Saturday, 18 February 2012

Birthday Tag & Scarf Candy

My special friend Jayne had her birthday on Valentines Day and last night a group of us went to an Indian restaurant for a celebration meal. Good food and good company, so a great night out. 
Happy Birthday Jayne, you looked fabulous!
 I was so stuck for a gift for Jayne and, having looked for weeks for something special I decided that we would give her a day out as a treat instead of a wrapped parcel so made this tag as our invitation.

The images are from the new plate of stamps I bought, last week in Germany, which I think are a good price. I'm not a fan of clear stamps but they are cheap and I don't have many flower images and these looked a bit quirky. I like the varying sizes which layer to make 3D flowers but boy, they were hard to get off the backing for the first time!!! Anyone have any tips for this?

Already quite a few entrants for the draw for this scarf/shawlette. It's made from Japanese Noro silk, wool, a quality yarn, which is so lovely to wear and I find, whilst usually I cannot wear wool next to my skin, this yarn does not itch my neck at all.
It's now finished, beaded and tasselled, so I'll leave the final draw open incase there are any more interested and will announce the winner on Wednesday next.....22nd February.
I'd love it to go to one of my blog's regular visitors so just leave a comment stating you'd like to go in the draw and we'll see who wins.
The sun is shining, clear blue sky so I'm going to venture out to make the most of it and no doubt it will be freezing tonight! Have a good weekend!


Cath Wilson said...

What a lovely idea, Jo - bet Jayne was thrilled because it's so personal. I like the flowers, too but wish I had some ideas re getting clear stamps off the sheets! I tore one of my Tim Holtz stamps because they were so tough - infuriating. Like you, I'm not a big fan to begin with, so that put me off even more.

LOVE your scarf - I've noticed them before but didn't realise you were doing a draw - ooh, must go add my name to the list. Beautiful colours x

lisa said...

What a lovely gift to give your friend, Jo. A day out will give her lots of lovely memories I'm sure.
I love that make of stamps you bought in Germany and have quite a few, they are very cheap here and good quality too. Yes they are incredibly well stuck the first time you use them but won't stick much after that. Just give them a good tug, it doesn't seem to do them any harm. I have a script that I use all the time and it's still going strong although won't stick to the backing at all now!!
Love your finished scarf, the colours are amazing.
Hope you are having a good weekend.
Hugs Lisax

Lee said...

Hi Jo,Beautiful tag Gorgeous colours and presentation.Obviously i LOVE the shawlette,still trying to join the tassels n beads on mine LOL,i WILL do though.Happy Crafting.Huggles xxx

sam21ski said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who isn't a fan of clear stamps!!! Give me a wooden one any day - lol

Having said that, I love what you've done with them. And what an excellent gift for your friend.

Wow your scarf looks even better now it's wearing its tassels, love all those wonderful colours too.

Sam xxx

sam21ski said...

Forgot to ask if I could be put in the hat for a chance to win - ta xxxx

Twiglet said...

I love that new flower stamp Jo - very useful I am sure. Your scarf is gorgeous and of course I would like to be in the draw. It looks really silky soft doesn't it. I have been on a handmade felt flowers workshop today with Maxine. Great chill out day - will post flowers once they have dried. -very exotic! x Jo

okienurse said...

I don't really like clear stamps as well as red rubber but I do like the off the wood block foam mount over the wood mountings. Very nice gift you made for your friend! Love the scarf and would be proud to win it! AWESOME comes to mind. Vickie

Barb said...

Oh my, what a beautiful invite. I love the colors of your tag. And, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your beautiful scarf. Don't know if I would be able to gift something so lovely; I know how much time and effort would be put into its creation. I would love to be entered into the drawing. Thank you for the opportunity.


Angie said...

I think that tag is beautiful and your use of the stamps is perfect ...I think you will make good use of them in the future. There comes a point where it is difficult to find a pressy that is wanted or enjoyed so i think the day out was a great idea.
Your scarf is stunning usual... and I know it will feel so beautiful on the skin ...the winner will be a lucky lady. xx
Take Care.xx
PS I'm still waiting for my wool so i can finsh my experimental one... why do things take so long when one needs them.

voodoo vixen said...

I have a stamp set very similar and they look great stamped on print (neswprint) and then cut out. Love the scarf... really love the scarf especially as it doesn't itch your neck... I tend not to wear one even when its flippin cold because of the neck irritation and this one is beyooootiful!!

Dotpat said...

What a lovely birthday present you gave Jayne I bet she enjoyed every minute.
I would love to go in the draw please Jo, the scarf looks fab

Paul B said...

Gorgeous tag Jo!!!! Beautifully colourful. Jayne must have been overjoyed with both it and your invitation. What a very thoughtful gift. No idea regards your stamps. I've had the same problem. Patience is all I can suggest. Not that I have any lol. Pxx

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Hi Jo
Thank you for your helpful comment on my blog. I can see what you mean about the colour you have chosen. It looks great and I will certainly keep it in mind when I finally decide on my new cut and if I still need some sort of rinse. The shine thing with grey hair is always a worry, so this could well be the answer.
Jenny xx
PS I wont enter your giveaway, despite the fact that the scarf is gorgeous, 'cos I cannot hold my hand up in fairness to say I comment here regularly!!

Neet said...

Well Jo, I think I need to enter for the candy. Mine has remained in its unfinished state since the journey TO Ventura. Might have had a couple of rows done since then. It was always dark when we travelled back or to other places so I could not knit then, no excuse now I am home and I did buy more wool out there to do more. Wishful thinking!
Must agree, Jayne looked stunning - and yes, what a fab evening out we all had - just wish I had taken photos.
Hugs, Neet xx

Tuire Flemming said...

Lovely tag! And that scarf is SOOO beautiful! I have to win - 22th is my birthday ;)
Tuire xx

Ann B said...

What a lovely idea for a gift, so personal and I'm sure Jayne was thrilled.
Beautiful scarf. I went to Black Sheep yesterday, bought some yarn and started on my own so I won't enter your give-away. But I will ask you how you do the tassels - obviously wasn't listening hard enough on Sunday. Will email you.
Ann B

Unknown said...

such happy colors! in fact, your entire blog is a sight for sore eyes in the dead of winter time! I love your blog background :)

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, gorgeous scarf, I love the colours ;-) Love the tag too, again love the colours and those stamps are great
Anne xx