Tuesday, 27 March 2012

On Safari!

Link here to ...
and only 15 minutes away from our house!
I really don't like animals being kept captive in zoos but at the safari park they live reasonably free in conditions similar to game reserves so I feel far happier to visit. The whole experience of being so close to so many wild animals was amazing and such a good day out. 

Close your eyes now if you are squeamy.......
I'm pleased I don't have to clear up after these huge rhinos.... the mound below was enormous and each message was bigger than a huge turnip!!
Some animals were more inquisitive which was quite an experience for us.

The baboons provided so much entertainment and the little baby ones were so cute.
We did, however, opt for the safer outer perimeter route where they couldn't get at the car. We didn't fancy replacing windscreen wipers or wing mirrors but it was hilarious watching the brave folk who dared to risk it.
Travelling at snail pace meant we needn't belt up and the little 'un could be free to look at whichever side the animals roamed.
Simples! Well he didn't say it so I just had to!
 I love the real meercats but just cannot stand the creepy ones in the well known TV adverts.
There are lots of amusements, rides, cafes and animal enclosures at the end of the safari ride and  sealion shows throughout the day. All in all a great day out. 


Annie said...

Looks like you are making the best of your special family times Jo :-)
A x

Helen said...

Ha ha! When I sw your blog title I thought - oh, she's jetted off somewhere exotic!! And here you are close to home. Great pics, though - I know what you mean about animals in captivity, but safari parks are a good mid-way option. I remember my parents taking us to Longleat (years & years ago!) and the monkeys and baboons climbing all over cars, it was great fun. I think we escaped vandalism luckily!

Paul B said...

Never been to this one either. Looks better than I expected. I'm like you, I don't like zoos and captive animals. Over in France, we've been to a lot more sanctuaries where animals, within reason, have freedom to roam. It's a much better set up. Looks like you had a smashing day and good weather for it too. Pxx

Cardarian said...

Oh what a lovely day out! I must go there when I come to Liverpool! Ha, ha I bet your little grandee enjoyed that! What an adventure!
Lots of hugs,

Heather Lynn said...

Looks like a day full of fun!! I love all of the photos except the one of ostrich. (and the doo doo lol) I was attacked by an ostrich when I was a little girl and my aunt had to hit it with her purse to get it off of me! The red hair, maybe?! lol So glad you are enjoying the time with your precious family!
Take Care,

hazel said...

Great photo's Jo - looks like a great day out.
xxx Hazel.

Lee said...

Great pics as always Jo.I LOVE Meerkats lol.Huggles.xx

Neet said...

Sounds good - looks good. Glad you had a good time.
Hugs, Neet xx