Tuesday, 14 February 2012

WOYWW 141 & Back from Germany

WOYWW 141 and, as I've been away in Germany, my desk is almost the same as last week but my hyacinth  has sprouted and is now propped up by a bottle of glue. This space definitely needs some serious crafting to happen very soon before we all get bored of seeing it as it is. 
To see many, more exciting desks, Julia is the super global co-ordinator of the desks of the world at her stamping ground blog.
 Visit to Germany
I arrived last week in Hamburg airport and took a taxi to the city to meet up with my SIL but, before he drove us home, I visited the new super modern building where his firm has relocated.
Here's the evening view from 5 floors up...
We had coffee in the amazing staff cafe where all the furniture, lights, and fittings, came from their old building and are from the 1970s.
There are some  scary, high views from the balconies and those 3 "discs" are tables and chairs in the reception area at the base of the lifts.
It was so lovely to spend quality time with this precious little one and here she is in the tutu I made for her to go with Angelina Ballerina. As usual, I always feel really sad and miserable to leave them which is even worse when I get home and here you'll understand exactly why!
We did all the important things .... tea parties with Baxter and Angelina and.......
feeding the ducks and swans; much needed during the extra cold weather conditions there. There was a hole broken in the ice for them and when we arrived we were mobbed for the food we took. We had to run the gauntlet to retrieve the buggy!
My face shows the fun I enjoyed!
People were bravely skating and walking across the frozen lake.... Not me! In Hamburg the ice on the lake has to be 23cms thick before the public are allowed on it and they expected hundreds of thousands to be out on it skating and having fun last weekend. This local lake had no such restrictions and it was left to the adventurous individuals to risk!
We braved extreme cold to visit the animal farm
 DH was happy to see me when I arrived home and thankfully he was doing so well after his op so I didn't feel too bad at leaving him home alone.
I still managed some crafting over there, including plenty of drawing and chalking with the little one, and I made this Cathedral Window patchwork pin cushion thanks to Lunch Lady Jan's instructions. Thanks Jan!
I also knitted best part of yet another scarf/shawlette and during the journeys I crocheted most of another. 
I'm going to give one of these scarves away to any of my followers and will draw from those who are interested and leave a comment. Just mention that you'd love a chance. They are made in quality silk/wool yarn and you'll find the finished articles in previous posts to see how they look but it will be the multi coloured version in the above picture on offer.
MYSTERY OBJECT from last week....
Only one person has got it right but there have as usual been so many weird suggestions...... keep thinking, keep guessing! All will be revealed soon.


Angie said...

Glad to see you had a fantastic time ...I love the photo of the two of you....and Iwas pleased to read that hubby survived being on his own ...and is well after the op.
How do you manage to craft when you are away...love the pin cushion. I would love one of your scarves but as I am trying to knit some, I really dont think I should enter. My experimental one will be great for the colder weather ...my next will be using a more suitable yarn. Cant wait to read what the object actually was.xx

sandysewin said...

Wow, that 70's space is actually very cool. And the tea party is just precious. :-)

Happy Woyww!

Sandy #19

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This looks like such a fun and joyful trip. So glad you could get away for a much needed "rest." Happy WOYWW from # 3. I love the photos from Germany. My father is buried there, I think.

sandra de said...

Ohhh yes please, I would love a chance to win your scarf. I am still trying to work out the mystery object from last week. Absolutely gorgeous photos of you and the little one. What a special time you had together.

Stephanie said...

I'd love for a chance to win. And boy, do I love that little tutu!!

Neet said...

Fab post Jo and I can imagine the wrenching at your heart strings as you leave Germany. Just focus on the happy time you had, store the memories up and Skype, Skype, Skype.
So good to see your grandee doing all the things she should be doing - what fab progress she has made. Sending Cyber hugs to them all.
Love Neet 29 xxxxxxxxx (think I have them all in there)

Sarpreet said...

Thanks for sharing pics from yoru germany trip, and yes your workspace this week is missing the crafter, i am sure you will get back into the swing of thing soon, great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing with us, #52

Annie said...

Such a lovely post Jo. Great news that hubby is doing so well. Wonderful pictures of you with such a special little person....it's so good to see her looking so well now. Thanks for sharing.
A x

Neil said...

Good morning; just having a quick pop my head round the door moment, before I have to get on with all my chores! Lovely to see what you are up to this week. I'm glad you had a good time with your family. My wife would look good in that scarf so I'd love the chance! Hope you get some serious crafting done before your room gets too lonely!
Neil #49 or thereabouts!

Tuire Flemming said...

Hi Jo! You have such a lovely posting with pics from Hamburg. You really have enjoyed yourselves :)
And of course I want to win your beautiful scarf!!!
(I´m not participating WOYWW this week...)
Have a nice day!
Tuire xx

Paul B said...

Looks like you had a fantastic time Jo. Love the picture of you laughing with your grandee. Hope your mood and spirits lift soon. Hopefully it won't be long before you visit them again :) Pxx

okienurse said...

great post about your Germany trip. I would love a chance at winning that gorgeous scarf. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64

Helen said...

Oh, no wonder you didn't want to come home, what a great time! I spent a school trip in Hamburg for my German O Level (yes, that old!) and it is an interesting city... on our free afternoon a group of us found ourselves by accident in the red light district... ooops! Glad your DH survived without you - bet he is glad you are home (as is your hyacinth!)

donnalouiserodgers said...

hey babe, I'll come and distract you from the blues soonest I can,

i will call you later when I blog hop? skype and face to face will be open, just click if you want to...Dxxx

Ann B said...

Looks like you had a great time in Germany - how could you not with that gorgeous little girl, and tea-parties as well. Must be hard to leave them behind but so much easier to keep in touch these days - thank goodness for IT.
Lovely scarf but making my own is on my to-do list (have just finished a baby blanket and raring to go) so I'll leave the chance of winning to others.
See you at Vicky Stampers.
Ann B

May said...

Beautiful post from Germany it looked so brrrrrrrrrr, but super fun with your lovely family, x x I would love a change to win your scarf as its rather chilly here in the UK brrrrr and of course they are also very beautiful, glad to hear DH managed fine and is making a fab recovery, Have a great week, Hugs May x x x x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

How lovely to see you enjoying Germany so much and I so sympathise with how you must be feeling now. Your little grandee looked gorgeous in her outfit :)
Hey, the pincushion is wonderful! I haven't used a patterned background to do the foldy-irony bit but it gives a really different effect. Wasn't KIm's tutorial easy to follow?? I really like the strawberry fabric, the print is just the right size!
Hugs, LLJ #72 xx

sam21ski said...

So glad you had a fab time in Germany and thanks for sharing all your photos with us. Especially lovely to see the photos of your grandee who is doing so well.

I'd love to be in with a chance of winning your fabulous scarf, thanks for the opportunity.

Sam xxxx

Spyder said...

Welcome back, lovely pictures, and glad your DH didn't miss you to much and is recovering well, had another look at last weeks pic but still couldn't make out what it was a picture of, wish blogger would let us 'blow' the pictures up like it used to. I bet your crafty space smells lovely!! Have a very Crafty Week,
Happy WOyWw

(Lyn) #15

Kim Dellow said...

Fab photos Jo, your trip looks fab, sorry it had to end, hope you get to go again soon! Have a good week. Kim

Inkypinkycraft said...

The cafe looks fab, and what a beautiful ballerina, the tea party looks fun too!glad hubbie doing well.have a great week hugs trace x 51

MvM-design said...

The same desk but i hope you have a great day!!
Happy Wednesday :-)
Hugs Marleen #45

Jingle said...

I am so happy you enjoyed your trip and glad to know your husband is doing well! The pin cushion is super cute! I would love a chance to win your scarf!

lisa said...

How lovely to see such happy photos of your precious Grandee, Jo. I'm more pleased than I can say that she is doing so well and can fully understand why it is always so sad to leave them behind. Bet DH was glad to see you though and I'm glad he's still doing well after his op.
Love your pin cushion and yes I'd love the chance to win.
Hugs Lisax

Hazel said...

Fabulous photos - you obviously had a great time. Hope you get a chance to get creative in your workspace soon (Hazel, WOYW #138) x

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed reading about your trip Jo, glad you had such a good time. Believe me I know how hard it is to leave family behind!! As we don't know who guessed correctly I don't know if I should have another guess at the mystery object or not, lol!! Love the scarf and would be honoured to win it!

Brenda 6

CraftygasheadZo said...

What lovely pictures, glad you enjoyed your time away. Love your make & would love a chance to win one. Take care, thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 88

Shoshi said...

Aww Jo, your post put a smile on my face today! What fun you had in Germany and great to see the precious little one looking so well. I love your creativity, and the scarf looks gorgeous - yes, defo interested!!! Your poor hyacinth, drooping like that - it was obviously sad that you went off and left it! Glue has its uses, doesn't it. That Scotch glue is truly amazing - really good bond, and you hardly need any! You can get it very reasonably on the 3M website, which also stocks good supplies of ATG guns and tapes too. Glad you like my silver butterflies - once I get some more silver mirror card I can finish the project. I was feeling better over the past few days but absolute c**p rubbish again today so resting (didn't get up till 1 p.m. and still in my night things now, at 5.30 p.m. lol!!) and trying to catch up with everyone - first time I've made it on WOYWW for a while. It's soooo big now that I haven't a hope of visiting everyone! Happpy WOYWW, Shoshi #35 xx

yoursartfully said...

Nothing quite like a nice clean desk waiting to get messed up.


Princess Judy Palmer said...

It is okay that your desk is neglected while you are out and about and having such a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing all your fun outings and doing with us. Such a sweet little pincushion. I would love to know how to knit and would love the chance to win your shawl. I peeked backwards in time at the mystery item... I think it is one of those things you hang on the wall next to the lantern to hold wood strike matches. I suppose I should put this comment on that post.

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh me oh my, Jo, what lovely happy pictures. Is it me or is that Baby not much of a baby so much a little person all of a sudden! Why do hyacinths do that..it saddens me that they cant control their beauty!

Twiglet said...

Fab photos Jo - looks like a good time had by all. Little ballerina looks well and happy. Glad hubby is doing well too. have a good week. x Jo

Emily said...

The pin cushion you made is gorgeous!! I really want one! Really lovely:)

Lisa said...

Your trip sure looked fun wish to visit there someday. Hope you get back into the crafting groove.

Scrapcat 1 said...

so glad you had a fab time in Germany and the little one looks to be growing as strongly as your hyacinth! Love the view from SIL office and the fab staff restaurant. hope to see you on Sunday and I would love a chance to win one of your fab shawlette's.

Maggie's Crafts said...

Great crafty space. :) Love the pics.


scrappymo! said...

Sounds and looks like a lovely trip!
I bet that hyacinth smells heavenly...I am intrigued by the red bulletin boards above your desk. Are they individual boards or are they inset into the cupboard doors?

Bridget Larsen said...

I came to see what the mystery object was but you are still teasing us LOL, fat chance I've got of winning your gorgeous shawl, so I'm going to ignore the giveaway and look at your gorgeous GD. Hamburg is beautiful as you have so aptly captured it. Those tables looked like cds from all the way in Australia hee hee
Bridget #53

Carrie said...

What a lovely post and fab pictures. I just love hyacinths, especially if they are scented. Blue ones are my favourite. Yes please, I would love the opportunity to win the beautiful scarf.

Cath Wilson said...

Lovely photos, Jo but it looks so cold, brrr! No need to ask if you had a good time because that's obvious from the photos and I'm sure you'll have enjoyed being with the family.

Love the scarf, too and would love to be considered, please. Lovely offer, so thank you for that x

Bishop Stone said...

I would love a chance to win one of your lovely scarves. Your photos look so lovely but I am happy that I can enjoy them from the warmth of my home. The temperature there must have been freeeeeeezing. Your little ballerina is so cute and the pink dress so cute.

Morti said...

Glad you had a good trip to Germany. I would enter your comp but I don't have the foggiest idea what that item is!

Thanks for stopping by...

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I'm back tracking..had to checkout the Germany pictures and other fun things you have going on. My son leaves in June to spend 3 yrs there so reading up on it..as I will visit. Love the LLJ pincushion and great colors in your yarn project.