Tuesday, 13 March 2012

WOYWW 145 & Our Beloved Tree

Time again to mooch around the biggest blog hop of desks via Julia at the Stamping Ground. The weekly weakness of the nosey people of the world.
I think you've become quite used to my clear and tidy desk, so today is a rapid change due to a major event in our garden. Things have hastily been dumped on my table, taken off the wall and  covers thrown over everything. Why, oh, why?
This mess was made in minutes to protect my stash from the Tree Surgeons as they came to treat our beautiful old apple tree, as access to the front from the garden is through my workroom, then through the garage.
This tree that has given such wonderful service during the 36 years we have lived here, and who knows how many years before we arrived. 
It has blossomed fragrantly each year...
May 2010
provided plentiful fruit for us, for our family, friends, neighbours, even for the birds, and so much joy for us all....
Autumn 2011
Now it looked so sad with it's withered branches and we dearly hoped it might be saved but it had gone too far... 
so sadly it is no more a part of our lives and I wept to see it come down. I never imagined that I would cry for a tree, but I did, and I wished that all my family could have been together to see it once more before the final cut.
Just a couple of pies and a few boxes of stewed apples still in the freezer to remember it by and lots of photographs through the years but I have kept a log as a souvenir.


Heather Lynn said...

Jo, So sorry about your tree having to be cut down. It's so nice that you have photographs of it and family in front of it- to help remember how beautiful it was. That photo from 2010 would be pretty in a nice frame..maybe by the window where you once looked out to admire it. Hugs, Heather

Angie said...

I dont blame you for shedding a tear ...it was almost part of the family ...and certainly served it well.I love Heathers idea of a photo next to the window.xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tree and so many memories attached to it, what a shame it came to the end of its life. I'd be crying too I think! Perhaps you can make something from the log?


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I simply cannot imagine a tree dying in just a few months. It usually takes years for this to happen. And it looked so healthy in 2010 and again with all the fruit in 2011. I would be crying too. I do like how you landscaped around the tree. At least you have that part of the yard. have a great WOYWW from your no number friend (grin).

Liverpool Lou (Anne) said...

Ah it is sad, especially when it's given so much pleasure.
Are you going to the show at Aintree in April? If so we could meet up depending which day.
I'm having one of those nights when I can't sleep (now 4.55 am Yikes!)
Anne xx

Julia Dunnit said...

I've linked for you Jo - sorry.
What a sad tale..but what a marvellous place that gorgeous tree has in your story...a constant really. Far better to take it down than leave it standing without seasonal change and beauty, that would have been depressing.

Neet said...

Sorry Jo, you had posted your link before I read my mail.
I can well imagine the tears, I would cry if my Christmas tree came down and don't know what to do as it is growing so much.
Think Heather has a nice idea so why not have the photo framed as she suggested.
Good luck with Ikea.
Hugs, Neet xx

Bridget Larsen said...

awww sniff snifff, you had my tears flowing too. That is really sad, did you not go and talk to the tree everyday? Maybe it felt neglected. It was lovely in bloom. So in honour of the tree could you include a photo in the past of that tree?
I wish I could come to your craft group or classes, I keep seeing on WOYWW the ladies who come to your tutoridge and the wonderful stuff you teach them
Bridget #11

Helen said...

How sad! it was such a beautiful sight in full blossom. Hope you frame the photo as suggested. happy woyww, helen 7.

jude said...

So sad Jo you will miss the aray of blossom why did it have to come down not just pruned?was it DISEASED?
Have fab wednesday and creative week
judex 17

Annie said...

What happy memories you have of that wonderful tree. Sad to have lost it but now you must plant new memories :-)
A x

Ann B said...

Trees are beautiful so I can understand your upset, even more so because of all those precious family memories. Maybe you can plant a new one and look forward to seeing it grow and blossom, just like your grandees.
Thanks for the comments and the inspiration behind my little book.

Ann B

Artyjen said...

Oh how sad.....get yourself a new one toot sweet then you can have scrummy apples again! ;)
xoxo Sioux

SueH said...

Aww Jo, that’s so sad, especially when it’s brought you so much pleasure over the years.

Perhaps you can make yourself a little album/altered book, dedicated to some of your special memories and photos of it.

Happy Crafting!
Sue H #41

Neil said...

I love trees so know how you feel. It changes the look of the garden so much. I guess you'll plant another but it's not the same.

May said...

I shed a few tears with you Jo, lots of lovely memories of the old faithful tree, but know its time to plant some new memories for the future in his honour , Lovely post, Hugs May x x x

sandra de said...

Such lovely photos of the tree and I would find it very hard to see it being taken out. Must admit your pic at the still does look lovely even without the tree.

Twiglet said...

Sad to lose a tree but plant a new one and look forward to what its new life brings. x Jo

Peggy Cain said...

sorry about your tree we have 2 big ones that have to come down this spring one is the home to our grandson's tree house. what a bummer.
Have a fun WOYWW.

Jingle said...

Oh, that would have brought me to tears, too! I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful tree!

Sara S. said...

I can totally understand a connection to a tree that has been there for so long. So sorry it wasn't something that could be saved!

Sarn said...

Aww . . . poor ickle tree. Such a shame. It's a wrench and I feel for ya.

HAPPY? WOYWW anyway xxx

CraftygasheadZo said...

What a wonderful tree, am sure you'll miss it. Your desk looks super protected though, bubble wrap, can never resist popping! Take care, enjoy snooping around the wonderful desks & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 33

Paul B said...

Your tree certainly looked magnificent in its day. It's unfortunate but winter comes to us all. Though it's sad, nature always has something up her sleeve. Your garden, I'm sure, will flourish with new memories in the months and years to come. Px

Tuire Flemming said...

Oh, so sad! I would have cried, too :'(

lisa said...

I have a tear in my eye for your poor, beautiful tree, Jo. Still you have some lovely memories and you need to go and plant another equally beautiful tree in it's place and start some new memories now.
Take care
Hugs Lisax

yoursartfully said...

How sad that you lost such a beautiful tree. I do hope that you plant another so that you can watch it mature and give the kiddies some fabulous memories like yours.

Danielle said...

Sorry to hear about your beautiful apple tree. It sounds like it has served you well.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

As someone who also has a special tree in her garden, I had a tear in my eye reading about the demise of your beautiful apple provider. You'll have to plant another in remembrance.
Hugs, LLJ #26 xx

kay said...

hope that you can plant another special tree and watch it grow,have a great week,x

mammafairy said...

What on earth was so wrong with it? It looked lovely in your photos! I hop you can get another tree some where in your garden.

I am also wondering about the Aintree show? would it be worth a visit? What do you think?

Sheilagh said...

That is so sad Jo, I would have cried too. That tree has watched your children grow and play and was enjoying seeing your grandchildren too.



ScrappnBee said...

:( ...have you ever read "The Giving Tree" by Shell Silverstein? This post reminds me of it a little. Any plans for a new apple tree? Well, enjoy those last fruits! Have a fabulous WOYWW...once you uncover the office -Amanda #39


One always thinks that a tree will out live them. Glad you have photos and memories.!

karen said...

Aww, sorry you have lost your tree. We have a very old apple tree in out yard too and I do not look forward to that day at all. It has not had many apples the last couple of years so I fear that day is coming sooner rather than later :(
xoxo Karen #175

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...awe what a loVely story of your gorgeous apple tree and all the joy it's brought you & your family...you'll have to start the next chapter and plant another one...have a fab week...Mel :)

Diane said...

I understand how you feel about the apple tree, Jo but you have some wonderful memories to treasure of the happy family time spent around it.
Diane x

Dragon said...

Aww... how sad for you with your tree.. had similar experience last spring seeing so many deaths in my own garden from the weather etc... Hope you will be able to plant something else to give you similar joy

Debs Willis said...

So sad :-( Can understand the tears, sounds like a family focus in the garden

Happy woyww
Debs #166

Diana Taylor said...

How sad you had to lose your apple tree, I am very attached to my trees and understand how upsetting it was for you.
I love your workspace and I especially love the notice boards with all your interesting bits tucked in them - what a a brilliant idea. Thanks for sharing

Cardarian said...

I am sorry about your tree - I was going to talk to you about it the other day when we were chatting but I forgot! We used to have a birch tree in front of my grandad's house and when they cut it down we all cried!
Thank you again for the lovely chat last Friday - I know you are busy now with your visitors but if you will be able to have a peak at my blog tomorrow you will see my "swinging sandwich board card" and other stuff!
Lots of hugs - have a lovely time with your family!