Tuesday, 21 February 2012

WOYWW 142, Mice & Prize Winners

It's Mercredi, Mittwoch, Miercoles, Wednesday...but to us it's WOYWW... 
What's On Your Wordesk Wednesday....
when the fickle and fantastic of the crafting world show their desks and what they they are creating. All will be revealed in grand detail by popping over to the blog of our illustrious leader Julia, that's stamping ground just incase you don't already know.
Here on my desk I'm in the process of starting several new projects with their first coat of gesso. On the left is my precious note book, retrieved after leaving it on the plane last week. I had to go back to Manchester airport and it is worth every penny of the petrol, parking, and the £5 they charged me to get back all the info and ideas within this treasure. It goes everywhere with me.
  The large letter A and No2 are to be altered for the second birthday of my youngest grandee in Brighton. The mini printers tray is a secret to be revealed..........
My lovely hyacinth has just about had it and is at the stage when it's beautiful fragrance is turning sickly. Hate to relegate it to the garden until it has really faded.
The plastic eggs in the bag to the right will be marbled for Easter decorations, not long to go.
My TABLE is staying reasonably tidy so, to all those cynics, ner ner, ner, ner,ner!!!
I have almost no room left in my file drawers for any more ribbons so I came up with this master plan...It FAILED miserably as the rod bent with the weight so it's coming down. Back to the drawing board!
I've been buying Mollie Makes magazines to share with my DD who, I'm pleased to say, has started to do a bit of crafting, and I love these politically correct "Three Kind Mice" in the new issue. 
DD gave me a pure wool, new born sized, baby suit of my grandee which shrunk in the wash, but turned into excellent felt, which she couldn't bare to throw it away so here it is transformed! Three cute keepsakes! Just got to get them dressed and knit some tiny cardigans.

Scarf Candy Winner
Thanks to all who entered and I have drawn from all the names of those who'd like to have it........and the winner..............is......
May you wear it with luck May and please email me so I can get your postal details.
The Mystery Item
Here's my pic of the mystery item. This is the trophy I won in an Embroiderer's Guild annual competition some 20 years ago, but as I had to return it the next year, I kept a photo of it for posterity and as a memento.
It is antique, solid silver and would have been very useful before sewing machines were invented. I could use one even today as a third hand when I'm hand sewing.
Some more examples from the web
The bird is a clamp to hold fabric when hemming long length of fine linen, hence the usual title of
"Hemming Bird"
There is a handy little pin cushion on top.
Well the only person who got it right is Ann of anniestamper.blogspot.com 
Well done Ann, who well deserves the little prize I'm sending her as she emailed me privately with the answer and told me that she spent ages researching on the web.


Tracey FK said...

your scarf is beautiful and that hemming bird thing is just amazing... congrats to those who were lucky enough to get them... and so glad you get your book back... I have a book, which is more of a collection of pieces of paper jammed in a book, but I think the world would stop spinning if I forgot it somewhere... have a great week...xx

Crafty Loops said...

Hi Jo. I dont have an awful lot of ribbons but was having problems with storing the stragglers that I had and really resenting them taking up drawer space....I dont really have many ribbon reels as such, just loose strips really. But this is how I decided to store my loose ribbons which is pretty much them all


It might help you store some of yours. Even if it saves a bit of space for storing other craftie bits and bobs, lol. Lee xx

Anonymous said...

Tee hee. HEMMING bird! I wish I had one. Too cute...and useful. At least the rod only bent, a DIDNT fall on your head!

Mary Anne

May said...

Hi Jozart, I emailed you, whoop whoop, I was so lucky to win your wonderful scarf , it's so beautiful, gosh I am so excited, thank you so very much, I am so glad you got your book back, Big Hugs May x x x x x

Sarah said...

What a great crafty, colourful, creative post....so much to see! I lurve them there mices...so sweet. Need to have a mooch at Mollie again - Tesco dumped it! Too right about the book, I'd have done the same...and that is a clamp of high grandeur! Thanks for the wishes...I think you meant bump, but my bum is doing well too!

Ohhh Snap said...

Well done keeping your desk tidy! Intriging projects you have there. Love those mice :D. Congratulations to the winner of your scarf, it's gorgeous. And well researched Anne! That hemming bird is lovely and functional too. About the ribbon I made a "tree" http://ohhhsnapper.blogspot.com/2010/04/lets-get-organized-organized.html, the pins really help. #15

Angie said...

Well done the winners ...how amazing was that mystery object ....I'm not joining in this week ...having a rest as I have not been all that crafty this week...kris has a sickness bug and j and V are both not 100% ... but I will be back next week with something to show.... I hope .... so glad you got your book back.xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Glad to read you got your journal back. I know that feeling, after having lost my monthly calendar last year in CA. I never did find it. As for the bird, I had NO idea what it was. Of course, I admit, my gesso is bigger than your gesso (size matters, or so they tell me)!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

the hemming bird is so interesting! i guess you need a thicker/stronger rod for your ribbons! and i love the little mice that came from your grandee's baby suit! happy WOYWW!

Anonymous said...

Love the ribbon holder Jo, not one of your finer moments!! Great that you got the book back too, worth the money as you say. Such cute little mice and how clever to make them from something that belonged to your little GD too, and well done to May, beautiful scarf. Never seen or heard of a hemming bird before, very interesting!

Brenda 5

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I forgot to mention, Jo. I could have told you that rods don't work and neither to dowel rods, at least not the size that will fit through most of those small ribbon spool holes. The only thing I have found that works are pants holders. They have five rods for pants and they swing out. Of course, you need several, since you can only use every other rod unless your spools are quite small (diameter).

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo,
Your workdesk looks nice and tidy! How nice to have a little round table in the room to spread out on (and around). The scarf you made is great. I'm sure the winner will wear it proudly. The little mice are just too cute!

Happy WOYWW.

sandysewin said...

Oh, a hemming bird! I never would have guessed it.

Those mice are the cutest things, and how special that you can reclaim the felted garment.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #26

scrappymo! said...

Glad to hear you were able to retrieve your book!
That hemming assistant is fab. What a great idea.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Busy, Busy...lots going on, wish you luck that all goes will with each project. Love your scarf and other projects. Those have to be the only cute mice I've ever seen. What would we do if there were no Holidays or Change of Seasons? Keeps us busy Have a fun WOYWW

Tuire Flemming said...

Your mice are really cute!
...so I have to knit my own scarf :) Congrats to May! And the hemming bird was totally new thing to me.
But I have one more word to you for wednesday - it's keskiviikko.
Have a nice day!
Tuire #37 this week

L said...

Must've been stressful for you when you discovered you left a precious property in a public place. I'm glad you were able to retrieve it.

Second round table I've seen for the day. I must... have one. Yay.

Happy WOYWW!

Lexi #36

jude said...

You put me to shame your desk is so tidy...!!Those mice so cute and even better recycled mice!You have reminded me i must get my eggs out hopefully find them somewhere in this mess when hopefully i will get chance to tidy this coming week.I tried marbling paper on my valentines tag was impressed but only first time .So may need some practise and maybe some tips?
Have fab wedensday and creative week
hugs judex34

Neil said...

What would we do with our Wednesdays if it was not for the wonder of WOYWW? It's always fascinating to peek through the window into your creative arena so thank you. Glad you got your book back! Clever use of the felt to make the mice too, something sentimental and sweet Hope you have a good week.
Neil (#47 ish)

kay said...

loving your felt mice,re the ribbon,how about a wooden base and add a dowel upright so you can slide ribbon on and it wont take up much space?,happy crafting,x

jill said...

Glad you got your book back, How cute are thoughs mice. i've never seen those clamps before , thanks for show us they are lovely

Helen said...

So glad you got your book back! I hope you find a suitable alternative for your bendy ribbon pole!! Have a good week.
Helen 41.


What a wonderful work area, beautiful scarf and hemming bird!

Annie said...

Really love the little mice Jo.....what a brilliant idea. Congrats to the lucky winners.
A x

Twiglet said...

I have never seen a hemming bird before - its beautiful. Love the mice. I didn't get Mollie Makes this time - they seemed pricey for lots of ads but those mice look very tempting! x Jo

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...soooo much going on Jo...cool craft space...and gorgeous little mice...have a fab week...Mel :)

Gaby Bee said...

Thanks so much for being a new follower on my blog! I'm delighted to see new faces, because they lead me to their own blogs that I might not have found before! I have some catching up to do in exploring new blogs, but from what I've seen on yours so far, I'm going to have a lot of fun seeing your pictures.

Have a wonderful day,

Ann B said...

I tried the marbling yesterday using some enamels I filched from Mr B's model making but they didn't work. Can see I will have to splash out on some of my own. Lovely to see the finished mice, rather than a pile of disembodied legs on Sunday. So pleased I was right with the hemming bird - thank goodness for Google.
Ann B
..and I have blog candy of my own to offer.

Jackie said...

Those mice are lovely, what a lovely way to keep baby clothes. I love your scarf too, the winner is very lucky.

Trish Latimer said...

Oh my, how adorable are those mice!!!! gorgeous! Trish #64

Tertia said...

Oh my, such a tidy desk. My head that is already hanging in shame has just gone even further down.
What an amazing gadget that is. Would love to see one in real life.
Enjoy creating all those new things. The mice are adorable by the way.

Julia Dunnit said...

Well Jo, how clever is that hemming bird, and what a marvellous prize to have won, somehow I'm not surprised! Ribbons ack, we all seem to be on a ribbon mission, can't live without them but seriously am coming to loathe them!! I think the A2 is a lovely idea, i wonder which way you'll go with it...and you ner ner ner ner ner...so justified!!

Scrapcat 1 said...

The hemming bird looks like an ornament they are lovely, glad to see your little mice taking shape after seeing all the pieces on Sunday. Thanks you so much for all the time you spent with Fiona on Sunday she had a fantastic day :-)

sandra de said...

Gorgeous projects on your desk and I am so pleased annie won the guessing competition. You had me stumped ... i have never heard of a hemming bird. will have to look that up.

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow lots of fun going on. Love your space so colourful and I hope you sort your ribbon, that rod sure did bend! Enjoy this week's WOYWW snoop around the world. Take care Zo xx 81

Anne-marie said...

Hi lovely creative area you have hope you find another way for your ribbon as it looks lovely displayed like that love your scarf have fab week

karen said...

Glad that you got your book of ideas back! I am sure it is worth its weight in gold!
Love the little mice! They are so sweet! Especially the one in the dress ... will you dress them all the same or all differently I wonder? Can't wait to see!
xoxo Karen #93

SueH said...

Fab desk this week Jo, with lots going on as usual.

I’m loving the little mice, what a great way to keeping a gift that would otherwise of been discarded. They are so sweet.

How lucky were you to get your journal back. It was obviously filled with information that could never be replaced so it must have felt like you were missing an arm without it.

Happy Crafting!


Caro said...

I think your table looks amazingly neat and tidy. The mice are adorable and I love your scarf.

Scrapcollectr said...

A woman after my own heart.... Turning that baby outfit into 3 adorable mice? Love it! And that Hemming bird is cool idea born out of a practical need. *smile*

Hazel said...

What a lot of loveliness in your area. I'm so glad you got your book back - I'm sure you will keep it close in future - (Hazel, WOYWW #107) x

Peggy said...

I love the love your little mice! wow knitted cardigans for them. have a great day

famfa said...

Love those little mice. Can't wait to receive my Mollie Makes. My Mum buys it for me and brings it over when she visits. Only got to wait 4 months! Congrats to your winner, very jealous.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got your notebook back! You've given me an idea for Easter -- I was going to decorate real hard-boiled eggs, but I may look for wooden ones instead (I can't tell if yours are wooden or papier mache). I saw an idea of using large glue dots all over the eggs and then sprinkling on glitter (flock would work, too.) It would be nice to have them for multiple years.

Emily said...

Hi Jo, brilliant re-use of the baby suit, genius idea, I love the mice! About that pin cushion you made (I confused myself and replied to Jan accidentally!), it's a very kind offer, but are you sure? I mean, I didn't want to sound like I was asking you to give it to me!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, glad you got your book back ... I'm sure it was worth the effort and that £5 charge, although we seem to be charged for just about everything these days. Congratulations to May and Ann ... how on earth did Ann know that was a hemming bird! Love the mice, great way to recycle the little baby suit. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #80

Ann B said...

Re your PS on my blog - the stone isn't 'for' anything, it just 'is'.

I have an oblong glass vase on my kitchen windowsill and it is full (and very heavy) of pretty stones and shells I have collected over the years - amazing colours on some of them. I also have a grey stone shaped like a bird (well it looks like a bird to me), a piece of Roman floor tile, couple of pieces of flint and a devil's toe-nail. Bet you don't know what one of those is.

Ann B

Julie said...

Can't wait to see your marbled eggs!! I will also be trying to do something like that!!! Thanks for sharing!

lisa said...

Not sure about fickle and fantastic. I think I come into the faffing category, Jo, lol.
You have so much going on as always and I'm so glad you got your book back, worth every penny I should think.
What about getting Dave to make you a piece of dowalling (not sure if that's how you spell it) stuck in to a base like a thin upright kitchen roll holder for your ribbons. DH made one for me and it works a treat.
Well done to May, bet she'll wear your scarf everyday.
Have fun with all your projects and love those mice.
Hugs Lisax

Dotpat said...

Love your mice Jo and love the scarf, hope your lucky winner enjoys wearing it, very special

Heather Lynn said...

oh my goodness..those litte mice are just adorable! what a fab idea! i save some of my favorite chilrens' outfits and use them on scrapbook pages or in my smash books..i just can't give them all away! the prize you gave away is so cool! wish i would have found you sooner. thank you so much for the sweet comments on my blog! i am now following yours and will visit often! ~hl

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Well done on keeping your space so tidy. I am trying hard to keep mine relatively clear, so we shall see how that goes after a few days or so. I love those mice and what a lovely way to keep those memories alive. Thank you for visiting tonight and for your kind words. Have a good week. xx Maggie #11

Spyder said...

I just love those little mice!!! and the clap think in your photo from last week, yes, I can see it now, very clever and a shame you had to return your reward, still, the picture of it is just as fascinating! Thanks for my snoop!
HaPpY WoYwW!! Have a very crafty week!

Shoshi said...

What an interesting post, Jo! I think your ribbons look very decorative, even if a bit droopy! I can't imagine losing such a treasure as that notebook, and I don't blame you for the tme and expense to get it back. I love the antique hemming birds... I've not seen those before. I love vintage sewing kit, and old pattern and instruction books too.

Happy WOYWW, Shoshi #19

Lynn Stevens said...

Darn I missed out on your awesome giveaway, Well Congrats to your lucky winners!
Hugs Lynn

Morti said...

Well, you learn something new every day! That's fascinating about the Hemming Bird, and what a lovely piece of sewing equipment to have, even if you only had yours a short while as the trophy before having to hand it back. Considering it's functional, it was certainly designed to be aesthetically pleasing, and I'm assuming we have the Victorians to thank for it?

WTG on getting your notebook back. I think we'd all go the extra mile to get something like that back, as so much heart and soul goes into them.

Thanks for stopping by!

Neet said...

Sorry I am so late, things got in the way a bit the last couple of days. Love the mice now that the mysterious body parts have materialised into "known" bits (anyone else reading I saw legs, arms, hands, ears on Sunday - looked strange). Look forward to seeing the A and the 2 decorated for grandee#3, the surprise Printers Block and the new rod for your ribbons. What a fab ornament that Hemmingbird would make!
Toodle pip - Neet xx

donnalouiserodgers said...

always an interesting read, and glad you have managed to keep the desk tidy for me...I'm hoping to get time to call you at the weekend if that's okay - will drop you an email


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Jo dear, I just checked and my gesso is 2500 mL, which, if I remember my science (the only place I was able to use your weight system) is 2.5 L (grin)

Mary Ann Tate said...

What an interesting mystery item...very useful too. I love the wee mice. They are very cute.

Mary Ann #24

Bridget Larsen said...

What an interesting amount of stuff you have
Bridget #54

okienurse said...

I bought curtain rods from IKEA to hold my ribbon and they seem to work well. I am a bit late getting around this week but I forgot to post on Wednesday and have been busy all week. Just wanted to make the rounds and remind everyone my blog candy closes on Tuesday night of next week and I will announce winners on Wednesday. Drop by become a follower and leave a comment for a chance to win. Vickie #173

Joynana said...

Jo, there is so much crafting going on here. so much new and wonderful ideas. Glad I stopped by for a visit.


You really should put up a warning if you are going to display nudey mice on your blog, a girl might have to avert her eyes ;) Did you have a good trip to Germany (sorry I have been hidden from all things blogland for nearly 3 weeks, sometimes something has to give). I bet it was on the chilly side. Your desk in a blank canvas of delight waiting to be created upon :)

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

wow love your post this week, and love love the hemming bird! Mollie makes.. err have to buy it every month! think I am hooked
running late with my woyww...
Have a creative day
Jennie #1

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

running late with my woyww...love your hemming bird, and as for Mollie Makes...hooked !
Have a creative day
Jennie #1

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Hi Jo, I love those mieces to pieces haha; they're gorgeous. That wool felted really well. The Hemming Birds are wonderful, I've never seen them before.
Anne xx

Bridget Larsen said...

love your card display on the cupboard doors, never noticed it before
Bridget #54