Tuesday, 20 September 2011

WOYWW 120 & Home is Where the Heart is.

Wonderful news this week that Wipso's DD, has safely delivered her twins (Lexi and Sam) and Tuire's DD has named her beautiful new baby girl Olivia Alexis Isabella. (Beautiful though I did like her temporary name of Walnut! Congratulations to them all and do pop over to their blogs to share their joy.

We are here again creating a mass exposé of our crafting desks as we all belong to Julia's gang and she makes, persuades,inveigles, nay! invites us to show and tell every Wednesday. It is just for fun and there's lots more snooping to be had over at her place the Stamping Ground. Do drop in and prepare to be amazed.

I've been busy sewing this week and plan soon to make shopping bags using this fantastic fabric, with iconic faces, as outer pockets, which I think will look really effective. I bought it in Germany and forgot all about it until I found it today... I'm losing a lot of things of late... my mind included methinks. Lots of glue sticks there on my table, all because I misplaced my stock. I searched my workroom so decided I'd have to buy more so I searched the shops but could only find the big sticks of glue at B&Q who charged £6 for 6 sticks. £1 per stick....No way! Even with my Wednesday Senior Citizens discount that's not my kind of price but I eventually found them at Wickes at about a third of that. Today I opened the drawer where I store my spare rolls of double sided tape and found a big box full of the dratted things... the box I thought I'd lost!
Here's a close up of the freaky little dolly that so many of you were concerned about and she is still lazing around, amidst the strawberries, completely oblivious of her future fate. 
All say "Hi!" ... she's waving! 
I haven't started her transformation and may now wait until Doone is here again, which is getting closer and closer... .
Below are the cushion panels that I've made for DD, one of the United Kingdom (sorry no N. Ireland yet!)
The red heart, of course, sentimentally signifies our family home. The panels are velvet with white felt appliquéd and I just traced off the maps from an old large Road Atlas.
This next one has the heart in the location of her own family home in Germany.
I came across this picture in my files but don't know where or when I put it there but I do think that the words are so emotive, especially for crafters, so I wanted to share them. The file is titled the Holstee Manifesto. Don't know who took this photo or where it was taken but I love it.


Angie said...

Fantastic material ...will make an amazing bag.
I love that last shot ...we should all have it framed in out homes.xx

Tuire Flemming said...

Thank you Jo :)
That fabric is really fantastic!
And "Hi" to the dolly!!! xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

That fabric is AWESOME. I love Andy Warhol, so this is great. I read you are meeting up with Neet today. Have a great time. And of course, I like that photo, too. Someone should make a rubber stamp of it.

Crafting Time said...

I love your star card, it must be the approach to Christmas that is making these popular at the moment, yours is a very good example, excellent detail. I also love your garden hanging, has a real rustic feel.
Helen x

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

Oh well at least you won't run out of glue for a while! That material is fab so unusual I'm sure you will have some fun with that, looking forward to seeing the finished product! xx

Neet said...

Those cushions look great and I may get to see them and feel them later today. Exciting or what?

So sewing is on the table at the moment, look what happens when you go up the loft.
Hugs, Neet #7

donnalouiserodgers said...

I am counting the hours, I have friday to tuesday off... ah aha --- squatter rights in your guest room please... hee heee,

need to talk too.....


Helen said...

Yes, that fabric is gorgeous. You have been very busy, losing and finding things and working hard - hope you have a great time later with your friends!

Marjo said...

Happy WOYWW, gorgeous project!

xoxo Marjo #36

jude said...

Love the desk this week that material looks fab with the faces on!Have fab wedensday and creative week
hugs judex10

Lunch Lady Jan said...

So many thing to make you smile on your blog today - babies (yay!), fabric, hearts, mad dollies and that fantastic poster (which i would dearly love to have) - we should indeed take time to appreciate all the good stuff that's out there :) Hugs, LLJ xx

Paul B said...

Wow looks like you've been busy. Love that brightly coloured fabric, can't wait to see the finished bags :) Brilliant inspiring photo of the manifesto too. Pxx

famfa said...

Wow I love that fabric. It's amazing. Need to see what you do with it. Those cushions are really sweet.

Cardarian said...

Looking forward to see those bags and the transformation of the doll! What a lovely idea making those cushions for your daughter! Ha, ha loosing things aye??? Oh how many hours I loose looking for things I have lost, then going out buying them, only to come back home and finding them! What a waist of time and money!
Lots of hugs,

Neil said...

Thanks for sharing your space this week, I always enjoy visiting and hope you have a fabulous rest of the week. Love that fabric, and the manifesto too.

Fuchsia said...

Fantastic project !

Clare with paint in her hair said...

That sure is fabulous fabric, I sure need some of that!

Clare H

Ann B said...

Can understand you losing the glue sticks but how could you forget that you had such gorgeous fabric??? Look forward to seeing the bags made up.
Would love that quotation on a stamp - anyone listening?

Twiglet said...

Great little cushion panels and the manifesto is brill. Off to knit a tiny cardi for teeny tiny Lexi now. x Jo

cockney blonde said...

WOW love that fabric Jo. I'd buy a Marilyn Monroe cushion off you if you considered making one. DH adores her. Please try not to lose Neet in Croxteth Park today, lol, x

lisa said...

A brilliant post as always, Jo. I love the panels with the countries on, what a great idea and that poster is perfect.
You are always so busy and so productive with all sorts of things.
Have fun
hugs Lisax

Anonymous said...

Hm, not a fan of the fabric I'm afraid but I know whatever you do with it will turn out great. I was just at Tuire's so will pop in to Wipso to to offer congrats. Poor little dolly, just wait till Donna arrives, her fate will be sealed!!

Brenda 88

Lee said...

Hi there.Glad i'm not the only one who mislays stuff then finds it months later Lol.I LOVE that fabric,can't wait to see finished bags.That last shot is Great and as suggested we should all have it on our walls.hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

That fabric is gorgeous, have a happy Wednesday! Mel (43)

April said...

Love those cushion panels, such a lovely idea! Can't wait to see what you do with the doll.... x

Jingle said...

There is so much goodness in this post! I love the fabric, that doll is making me jealous, and that print is just fabulous!

voodoo vixen said...

Oooh me likes the 60's style fabric a lot!! Yes, it would make fabby panels for shopping bags... can just see you popping down the high street with one of those over your arm!!
The dolly awaits... so far unharmed... wish I could remember where I saw one done steampunk style with loo rolls inners as a pair of goggles... it was amazing!!
I get bags of the glue sticks from the dollar store.. so if they are that pricey I will have to stock up on them before coming home!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there dear kind caring Jo, so good to see you strawberry desk again - and love how you think you are losing everything including your mind.
Now I seem to make a habit of this, including doubling up on things. What really annoys me is when it is perishables you double up on and then may not have checked use by date at time!! however glue sticks wont go off so you are all okay there! love the heart in right place too, happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x

Scrapcat 1 said...

Love the fabric Jo, bags made from that will look stunning, the cushions are a great idea. The words in the photograph are so true and very appropiate for us all.

Diane said...

That fabric is amazing, Jo and I love your idea for using it! Those pillows are fantastic too - I really don't know where you find your inspiration but what a wonderful idea!
I've taken a copy of that life poster picture too, so I hope you don't mind but I think I might print it out in large size!
Diane x

Twiglet said...

Just to say thanks for positive vibes for Annie & co. They certainly need all they can get at the mo. x Jo

Dotpat said...

Brill post Jo, love yours and Neets posts always so interesting

Carola Bartz said...

I love that manifesto, I have seen this picture before, perhaps on your blog? It really speaks to me. Have fun with Doone!!!

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

Wow! I totaly adore that fabric! I would frame it and put it on the wall as a painting. :) Waving hi to the freaky dolly! :)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Great project, but I love those words in the last shot. I have visited Liverpool three times in my life, once when I was about 14. On that occasion, my friend's brother was an assistant purser on the Canadian Pacific liner, Empress of England, and he took us to Albert dock to show us round the ship. My second visit was to take our daughter to compete in the European Catholic Schools Games Swimming. On that occasion, we actually went round the refurbished docks and had lunch there. The third visit was just our trip to Spain.