Tuesday, 28 February 2012

WOYWW 143 & Three Kind Mice

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday?
Well ... a Wonderful Whirl Wind of Wonder, Winding and Weaving the World, Watching Wayward and Whimsical Workdesks 
courtesy of the ingenuity of Julia via her blog Stamping Ground so Wend your Way there and share this Wednesday With us.
Now I know you may remark that at last there's a mess on my desk since the big clean up but it's only work in progress as I am prepping a workshop for Saturday. I'm standing in for WOYWER Carol who has had quite a dreadful time recently with her son in hospital due to a brain haemorrage. I'm glad to say that he's now home and recovering and would like to wish him well.
My hyacinth is hanging on longer than I anticipated.
I thought that I'd finished my Three Kind Mice which, as I mentioned last week, are made from the shrunken felted baby suit of my Fraulein Grandee. I showed them to her yesterday when we were skyping and she sang Three Blind Mice for me. When she reached the point when the farmer's wife "cut off their tails with a carving knife", I realised, panic, panic, that my Three Kind Mice didn't even have tails to cut off!! I'd forgotten to make them any!!! Back to the sewing machine!
Yesterday I visited the little town of Ormskirk and the Chapel Gallery.
We went in for coffee and chanced upon this great exhibition called....
Really fun creations mainly made from recycled materials really did make me SMILE!.

....Most were mobile in some way....
This was my favourite piece, but it was sad that it had been damaged by the public trying out it's mechanics, and was in the process of repair.

This busker, in Ormskirk, entertained passers by in the town but the two old dears behind him were oblivious of his talents. He was really good, playing great music, Bob Marley, Rock, and everything bar the usual buskers medleys. Note the traditional Lancashire Clogs! 
Watch out, I'll be visiting ..... so see ya'll around the desks!


Angie said...

Good Morning ...I so love those mice but had to giggle at the fact you forgot their tales.
I am so sorry to read about your friends son but glad he is on the mend.
That exibition looked such fun ...what imagination . xx

Hazel said...

Wow! fantastic crafting and artwork - love the mice (Hazel, WOYWW# 5) x

Elizabeth said...

I love your three kind mince! They look fabulous. :) That exhibition looks great too.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm in total AWE of those recycled art pieces. They are fantastic. Yes, the public can be SO insensitive. So, do the mice now have tails or just tales (grin)?

May said...

Love the mice so cute, do they have tails yet?? (lol) those art pieces are fabulous x x Have a super week, Hugs May x x x

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i enjoyed your post today and had to laugh about the mice not having any tails! and that exhibit looks like something i would really enjoy. i'm going to enlarge the pics and get a better look. happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

Spyder said...

fab pictures and loving those mice again! HaPpY WoYwW Have a crafty week.
((Lyn) #20

sandysewin said...

That exhibition looks fascinating, what a great use of materials.

Those poor little meeses, no tailses. You've gotta fix that quick! :-)

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #33

Anonymous said...

Jo I love your blog!!The mice are darlings.Glad I found you on Wednesday work desk!!Nopw to find your Followers box!

okienurse said...

WOW love the 3 kind mice but the awesome recycled art really are fantastic! Nice! Thanks for sharing. Vickie

sandra de said...

Your mice are gorgeous with or without tails. Will you put them on with velcro or press stud so that they can be taken off when needed?? The recycled art projects are fabulous.

Danielle said...

The mice are adorable! I love seeing your hyacinth grow a bit each week. dani43

HeARTworks said...

Wonderful art pieces! It's amazing what people can do with stuff usually thrown away! Including your cute mice! Patsy from

Anonymous said...

Hi Jo, thanks for visiting me. I love these mice!!That exhibition is something I would love to have seen!I love whimsy!!

Tuire Flemming said...

Cute mice :) and that exhibition is really awesome!!!

Sun is shining here after yesterdays snowfall - and we are on our way to Stockholm, again... :)
Have a nice day!
Tuire xx

scrappymo! said...

That coffee bar looks fab. The recycled art is great!

Annie said...

I love your three kind mice Jo. I printed out the pattern yesterday and plan to have a go at making some....that is when I have tackled my sewing mountain [check out my today's post].
A x

Helen said...

No, not mice without tails!! You get to such interesting places... love the exhibition. Hope your workshop goes well. Helen, 32.

jude said...

Love your post and the recycled bits and pieces.Oh fancy you forgetting the poor mice tales you better get sewing..lol Have fab wednesday
hugs judex10

Neil said...

Hi there, thanks for letting us peek this week and I hope the rest of the week gives you some creative time too. How could you have left their tails off!? Actually you could just have said that the farmer's wife had already been round........ That exhibition looks great, wish I was closer. Enjoy the workshop.
Neil #61

Paul B said...

How cute are your mice!!!!! :) With or without tales haha. Looks like a wonderful exhibition to happen upon. I love it when unexpected surprises like that happen when you're on an excursion. Pxx

Artyjen said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures of a great day in Ormskirk ;)
xoxo sioux

Ann B said...

We have mice in our garden, well we did until Mr B cleared out the compost bin at the weekend and I can vouch for the fact that a proper mouse has to have a tail. Have zoomed in to the picture to see what we are doing at the workshop - lucky me being able to attend.

Ann B

CraftygasheadZo said...

What a fab post, love the pictures and those recycled pieces are fab. Happy Wednesday to you, enjoy this week's snoop of oh so creative places & take care. Zo xx 83

Glenda said...

So much going on here! Love your desk, thanks for sharing!

Neet said...

You always have some interesting piccies from your days out - love what you saw in Ormskirk.
Oops - the mice and no tail!
Thanks for stepping in Saturday - have a great time and see you Sunday.
Hugs, Neet xx

Debbie Rock said...

Oh I LoVe those little mice ... how very clever you are! Happy WOYWWing. Debbie #89

Lee said...

Hi Jo,I Adore your Gorgeous mice so darn cute.Fab pics as always.Hugs xxx

Peggy said...

great pictures love the recycled pieces! have a great day

yoursartfully said...

I think everyone needs a smile like that somewhere in their house, just as a little reminder that a smiles goes a long way.
Sending get well wishes to your friend and her son.


Twiglet said...

I fell in love with your mice and even bought a Molly Makes (even tho I said I wasn't buying another) So - now I think I might look for my bag of felted jumpers and have a go. Sunshine here today - glorious! x Jo

Neil said...

Hi Jo, thanks for the visit, I think the blocks came from snooper's paradise in the north laines of Brighton. one of those big "antique" places. we really need to time things better!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

It sounds like your 3 felted mice already had a visit from the farmer's wife! For a project in progress, your table is still pretty tidy!

Anne-marie said...

Hi your mice are fab love the artwork hope you have a fab week
Anne-marie no 18

Sherry said...

Your little mice are so sweet - lol about their missing tails!
The art exhibition sounds like fun too.

Sherry - WOYWW #6

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love the exhibition photos always fun to see the unusual. Wishing your friends son many good wishes for a great recovery. Enjoy WOYWW

Lynn Stevens said...

Now that's a lot of W's! LOL. and a very fun exhibit.
Great way to spend the day!
hugs Lynn

Lou said...

Awww those mice are adorable. Hope you have a good week Lou x

donnalouiserodgers said...

you knew I'd love the mechanical people, and I like art that can be touched, repairs and wear and tear all add to the interest, most people are not deliberately destructive. The mice - ha ha I never spotted the missing tails either!

Karen said...

I love those mice, they are so cute! Fab photos from the exhibition, what a great way to spend the day :)

Have a great WOYWW and a fab week, Luv Karen xx

Anonymous said...

Is that a Bakewell Tart on your desk?? Probably no more though I would guess! Poor little mice, not having any tails!! Love the art pieces in the show you went to, very clever, but how stupid, and how typical, of the idiot public to break them!


Dotpat said...

Fab post Jo really enjoyed reading it

kay said...

cute mice but feel sorry they are having their tails chopped off :),happy crafting,x

Emily said...

Hi Jo:) I love these mice, they are so adorable with or without tails!! And thank you so much for the pin cushion, it's beautiful:). Also, thank you for the stamps, they'll be perfect for a birthday card I'm going to make for a friend. It looks as though you had a great time in Ormskirk, Happy WOYWW:)

Sarah said...

I just lurve your nicey miceys.... so endearing! Fabulous pictures and inspiration too. That's tough news from Carol...dear me. Thanks for calling by - all anatomy and bulges present and correct!!! Thanks for sharing your space Sarah at 1 - having a peek on Friday!

sarendipity said...

Fab mice, have a great weekend.
Sarah. x

Morti said...

Hi Jo

I suppose you could always have told Fraulein Grandee that the mice had already had their tails cut off....? LOL

They're lovely and you've done a gorgeous job...

Thanks for stopping by!

Crafting Queen said...

Lovely mice, so cute. Great desk.

Shoshi said...

Great post, Jo! So sorry about your friend's son, and I hope he makes a full recovery. So worrying for everyone concerned... Love your little mice, and I did laugh that you forgot to give them any tails! Manx Mice lol!! And what a grand day out! Love the mechanical things. Lots of interest!

Thanks for visiting my blog. I've had some great tips on the stencil cutting from the Black Cat forum and the next lot should be easier. They work very well as stencils though, I'm glad to say! Learning such a lot at the moment - it's all very exciting. And my new heat proof mat is certainly heat proof - I tried it today. Awesome.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #38

Serendipity Stamping said...

SO sorry about your friend's son and hope he is doing much better. As for your three little mice, they can visit my home anytime! Thanks for sharing your day out as I enjoyed it very much. #160

lisa said...

How awful for you friend, Jo. I hope her Son continues to make a good recovery.
Love your mice, tail less or not!! What a great way of using a keepsake like the babysuit. You are so creative.
Hugs Lisax