Tuesday, 7 February 2012

WOYWW 140, Wedding Shoes & Fairy Big Foot

Hop around the crafty desks of the world, for Wednesday fun, over at Julia's stamping -ground blog. Here's mine .... but will the others be tidy or messy?.... you'll have to take a snoop to find out!

My desk will remain tidy and inactive for best part of a week whilst I go to Germany to see family. Last report it was Brrrrrr -16C out there so I've packed my thermals. Don't worry that I'm leaving DH home, post op, as he is doing fine and will be OK with a freezer full of good food, good neighbours and his sister to keep and eye on him. 
Those sceptics out there who think I am posting the same pic and not really staying tidy just take note of my hyacinth growing week by week!
I wore these size 4, winkle picker toed, stiletto, satin shoes for my wedding in 1966. Yeah, I know, I know, I am REALLY THAT old! They are staying around my craft room as I've decided to alter them and then give one to each of my two my DDs. I now just need some thoughts and ideas, to help me on my way and I'm sure you can all help with inspiration. Any offers? 

Mystery Item
There's a picture, next to the lantern, at the back of the shoes, of an antique item I was privileged to win many years ago. 
There is a little prize for guessing exactly what it is but if lots of you get it correctly I will draw for the winner.
It took ages last time when I had a wooden hat block as mystery item, so lets see if you can do better with this one.
I thought I had nothing creative to share today until the postie arrived with a big fat parcel. No clue to the sender, but as I unwrapped all the masses of bubble wrap and tissue, here is the surprise I discovered.
Doone (Donna) made this fantabulous, joyful, fairy for me at Christmas, lost it, found it, then forgot to bring it when she visited. Then our planned get together was deferred due to DH's operation so my fairy has been packed really well and trusted to the Royal Mail and arrived safe and well to thrill and surprise me. 
I cannot remember the name Donna gave her, so I've called her Big Foot, the Fallen Fairy, just for now, and she will hang in my craft room all year round. She even carries time on her back in the form of a square watch between her golden wings.
 Like a puppy... this fairy isn't just for Christmas!!!
Thanks so much Donna! She will be treasured, will keep me company and make me happy every time I see her.

Thanks again for all your lovely messages last week, especially those for DH and I really hope I can manage to get around some of your desks whilst I'm away.


Angie said...

I think the shoe idea is a brilliant one ...a very special keepsake. My heels were lower in 1968 lol but I had a pair of white 4" winkle pickers around '66 and I used to run for the bus in them ...how ??? Still to youngsters thats nothing now ...look how high theirs are.

I hope you have a fantastic time away ...enjoy every moment ...look forward to seeing the photos xx

Danielle said...

The fairy is gorgeous!Your friend does awesome work!

Happy WOYWW! dani 14

sandysewin said...

Love your fairy, so sweet!

Is that a cigar box behind the lantern?

The shoes, hmmmmm..... I might start with alcohol inks, then some bling and/or flowers.

Happy woyww,

Sandy #23

voodoo vixen said...

Oooh I knew it was a Donna fairy as soon as I saw it, how lovely it is!!
Your desk is so neat... I have three in the scraproom and all three have stuff all over them!
I have a fab altered shoe pic in my Pinterest boards... your shoes would look fab done the same way!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Well, those wedding shoes and that darling fairy are more than enough to keep me interested in your desk this week. Sorry, I have no idea what the mystery gift was, but it looks a bit like a book to me. I'm # 25 this week.

Stephanie said...

Not sure what the picture is a photo of...maybe a weather vane? I'm bad at guessing games! :)

jude said...

What a beautiful present the fairy glad it arrived in one piece ,as you never know with royal mail.Now as for the picture behind the shows which im going to say looks like a dove .i may be wrong but looks like a lovely peace piccy.
Have fab wednesday and creative week hugs judex 4

Tuire Flemming said...

Hi! I dare not to suggest anything for your beautiful shoes...
The mystery item in your picture looks like a weathercock.
Glad to see that the lovely fairy has found home :)
Have a lovely week!
Tuire xx

Inkypinkycraft said...

Glad your hubbie recovering well, have great break away!!!hugs trace x

l00pyscraftcreations said...

as to the shoes, try altering them with a glue gun and some fabric flowers, they look really pretty, as to the mystery item, an award plaque saying e=mc2? lol

atrocious at these guessing games, did you guess?

Love the creative space hun,
Happy WOYWW hun, xx

Lou #7

Helen said...

You'll be going from one freezer to another then! Have a great time visiting. Love that fairy!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Nice to see your hyacinth growing so well - I have the kiss of death when it comes to growing plants indoors! Outdoors, I'm like Percy Thrower but inside...harbinger of doom and destruction, LOL!
The shoes could go two ways really - soft and etheral or steampunky/alternative. Which would your daughters prefer? Fab idea btw.
My guess for the picture is a weathervane, but I'm always way off the mark with these things!!
Hugs, LLJ #58 xx

Annie said...

Married in 1966????? You must have married really young .....I hate to say it [no I don't really :-) ] but I was still in primary school then! hehehe
Looking good girl :-)
A x

donnalouiserodgers said...

glad she arrived, and in one piece, but you could always put her back together, I think you should make ( using you amazing embroidery and free machining skills) a daughter slip cover for the mother shoes and in them you could put a representation of your grand daughters, but then I love layers and removable parts......

there you go,

see you soon, keep safe and warm you old lady you - as if ( hahahahh)


Paul B said...

Such a fab fairy to arrive on your doorstep :) And we have a couple of Hyacinths growing on our tables downstairs too. They don't half pong the whole house out!!! As for your shoes, I'd say don't alter them. They are precious as they are. I know if it was my Mother gifting me her wedding shoes, I'd want them just as they were worn on the day. If you want to compromise, how about decorating a shoe insert. Cut out a piece of card to fit inside the shoe, then decorate that. That way, the shoes remain intact but can be transformed into art with a removable insert. Pxx

Neil said...

Hi there, Can't believe it's Wednesday again already! Thanks for letting me in to peek and I hope the rest of the week is a blessed and creative one for you! Even if you are in colder climes!
Neil #45 (ish)

Ann B said...

Love the fairy and the idea for altering the shoes. I would go for flowers and bling (bit Cinderella). Not sure it it would work but could you do image transfers with a wedding photo?
Have been craning my head to the left trying to see the photo past the shoes (how silly is that) and am still no wiser - think it is a bit smaller that a weathervane but I'm probably wrong on that one.
Have a great break in Germany and just think, that hyacynth could be in bloom when you get home - as long as DH remembers to water it.
Ann B

sandra de said...

The shoes will be divine no matter what you decide to do. I am into steampunk right now so I see lots of cogs and wigns. Now for the mystery item I have no clue maybe a pic of the logo for an antique car!! You see ... No clue.

Sue said...

Hi Jo
very tidy table, luv the fairy from Donna, have a great trip & keep them thermals on! Thanks for the mooch, happy WOYWW, sue,x (56)

May said...

Glad to hear DD is on the mend, can't wait to see what you do with those shoes what a great idea, have a super time visiting, little big foot is lovely, have a great week, Hugs May x x x

Julia Dunnit said...

Im excited for you, despite the temperatures, it will be lovely to see your Germany dwellers! I love the idea for the shoes, although of course I have very little to contribute...I quite like the idea of your story being writen on something that could be the shoe liner. As for the picture...well, it's a picture....weather vane was my forst thought, but I need to mull awhile. (makes me sound as if I have a clue, huh!!)

Karen said...

Glad to hear that Hubby is doing well, I hope he continues to recover. Have a great time away in Germany :) I love the fairy, its so pretty and delicate, its beautiful :)

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Karen #92

Pam said...

Lovely fairy. Enjoy your family visit. hugs Pam x

Jackie said...

Good luck with the shoes, I shall keep popping back to see the progerss on them :)

Sarah said...

I'm thinking Germany, family, shoes and that lovely Donna art piece - a mighty fine WOYWW display today - have a fabulous time and stay snug - all my Dutch friends are into skating mania this week! Thanks for letting us look in and peek at your desk... Sarah at 7

Sarah said...

Working on a shoe myself - still at the looking and thinking stage too!

Karen said...

I'm slowly coming back to the crafting world, love your WOYWW. Is the picture of a bird feeder type thing for the garden? Send your OH my best wishes, I've had that keyhole gallbladder surgery and I can also vouch for how good it is. No more of that crippling pain! Wonderful!!! Karen 107 x

Minxy said...

Have fun altering the shoes, will be interested to see what transpires.. I think the mystery item is a vintage postcard in frame.
Have fun on your travels and stay safe and warm.
Happy Wednesday
hugz Minxy #106

SueH said...

It’s nice to see a clear desk once in a while Jo and the progress of your little Hyacinth, I can almost smell the scent from here….well when it opens that is, Lol.

Enjoy your trip to Germany, although the mere mention of the place send a shiver down my spine after the nightmare weekend market trip that ended up as a three week stay.

Have a great trip.

Scrapcat 1 said...

No ideas for the shoes Jo but I'm sure whatever your do with them they will look fabulous. Have a fab time in Germany and glad DH is recovering well.

lisa said...

I'm so glad DH is doing well, Jo, that must be a huge relief for you both. Keyhole surgery is amazing nowadays isn't it. I hope he continues to make a speedy recovery and you have a relaxing time in Germany catching up with the other important people in your life.
Those Wedding shoes are gorgeous. They look brand new. I love the idea of giving them to your daughters. Can't wait to see the finished results.
Doone's fairy is amazing, what talent.
Travel safely.
Hugs Lisax

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, long time no speak. Hope you're ok. Enjoy your trip. Best wishes to your DH.
Adore the fairy, and snowdrops, and your mini books ;-) The ice sculpture is fantastic what a great idea. No idea what the mystery item is but may as well have a guess while I'm here - a jewellery hanger :-/
Anne xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

Ooh what a fab idea for your shoes! Thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW, I'm off to be nosey, & peek at some more desks! Zo x 85

mammafairy said...

Is your mystery item a glove stretcher? for your kid gloves, to gently stretch the fingers before you put them on?

Have a lovely time in Germany. Auf Wiedersehn.

C said...

Size 4? I was born wearing a size 4...Hmmmmm...no telling what that mystery item is...looks like it might be an altered metal box of some kind?

Jingle said...

Oh, how lucky you are to have Doone's beautiful doll!!! Your space is so clean and tidy! Wow! As for the vintage item...it appears to be a weathervane!

505whimsygirl said...

Oh, those shoes would look fabulous with fabric roses on them! In soft muted colors so as not to attract.

Love the fairy -- yes, she should be flying about your craft room year round.


Deb said...

can't wait to see what you do with your shoes! love your fairy, glad you got it eventually!
Happy WOYWW, Debxx #159

Twiglet said...

Glad hubby is on the mend. Hope you have a fab time in Germany - keep cosy. x Jo

Cardarian said...

I am glad your DH is doing well - you have a good time in Germany - keep warm as it is cold here on the continent! My poor mom had - 20 deg C last night! Be safe and we will skype when you come back!
Give a big hug and kiss to your lovely little grandie!

Lee said...

hi Jo.always love your craft desk,love hyacinths,they do smell strong though.

Glad your DH is doing ok,I feel so much better for having mine.

Love those shoes,i think personally the insert idea is brill as they are gorgeous shoes and what a lovely memory item for your DD's.

Oh brrrrrr,glad you got your thermals packed you will need them hun.Take care see you soon.Huggles xx ps:Forgot to say that fairy is sooo cute n so clever.xx

Lisa said...

Can't wait to see the make over of the shoes. Have fun in Germany!

C said...

Forgot to tell you how darling your fairies are...this is going to drive me nuts....is it a sewing kit?

Spyder said...

ohoo they are pointy toed aren't they, but they are back in fashion now! Too thin for me, I've got odd feet and they are wide too, nothing fits! No show here...yet, very cold but sunny! Have a great crafty week HaPpY WoYwW


Samantha said...

What a great idea to do with your wedding shoes but really a size 4??? Great clean space, happy WOYWW.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Nice to have things in order when one leaves. As upon your return you usually are tired!! Love the little gifts, so cute.
Have a safe trip...my son called last night in July Germany will be his home for 3 yrs serving in the military. I plan to visit.
Have a great trip

okienurse said...

Awesome looking desk this week. I love the shoes but I am clueless as to what to do with them unless you gesso them with wedding pics and stuff them with memorabilia for the girls. I think I was born a size 10 cause I don't think I have ever had smaller feet. My grandfather used to have a shaving mirror that when the glass broke the back looked similar to your mystery bit. Looking forward to hearing the outcome of both. Have fun on your vacation. Thanks for visiting my blog. Vickie #52

Ann B said...

Hi Jo, it's me again. I think I know what your antique item is (isn't Google wonderful. Not sure if I'm supposed to say on here so have sent you an email but I will say it's appropriate for your skills as a needlewoman.
Enjoy Germany
Ann B

Anonymous said...

Getting here late, I'm all confused being at number 17, not used to being so high up the list! Love that your table is still clean and I'd already spotted the growth of the hyacinth so I know you're not cheating lol, as if! Great idea with the wedding shoes, could you still wear them? Or perhaps I should ask, would you want too?? Is your mystery item something for holding sewing needles in? Looks like a case of some description. Beautiful angel from Donna, worth waiting for.

Brenda 17

Katie said...

I love that you are going to alter your wedding shoes for your daughters, that will be such a lovely keepsake for them! The fairy you got in the mail is great!

Happy WOYWW (on Thursday!)
Katie #18

Peggy Cain said...

Happy WOYWW! Enjoyed my visit. Lucky girl to have received the little elf fairy too stinkin' cute

BumbleVee said...

it might be a tile or a piece of glass with a painting on it... held onto a tin background....

Having been to Donna's site first time today...and having watched her first tut on Collage....hahhaha... she has a wicked sense of humour.... definitely see her in that fairy.... must go back to watch more..... what a hoot!


Have a lovely time in Germany (cold aside). I am down and out with the cough, flemmy, dizzy thing that is doing the rounds at the moment. Lovely fairy (and the scarf that Donna was sporting in gay Paris looked pretty Chick to ;)

ger76 said...

Looking forward to seeing what you create with your shoes!!!

WOYWW #147

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, how fabulous that you still have those shoes. I married first time round in 1967 and wore the most gorgeous Italian designer shoes with 3" stiletto heels - size 4 too - but they are long gone and now I wish I could pass them on to my granddaughters. I like Paul's idea of decorating the insert only. After recent experiences with Royal Mail, I'm impressed that your fairy arrived safely and in one piece - she's terrific and Doone is so creative. I'm sure you will have a fab time in Germany. Thanks for popping in and leaving a comment - it's much appreciated. Elizabeth x #2

Neet said...

Well, this is the third time lucky that I have tried to get on here. Kept saying "Service Unavailable" and only on your blog.
Enjoy your DD and Grandee (and daddy of course) whilst you are over there - and keep warm!!! Give the girls my love please.
Love your fairy, what a talent Doone has.
Take care until I see you again.
Neet xxx (that's one each for you ladies)
ps it's 4.30 in the morning - jet lag!!

Angie said...

Popped back ,,,forgot to say what I thought object was ....no idea really ...??a jack in the box ...????some sort of kitchen gadget in the box a mincer maybe.lol ...last go ....a hat stretcher. xx hope my ideas gave you a laugh.

Lou said...

Lovely idea for the shoes, i bet your daughters will be pleased no matter what you do to them, I didn’t make it, to everyone’s crafty space on Wednesday so doing a last sweep of the desks i haven't managed to visit, tonight (wide awake with pain so might as well make use of the time)
Hope you have a great week x Lou x @#103

Bridget Larsen said...

Is it a picture frame?

Dotpat said...

Wow that desk is tidy Jo, and love your little fair.
Hope Dave is ok

Laura said...

Your fairy is very sweet -- what a fun bit of happy mail to receive. My "submission" for ideas for the shoes: make them into pin cushions by filling the foot part with a custom-made pin cushion to fit the space (maybe covered in a velvety material, since satin is so luxurious). Die the shoes to match the pin cushion fabric and decorate them with fancy "bling" -- either bits of old jewelry found at a rummage sale, or fancy vintage scrapbooking embellishments. [Trying for the 3rd time to post comment; apologize in advance if it shows up three times!]

Julie said...

Really looking forward to seeing what you do with the shoes. Lovely surprise to receive such a creative gift of the fairy. x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I got no idea on what to do with the shoes, but I think the mystery item is one of those things you hang on the wall next to the lantern to hold wood strike matches, to light the lantern with. It looks like it has some ribbon on it, so maybe not since I can't fathom putting flammable ribbon next to matches. You never know though.