Thursday, 19 July 2012

Last Collection of Photos from Slovenia

Whilst I have so many more photos I will make these few the last of my Slovenian trip as it encapsulates and finalises the span of the wonderful places we visited, thanks to Dolores during our superb holiday with her.

Our visit to the Postojna caves was somewhat overwhelming and this photo does not show the grandeur and spectacle of it all. We rode really fast in a rickety train, which was just like a metal toast rack. The tunnels and passages were so low that we were strongly warned not to stand up or move to either side as it raced into the hillside. We travelled for 15 minutes, viewing many wonders of stalagmites and stalactites. We then disembarked to follow pathways, walking through the multi million year old wonders of cavern after cavern for an hour before we met the train to return to the outside world.
The formations took so many forms which rocked our minds and imagination.... some looked like draped transparent fabric, chambers of Hobbits, chess sets, tiered wedding cakes, water falls, Moomins... etc., etc., etc!!!
It takes 100 years for 1cm to form on a stalactite so it was mind blowing to see what millions of years had produced in this fascinating place.
Photos were banned until we reached the vast chamber of the
The Concert Hall 
A group of people took advantage of the amazing accoustics in there to sing in harmony, much to everyone's delight.
Ljubljana old town
... note the shoes hanging high across the street??!!??
Statue of Preserem, a famous Slovenian poet
Engraved padlocks are fastened to the sides of the bridge as declarations of love... the bridge has glass on each side of the walkway making it so weird to walk across and the tour boats can be seen passing beneath. Remember to wear jeans and not a skirt!!
Handcrafts everywhere and here, carved walking staffs for sale.......
Beautiful views at every turn on the road to Kranjska Gora
The story of the road and church
Tiny Russian Church built as a memorial to all the prisoners of war who died in the construction of this high mountain pass.
The man walking up the steps gives the scale of the church.
The Winter Olympics Ski Jump
Two brave souls were walking up to the top but I wouldn't fancy that any more than I'd fancy jumping from the top in the snow. I'll have greater respect now for the jumpers.
The new jump in progress for the next Winter Olympics
 across the border in Italy where we were caught in a rain storm so it became really humid in the heat.
Bikes and scooters everywhere.
If you've never been to Slovenia... GO!! 


Annie said...

What a stunning country. Thanks for sharing your pics.
A x

olive said...

Lee is just on his way back from Slovakia!!!! he was there for work. Looks amazing and beautiful scenery. xxxx

cockney blonde said...

Jo, I so love your sharing of photos and especially the snippets of facts that you include here and there. Thanks for sharing, x

Artyjen said...

I'll certainly try to go one of these days! Thanks for sharing the pics ;)
xoxo Sioux

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, fabulous photos, that sky jump looks seriously scary! You saw so much while you were there I am surprised you found any time to craft.......A x

Helen said...

I have really enjoyed your holiday...!! That ski jump looks frightening enough with snow on it, but bare... eek! Thanks for letting us see these wonderful photos.

Cardarian said...

Hi Jo!

Love this post about our country - had a few laughs too! Thank you so much for the lovely time we spent together!
Lots of hugs and love

Twiglet said...

Thanks for sharing Jo - It certainly looks a lovely place. x Jo

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo,

Love seeing these photos. Thank you for sharing!!! Just amazing -- from the beautiful vistas to the locks representing love (and really, the bottom of the bridge made of glass?) wow!

Kay #36

Angie said...

What wonderful photos the padlock tradition ....thanks for sharing your trip over the last posts. xx

Morti said...

Wow, fantastic photos. I'm now thinking a trip to Slovenia is a must do... Thanks for sharing them with us, Jo!

lisa said...

What amazing photos, Jo. Thanks so much for sharing your brilliant trip with us. The glass bridge sounds bizarre. It all looks very different from what I remember, but then an awful lot of years have gone by. I do remember Kranjska Gora through. I've got a feeling it was very near the Sarajevo Olympics that we visited. I'm showing my age now. It's definitely time for a revisit.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs Lisax

Dotpat said...

What gorgeous photo's Jo, looks a fabulous place and thanks for the entertaining commentry, enjoyed reading it

donnalouiserodgers said...

ah it seems so long ago now... must start firming up our return is open...


Neet said...

Thanks so much for sharing your journey Jo, a real enjoyable trip for us all - thanks to you.
Hugs, Neet xx

Unknown said...

Great photos and they make me want to visit too.

Heather, aka: Big Auntie said...

Fantastic pictures! Makes me itch to get my passport renewed! Thanks for sharing them with us.

Crafty Loops said...

Well you've convinced me on Slovenia! Ive always wanted to go but these photos have me itching to go now. I love the photo with the padlocks on the bridge. So romantic. Lee x