Friday, 9 March 2012

Sudely & Philly

Sudely House is one of the hidden gems of Liverpool's Museums and Galleries but, as it is situated a few miles out of the city centre, so many visitors miss the opportunity to get there as there is already so much in the city centre to see and do. 
It is one of my favourite mini days out as I can see the work of so many artists and enjoy the beautiful home of George Holt the Victorian shipping magnate. Like all 9 of the museums and galleries of Merseyside, entrance is FREE and they all have good cafes too! 
It is one of the few Victorian homes, (and it really feels like a home not just a large house,) where the works of art are the ones which have been there since they were first acquired. 
This beautiful angel, by Burne-Jones, is one of my favourites but there are so many wonderful paintings by Turner, Millais, Goya, Alma Tadema to name but a few of the wonders at Sudely. The angel is carefully hidden for protection by a velvet curtain, so if ever you visit, be sure not to miss the opportunity to pull back the drapes in the hallway and drool. 
Here are just a few items from the fabulous exhibition of period costume on display.

This quirky piece of art in the grounds has been created by "artist(s) unknown" and I must admit to adding a feather to it myself!!
The main staircase
George Holt's daughter continued to live in the house, after his death, until 1944 when it was all bequeathed to the city. As a result it has remained complete and unchanged for us all to share.
Philadelphia Chocolate Cheese Spread
Just have to thank Julia of stamping ground for her review of the chocky version of Philly which led me to try it out for myself. Chocky Cheese???  It's like a Marmite "love or hate" thingy and whilst Julia loathed this .....Yum! I just adore it!!!
Thanks to Julia for my WOYWW badge... I'll wear it with pride at all the shows and arty gatherings!!!


Neesie said...

Hi Jo,
I think my sister has visited Sudley House but I haven't. Maybe next time I come home for a visit I'll pop in. All my family plus my husbands live on the Wirral so we'll be handy. 12,000 miles is quite a trip so we'll want to make the most of our visit when we do come!

Thanks for visiting me and giving a great idea for my old trainers. It's a perfect idea and quite a fitting end ;D

Anonymous said...

Love the house and wonderful costumes.

sam21ski said...

Wow Jo you really do find some interesting places to visit.

Not sure about the choccie phili though!!

Sam xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

How funny Jo, am so glad you like it..makes the purchase worthwhile!!
Surely looks magnificent, was even moved to show Mr D your photo of that sublime staircase. Must get a long weekend in Liverpool, it's such an ambition!

Paul B said...

Sudely was recommended to me when I attended an art appreciation course but I've still not been. It's another one for the diary this year. I agree the painting of the angel is glorious. Love your own contribution to the art world. Has me moved like no other piece has ever done. As for the choc philly - the thought makes me bilious but maybe if I tried it without knowing what it was, I'd find I liked it :) Pxx

Helen said...

I'd like to come to Liverpool too, the museum looks great - but I'd like to fit in the football!

Dotpat said...

Smashing post Jo, don't need to go visiting as you keep us so up to date with treasures, really interesting thanks

mammafairy said...

I need to go there with my daughter- thanks for showing!
Right, may I pick your brains? My husband dances with a Morris side, and last year they put on a day of dance. This ended up at Dunham Massey, where they danced and then had tea( I made it with help from another wife, sandwiches and home made cake for 70. This year they wish to do it again, but would like to have a different end venue. We are trying to think of a place where they have room to dance, not too drastically far from Warrington, Do you think Sudley might have a flattish area to danceon, or can you think of somewhere of similar type nearer Warrington?
During the day, they split up and dance in various venues, before all coming together for the tea, so it is this final venue that has to cope with them all

Neet said...

Another gem to visit - I think we need to have a long weekend in Liverpool some time soon . Thanks for yet another linsight ilnto what to see.
Hugs, Neet xx

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Very lovely, thanks for sharing!
Hey, we have a giveaway here, please stop by and add your name to the list -

Angie said...

Wow ..I would have loved to see the costumes ...I find fashions of the past fascinating.

Can't decide whether to try choccy philli ...I hate throwing things away if no'one likes it ...wish they did sample pots as I really do want to try it. xx

lisa said...

Your title sounds like some sitcom title, Jo it made me smile. I could imagine living next door to them, a lovely couple, lol.
Your visit looks great, love all the costumes. Haven't tried the philly yet but seen it on the ads. Not sure what I think but no doubt we will give it a go. I'll let you know the verdict.
Hugs Lisax

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ha ha did laugh that you added a feather to that anon work of art, Jo, a clever, interesting post and love the dresses and the daffodils on post before, a golden host indeed! Shaz in oz.x