Tuesday, 17 July 2012

WOYWW 163 / Birthday Treats

WOYWW brings together the snoopers and the daring folk who share their desks via Julia's stamping-ground each week. 
My work desk this week has been the cutest one ever as I enjoyed my first attempt at face painting on such a wriggly canvas, namely my little fraulein grandee. 
As I've been enjoying special time with my family this week, I am showing more of my belated birthday gifts which are still on my desk. Donna didn't know about my birthday, (which was June) so she made an extra special box of tricks to give to me before we left for our Slovenia adventure.
(Be warned....more Slovenia pics next post to finish off my saga of fun so pop back if you are at all interested.)
Here's the box top...
the inside of the lid....
The treasure chest of gifts within....
Also the mini tag file filled with wonders....
Thanks so much Donna, so exciting to open... it's a forever keepsake and I can't stop browsing it's contents. I'm well blessed to be treated so fantastically.
Neet, another lovely friend, you'll know from Hickydorums, gave me a pack of nail grooming products which includes this amazing magnetic nail polish (by Nails Inc.). It is such fun! Neet is so thoughtful, and knows me so well, so this is a great treat for me. 
After a first coat, a second coat is applied nail by nail then the magnet provided in the lid  is held over each nail, one by one, giving a special transformation from plain to patterned. Quite fascinating! There are different designs and this one is a fishnet effect and Neet has one with a wave effect. I'm told it can also be applied over a coloured base. The varnish is exceptionally chip resistant and so lasts really well.
Neet, thanks again and you are a star!!!...Hope you are recovering PDQ from your hospital stay this week....brave gal!
I also received a parcel of goodies from Lorraine including a much needed hand scrub I have wanted for ages. Lovely gifts, really appreciated, but even lovelier friends! 


Redanne said...

Hi Jo, love the face painting on your gorgeous little grandee! And what lovely presents you have received - those nails are fabulous, would love a set of those......Anne x (no number yet, too early) Happy WOYWW.

donnalouiserodgers said...

grooovy nails, they are amazing,

I've been touting your altered perfume bottles - I do hope you will do an on line tut...

speak soon,

dxxx 16

Joynana said...

Your first attempt at face painting is fantastic. It does not look like your first time. Love your wonderful gifts. I am going to have to have some of that nail polish. #30

Carola Bartz said...

I love your wriggly canvas - she looks so super cute!

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Lucky you, the gift "wrapping" is almost as good as the gift! Cool nails, I guess if you can paint a wall with magnetic paint...it will work on any surface, including nails. Very cute face painting model, I'll bet that took a while! #34

SandeeNC said...

wow, that magnetic nail polish is a trip, I've never heard of it before! Happy Birthday! waving hi from hills of North Carolina :) ( not yet numbered )

Sandy said...

What amazing projects you have there, love the tag holder the papers used are just so lovely. Her face looks amazing. Never seen nails like that before lucky you. Sandy :) #57

Joanne said...

Nails, pressies, painted faces, all super. Happy woyww.
Hugs Joanne xx

Neet said...

Can't keep a crafter down! Never imagined I would be WOYWW'ing this week but here I am, sore but managing a quickie.
Got to get some fish scale now myself!
Lovely gift from Donna, what a beautiful top to the box and what magic it had in store for you.
Neet xxx


A box of delights rather than pandora's box :) so lovely to be spoilt on your birthday :)

Sunshine Girl said...

Wow what fabulous birthday presents - they are fantastic arent they. Love that box and never seen the nail varnish before. Happy belated birthday! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl No. 58

Sunshine Girl said...

Oh your blog link is wrong by the way - I only got here cause I noticed it was mispelt.

Sunshine Girl said...

Ignore my last comment - found this one now!

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

so much scrumptious stuff to look at.. love it all :)
Jennie #47

okienurse said...

What a cute picture of the face painted Grandee! Love all the birthday gifts! Lots of fun things to look at and play with. Never have seen finger nail polish that is magnetic! Have a great week. Vickie #67

Helen said...

What a fabulous gift from Donna and I LOVE the nails! Happy WOYWW, Helen, 22

Annie said...

What a fab wriggly little model you have there....so lovely to see her looking so well too. Those gifts are really special Jo. Love that nail varnish.
A x #76

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Cutie little tigger there!! She made me smile :)

And funky nails, missus!! I'd never heard of magnetic varnish, it looks amazing on you...but then, you DO have very nicely shaped nails. Mine are always short...Julia despairs of me!!

Hugs. LLJ #70 xx

Tuire Flemming said...

Oh! Cutiest little Tiger I´ve ever seen :)
You´ve had Birthday?! Congrats!!!
The gift from Donna is gorgeous. And those magnetic nails may be very usable... you only have to point with your fingers to the direction, where you think you have lost the scissors... A crafter´s thing, really! ;)
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire xx #82

Ann B said...

Love your little tiger or Tigger, bet she was thrilled. How did you persuade her to wash her face afterwards?
Beautiful gift from Donna, no wonder you will treasure it and the scrubby - I really need one of those as well as my fingers are almost (but not quite) as colourful as your usually are.

Ann B

Artyjen said...

Ooh la la....fab nails!
xoxo Sioux

lisa said...

Your little tiger is adorable, Jo. I'm so glad you have been having a special time.
Gorgeous pressies and what amazing nails. You can't those all inky and painty!!!
Hugs Lisax #97

Trish Latimer said...

Only just managed to get here....the link said you didn't exist Jo!!!! Fab nails, how cool are they?!!!! Love the little peeking tiger, great face paint! Trish #78

Twiglet said...

Fantastic face painting Jo - what a poppet. Now if I had fab nails like that I would want some clever polish like yours - they are amazing!! x Jo

Anonymous said...

Worried there when I clicked the "wrong link" first and it said you didn't exist :) But so worth it to find the right one and see that box. WOW. Just stunning.


MA (1)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I just stopped by your previous post and have to admit that there would be not much bosom with THIS buddy! Loved the face painting and I am truly intigued by that nail polish, although I never seem to get around to painting my nails. Happy WOYWW from #6.

cockney blonde said...

Your face painting has come up a treat. Well done you. Love the nails, that fishnet effect is fabby. As for the box and goodies, WOW you are a very lucky lady, enjoy, x

Angie said...

Not sure where to start ....LOVE the nails ...and I think you may have a new career ....face painting at parties maybe. You certainly had some brilliant pressies.Again I didn’t join in this week but thought I would visit a few blog friends …life is a little upside down still.xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I think those steam punk people will be all over that nail polish. It is totally cool. The mini tag book is awesome. Such a fun project to do. I haven't done one in forever. What a great friend to give you such a decorative box with all those goodies inside. Woo! Wiggly canvases indeed, the face painting came out fabulous though.

Cardarian said...

Oh what a lovely little model you have there! So cute! I am now felling bad as I didn't give you anything for your birthday - there was just so much going on I forgot - will make it up to you at some point! Love the nail varnish - very fancy!
Enjoy your granny time - speak soon!
Lots of hugs and love

Darnell said...

What a kick of a post, Jo! Amazing face painting and those nails are so intriguing and beautiful!! Lots of fun pressies for your birthday, luck girl!! Happy WOYWWING! Darnell #142

Shoshi said...

What a wonderful post, Jo, full of amazing goodies! Sorry I haven't visited you for a while - I'm really trying to visit more desks this week. The face painting is amazing, as are your nails (never seen anything like that before! Whatever will they think of next!), the beautiful little mini album, your box... Wow, you've packed in so much this week, it is a real feast to read.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #3

sandra de said...

Goregous post from the little tiger face to those amazing talons.
Sandra @31

Peggy Cain said...

That face!!!! how cute... and the nails well now those were pretty cool. have a great day

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Fantastic nails Jo - and your face painting is fab - I used to face paint for Police family days when I worked for a charity in Rotherham. It was fun if a bit hectic. x M #73

505whimsygirl said...

I'd say you are a success in the face painting department! Very cute. Happy belated birthday - you received some great gifts!!!

Kay #36

peggy aplSEEDS said...

happy WOYWW! what a great post with such a variety of pics to ooh and ahh about, from the cutie tiger, to the lovely gift and the amazing nail polish! thank you for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS

Morti said...

LOL - you've just cost me some money...hehehehe.... just HAD to go and get that nail varnish for Lil Miss B for her birthday next week. God Bless Amazon!

Glad you had a good time in Slovenia, and a happy birthday for last month too!

Morti #58

Shoshi said...

Did she jump or was she pushed lol lol!!! Thanks for your comment, Jo - teetering on the brink! I can see a Big Fall coming as you break open the wallet and get those Dylusions inks! (Shoshi's SUCH a bad influence lol!)

I've been meaning to say to you that I've discovered you are the same Jo that made my favourite fan stamp that I've been making the little tags out of, to go with my ATCs for the swap. Bit slow on the uptake sometimes and hadn't made the connection! I love that fan set! Was it you who made the exquisite little fan from the stamp, to go in with the order, made with the honeycomb paper between the two fan pieces? I've still got it, and treasure it!!

Your photos of Slovenia are just stunning... So glad you had such a good time.

Shoshi #3