Friday, 2 March 2012

Published! & Treat from May

Woo hoo! I've just been published in Creative Stamping, with four cards over a two page spread, so I am really thrilled. They even included my photograph so I feel quite famous!!!   
I was invited to do it at the end of last Summer and forgot all about it until I was shown the magazine at a workshop I recently attended. I don't think I can show the magazine pictures but I'm posting this photograph as, whilst the card is in the article, only the front was visible so they didn't show the best bits. It is a mini print tray tryptich which folds up to make the card.  It wasn't an easy brief as the four birthday cards had to be suitable for men in the colours of red, white, and blue, which I suppose, is in keeping with all the patriotism abounding due to the Queen's Jubilee and the Olympics. 
The stamps are from the "About Britain" plate generously provided by Carol of Stampattack
 I haven't been sent a copy of the magazine but here's the issue cover and a full plate of clear stamps comes along with it. This is only the 3rd edition of the magazine and it seems that it is available from craft outlets not supermarkets.
 This morning I was so thrilled to receive a packet containing this fabulous card and exquisite tin, from May, who recently won one of my scarf/shawlettes from my Blog Candy prize. 
 When I opened the little tin it was like Pandora's Box and amazingly contained all of these goodies!
Many, many, thanks May for your generosity in sending such a lovely surprise.
You are awful, but I like it!


sam21ski said...

Whoo hoo indeed Jo, well done, fantastic, fabulous

Sam xxx

Twiglet said...

Congrats on getting published - what talent!! x Jo

Unknown said...

Absolutely well done you. Your cards are brilliant and so original and perfect for men - those are always the hardest to make aren't they.

I am thrilled for you - and will have a look out for a copy of that magazine in our village shop - I have never heard of it before

Cath Wilson said...

That's a beautiful tin, Jo - so pretty. Lovely treat for you. Congratulations on being published - lovely work, as ever!

May said...

Congratulations Jo on your magazine spread much deserved Whoop Whoop! Fantastic news, and you are more than welcome to your little gift, I just LOVE my scraf x x Hugs May x x

Ann B said...

Well done Jo - great cards. Not seen the mag before so will look out for it.

Lovely gift from May - and I see you have won third prize in Okienurse'e blog candy.

Heather Lynn said...

congrats to you, Jo! how exciting is that?! :) may sent you a cute card and are those chocolates? yummy! hope you have a great weekend! i'm so happy for you! ~hl

Annie said...

wahoooooo I have a famous friend :-)
Huge congrats Jo.
A x

Paul B said...

Brilliant news Jo. Great to see you getting your well-deserved moment of fame. I'll have to rush out and buy myself a copy :) Pxx

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Huge congratulations on being published and a lovely gift too, all in one day, a good start to the weekend. Tracy x

Shoshi said...

Cor! Published! Well done Jo!!! How exciting! And what lovely goodies too!


Darnell said...

Congratulations on being published! What a huge thrill that must be. Enjoy every bit of your moment in the sun!!

Sheilagh said...

Well Done You!!
That is fabulous news.
Your cards are great
and I love that tin from May.


Sheilagh xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Congratulations on being published. It is well deserved, and what a nice surprise from May. have a very good week. xx Maggie #9

Chris said...

Congratulations, Jo. That's great news and so well deserved.

Angie said...

Wow that was an amazing card ...congrats on being published deserve it.
What a lovely tin, full of surprizes, from May.xx

peggy aplSEEDS said...

congratulations on being published! how exciting! and congratulations for winning in okienurse's giveaway!

Crafting Queen said...

Congratulations on being published!!! Grat cards.

hazel said...

Congratulations on being published Jo and what a lovely gift.
xxx Hazel.

lisa said...

Oh wow, that's wonderful, Jo. Many congratulations. I bought the issue before this I think, it had some great HOTP free stamps which is what caught my eye. I will look out for the new issue.
How generous of May, it's a lovely gift.
Hugs Lisax