Monday, 12 March 2012

Taste of Spring

A Host of Golden Daffodils
Just to cheer everyone on a dull Monday I thought I'd share a taste of Spring by showing the breathtaking display of daffodils in Liverpool's Sefton Park.
The Marie Curie Fields of Hope.
I have seen daffodils in swathes on roadsides and in many other parks over the years but nowhere have I ever seen as many as in Sefton Park.
Field after field....
after field.....
This is the biggest bouquet (I know, I'm a cheapskate!) to say a very
Happy Birthday to a very special person ... that's my good friend Neet whose birthday was Saturday but I know her celebration continues today. She had a wonderful arty week away and was too shattered on her return so pop over to her blog, HERE at Hickydorums, to see all the exciting things she was up to.

This is the Sandwich Board Swing card I made for Neet as she missed our workshop last Saturday.


Cath Wilson said...

Beautiful, ,Jo - I so love daffs, partly because they remind me that Spring really is coming! Lovely card, too, using that lovely image x


How beautiful and cheerful those Daffodils are Jo - thank you so much for sharing the photos. Love the card too.
Hope all is well with you and yours - Sylvia x

lisa said...

We always go to Borrans Park in Ambleside to see the Daffs, I always thought there was a lot there but I think this beats them hands down, Jo, how gorgeous they all look. Spring is definitely here I think, especially after the beautiful weekend we've had in Yorkshire.
Your card for Neet is beautiful too.
Hope you have a good week.
Hugs Lisax

Von said...

Aren't the daff a joy :) and what a lovely card one of my favourite images :)
Von x♥x

Helen said...

Even Kew Gardens on Saturday didn't have such huge swathes of bulbs! (and no sun either whilst I was there!) They look fabulous - but I am glad I wasn't the one doing the planting - can you imagine the backache...!!

Paul B said...

Such an elegant card Jo, beautifully & skilfully made. And Wow! look at all those Daffs. There's nothing like that over here in Stockport. What a joy to be surrounded by all that colour. Good to see you're a fellow tree hugger too :) Px

Heather Lynn said...

Wow, those flowers are gorgeous! Love that picture of you..turned out great! My daffodils are just now starting to come up. It's still been cold here in Ohio. blah! lol Your card is lovely! I love the black and white with the pop of color of the flowers! So, you got to go to cha? How was that? I bet it was like heaven! :) I hope you have a great week! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! ~hl

Sheilagh said...

Great Photo's Especially the on with you in it:) Daff's are such a joy to behold, they lift the spirits good style.

Love the card too, black and white is on elegant.



Angie said...

What a gorgeous photo of you ...definately one for posterity ...and to be standing with all those wonderful blooms....I have never seen such a rich blanket of colour. xx

Tuire Flemming said...

What a beautiful view! We still have here tons of snow :( Now the temperature is (during the daytime) over 0°C, sun is shining and wind blows. That means the snow is slowly melting...

Tuire Flemming said...

Hi again! I put on my blog a couple of pics from our yard! Make a comparison!!!
Tuire xx

Tuire Flemming said...

It's me again :) The worst thing with our snow is, that the Spring is not even late - this is quite normal...

Lee said...

Oh Jo,you look lovely among the daffodils.What Fantastic pics,they look so Beautiful who wouldn't feel better looking at them.Huggles xxx

Cardarian said...

Those daffodils are just soooo beautiful! Looks like you had a lovely day. The card for Neet is lovely too! I am making that sandwich board swing card for my mom for Mothers Day! I must have another look at how you made it! BTW are there any news on the booking???
Lots of hugs,

Twiglet said...

Such fab pics of the daffs - and you too! Lovely card for Neet.