handbag bling.... 
and more....
The following two pendants don't show up in the photo very well and look much better IRL.


peggy aplSEEDS said...

wow, i'm off to your previous post to learn more about the recycled tin. the pendants look amazing!

Annie said...

So much yumminess to look at on your desk today Jo.
A x

Paul B said...

There's a Clas Ohlsen in Manchester Arndale Centre too, above WH Smith's. It's new to me and I didn't know they had art materials. Must check it out on my next trip to town. Thanks for the heads up :) Love your pendants, full of whimsy and charm :) Px

Tuire Flemming said...

Love your pendants/handbag blings. Especially those with faces.
I´m curious to see what happens to the poor little dolly :D
-Tuire xx

April said...

Love all of your pendants they're great! I've never heard of Clas Ohlsen, I doubt we'll have one near me but will have a look! x

Angie said...

Paper lace is something I have managed to resist ...but that one is so pretty. You latest piece of metal jewelery is FANTASTIC. I could see it hanging in one of those trendy shops with a large price tag. xx

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Awesome charms and pendants!

Jingle said...

Oh, that doll caught my eye the moment I landed on your page! So much potential! How fun! I love all of your beautiful projects! Enjoy your new goodies, too!

Twiglet said...

Jo - what a clever technique you have developed - those little charms are really lovely. Now I have to check back and see how you came up with it. x jo

Ann B said...

Love the metal jewellery Jo and your new buys, but bad girl for telling me about yet another shop I have to visit (and spend in). That black paper lace looks very useful.

Anonymous said...

Love the pendants, excited to see what you do with the doll! Have a happy Wednesday! Mel #51

ally fiddy said...

Fab jewellery hun. I am a bit worried about the fate of that sad looking little doll though :-)

Di said...

Fabulous pendants - I think there could be a rescue mission though from some WOYWWers re. the dolly :)) Di xx

Shoshi said...

Wow, Jo - gorgeous stuff you've been making! I'm going to check out the metal stuff - this is the sort of thing I've been wanting to get into recently. I love the stuff on your table - that paper lace looks awesome! Looking forward to seeing what you do with Poor Dolly. She may not enjoy the process but I'm sure she'll be thrilled with the result! Thanks for your comment on my blog - I did vaguely think about dental stuff but didn't take it any further. I've emailed a company that does something that looks good, at about 1/2 the price of some of the craft stuff I've seen, so hopefully I'll be making cheap moulds pretty soon, whatever the source! Happy WOYWW and it looks as if you are being super-creative atm!! Great stuff.

Carola Bartz said...

Jo, I just read last week's post, and I am so glad that the little girl is doing so well. She really is a star. I like the little hats that she's wearing. I wish her all the best for her future and that she will remain healthy.
I love love love the paper lace!

MadeByKarla said...

great jewelry! Hope you show us the poor little doll when she's finished!

Amy E said...

Thanks for your reassuring words about DH and his blood clot. It makes me feel better to hear that your DH got through it just fine!

And thanks for stopping over to take a peek at my soon-to-be-done craft room! I TOTALLY think we should have a grand opening! I have no idea what champers are, but I promise to have food and let you cut the tape if you want to fly over!!!

I poked around your blog a little while I was here, and I just love your art!! I love your choice of predominant color too! It's all about the blues and purples!!

Amy E. #59

Peggy said...

Awesome jewelry and that little doll WOW can't wait to see what you end up doing with her. Have a great day

sandra de said...

Gorgeous jewelry pieces and the doll is so scary I have to come back and see what you do to her over time. Thanks for the information on the butterfly collection for the holocaust project. Will definitely send some their way.

Lizzybobs said...

Wow I am loving your crafty space - thanks for sharing you are so inspiring - love Liz #69

lisa said...

I love the way you buy such ordinary things I would walk by and then create something fantastic with them, Jo, you have a brilliant imagination.
That new shop sounds fab, ~I shall have to look out for one in Leeds!
Hugs Lisax

lisa said...

Hi just me again. I've checked and we do have one in Leeds. Guess where I'll be tootling off too!!
Hugs Lisax

donnalouiserodgers said...

two words:


you know you need to...

I am coming armed with dremel, I have to make more jewelry with you...

505whimsygirl said...

Love the pendants and purse bling. I wish we had some of those shops in the US - but then, maybe not :-)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've been here for quite awhile because I had to catch up on what was going on in your world. I see you were in Roni's swap. You got some lovely charms from that, and I like what you showed for making some jewelry of your own. I see you continued it with this post, too.

I pity your sad daffy doll. I'm sure you will do something really awesome with her soon, though. Sorry I'm so late getting here and sorry I haven't been around like I should be. Trying to catch up now!

Sue from Oregon said...

Oh my...your jewelry is stunning! Such lovely colors!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Jo running late and very weary needing toothpicks for me eyes methinks... I do love the lace and your talk of such gorgeous shops nearby sounds so much fun! love your metal experiments happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x

Anonymous said...

How I missed your WOYWW this week I have no idea!! Hangs head in shame! Lovely desk, love those sticky lace packets, I've got a couple and one that looks like ric-rac too, must dig them out more often! Brilliant metal experiments, that necklace is stunning! You should open up on Etsy! Yep, Lake Michigan can get jolly cold! All those folks who said they could craft at that table all year round have NO idea what it would be like in just a short while!!
