Tuesday, 31 July 2012

WOYWW 165 & The Big Clear Up

Time again to show my desk to the crafting world and beyond. 
I missed last week as I was so busy with a major sort out in the house, garage, loft and ... you guessed it... my crafty room. The roof heaved a sigh of relief as so much stash was recycled or binned and I'm wondering now if I'll be looking for anything next week, that I've discarded this week!?! 
Thanks to those who missed me last week and sent private messages of concern for my welfare. Thanks especially to Annie who had a wonderful family wedding to think about yet still found time for me.

Here's my room in the before and after stages.......
No! Donna and Carol, I did not tidy it especially for your forthcoming visits... it just had to be done. 
Mind you, here's a WARNING!*!*!.... just anyone dare mess it up, heh, heh!!!!! No names mentioned!
My desk before...
and after my modest transformation..... still not quite finished but getting there....
The desk by the window hidden under a heap of stash.....
and now! I just got in before the landslide but still have to tidy all those boxes on the shelves.
The sink area before....
and after. I know, I know... not much has changed here but remember I did the garage and loft too and still have lots more to do here....
I bet I get the coconut for my mess this week but I hope I also get the star for all I've achieved. 
Time now to make your comparisons with all the other brave crafters who weekly show their desks via What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday over at Julia's Stamping Ground blog... pop over and have a nosey at this weeks fun! 

Yesterday I showed quite a lot of my latest crochet bits and bobs and this week it's the only bit of crafting I've managed. Each evening when I finally collapse into the sofa, after a day of sorting and clearing, I add a few stitches to this, the first of three ponchos I'm making for my gorgeous, curly, girlie, grandees. 
Take a peek at my previous post if you'd like to see all the bright coloured bibs and headbands I've made recently. 


sandra de said...

Ohhhh Jo, that is an amazing room of stuff. It would have to be the crafters version of Aladdin's cave. Looking forward to seeing the finished ponchos.
Sandra @36

Danielle said...

Wow! You have been busy and it looks great! I love your crocheted bibs from below. They are so pretty. Dani# 26

Neet said...

Crikey Jo, you have been busy, wish I had half of your energy! Love those ponchos and I have actually seen one of them and I have a flower hanging on a bag - they are all so utterly gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing - Hugs, neet xx one above you (do we P at the same time?)

Sandy said...

Oh I peeked below and love the flowers on the headbands they are so cool, love the colors. You have been so busy too look at those before and after pics wow. Sandy :) #43

Tuire Flemming said...

Good to "see you" again! Or at least your desks and the wonders that have happened there... but I´m a little bit concerned about the visitors... ;)
Happy WOYWW!
Tuire #54

Judys Lace Creations said...

Hi Jo , Glad you're back! I want to click a mouse and have my clutter disappear too!(hehe). I did tidy my work table in the garage.I just paint and have Very messy things out there.My sewing table looks...whoa!!Horrible ( pause for scream) I mean Busy!!
Judy #20

scrappymo! said...

You have indeed been a very busy girl. I don't know how you had time to crochet too.

I paged back and your hairbands, flowers and bibs are superb!

jill said...

You've been so busy withthe tidying. It's going to be sod's law that your going to need something you've thrown away the next time you get crafting again. Jill #57

Annie said...

Thanks for your lovely comment Jo. Sounds like you really have had a clear out and your work spaces look amazing now. Well done you The bibs are just gorgeous...what yarn have you used?
A x #64

Helen said...

Not sure quite where you've managed to hide everything.... I am sure everything is back in it's rightful place and not just hidden in the corner! Have a great week. Helen 24

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, no stars from me but I am pleased to award you a Gold Medal!! You have done an amazing job but yes, I bet next week you will be looking for something that you have recycled - lol. Great job nevertheless! Happy WOYWW, crafty hugs, Anne x #58

donnalouiserodgers said...




Lynne said...

Jo I did the same to my (smaller but less tidy!) sewing/journalling space yesterday. I have the probelm that I need the place to be clean/tidy enough for textley things happenin' yet ready to turn on an instant to get on with serious painting/glueing/etc etc that is journal-play. I NEED MORE SPACE! And I most certainly ain't gonna be getting it. So, big re-organisation under way.It is a constant balancing act with all the 'stuff' you need! Your place looks great.

Ali said...

Wow, you have done a serious amount of tidying - well done! I'm envious cos I desperately need to do likewise in my room! :lol: I've done a little bit of tidying - and need to do some more today to clear desk space - but I urgently need a good and proper clear out like you've been doing!

Thanks for sharing. :)

Ali #83

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

You must be exhausted!! It is amazing how we ALL do this. But what a relief when we once tidy up. I've got the same thing going on..had everything neat and tidy for the summer..now I started to clean out the storage area once and for all and it has disrupted almost 3 other areas. I hate to get rid of things as the next week I need something I just threw..
Enjoy your new space and take a day to relax. Happy WOYWW

kay said...

well done on all that organisation in the house,bet you are worn out now
have a super woyww
kay #82

Twiglet said...

Well done on your big clean up - it's a lovely feeling when you have done it!! Your crochet bibs are gorgeous. I might have to try one of those. Happy Yorkshire Day! x Jo

Glenda said...

A gold star for you indeed! You have such a wonderful space and now you have more room to play. How wonderful to have a sink in your area! Glenda 93

Papemelroti Shop Blog said...

Congratulations on your clean up! I am sure you have this sense of accomplishment! I would! Patsy from
HeARTworks and

Trish Latimer said...

Wow, that really is such a difference, you've really worked hard there Jo!! xx Trish #10

Paul B said...

Well done on the mucking out and clearing up. You've got more persistance than I have with it. Looks perfect and ready to transform into a mess again. :) Pxx

Lynn Holland said...

Well done to you and all your tidying up and a gold medal for the fabulous bibs.
Oh yes please come and say hello on Sunday, I will be outside with my little gazebo, hubby and Doodly birds.
Lynn x

Dotty Jo said...

Always LOVE my visits to your little wonderland Jo! TFS, Jo x

cockney blonde said...

WOW you have been a busy bee. You know where I live, lol, x

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, Jo, I feel you may be setting a jolly good example....and I also fear that Carol and Donna won't listen to a word you say about tidiness!! bET YOU FEEL LIKE SITTING AT IT AND GETTING ON NOW..NOTHING LIKE A TIDY UP REALLY. OOps, sorry, capital lock - proof that I don't touch type because I didn't notice till I looked up! Have so SO enjoyed your Slovenia trip, wonderful pics - what a great guide D was!

Bernice said...

Oh you've accomplished such a lot this week - I've been trying to clear up my house and it has taken almost 3 weeks in the kitchen alone - now I'm in the study and after that my daughter's bedroom needs redecorating!
Bernice #2

505whimsygirl said...

Wow - look at all you've accomplished! No wonder you collapse on the couch and then still feel like working on the ponchos. Love that purple yarn.

Kay #31

Anne said...

Gosh you have been having a clearout. I am trying , slowly to declutter. Have plans to get rid of some crafty stuff that I don't use/like anymore. Had a look at your previous post gorgeous makes. Anne x #129

May said...

You have been a busy bee Jo... looking good... well done on the scrub up... Have a tidy week, Hugs May x x x#12

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I think you get the Gold Medal for Tidying and Sorting!! It always makes me feel better after I've had a big sort out, quite cathartic really!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes - I've had a lovely day. Spent the afternoon sorting out my new beads while watching Wiggo win the Cycling Gold!!
Hugs, LLJ #1 xx

Spyder said...

ohooo wow, can i come and play?? I bet you've found loads of lost stuff! hopping around quickly waiting to go the scotland....happy woyww!
((Lyn)) #18

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Okay, I'm tired now and I shall go lay down. You made a HUGE difference, AND you did other rooms?! My gosh, you've been a busy beaver. Plus doing the knitting, or the crocheting, whatever it is. Hubby would know. He can't do it but granny who raised him was big with that, and crewel work, which apparently is not the same as cross stitch. What do I know?!

Darnell said...

Wow, Jo, what an amazing transformation!! I thought I had a bit of a tidy, but you've got me beat by miles and miles! Well done!! Have a great week! Darnell #34

SandeeNC said...

Gold medal for an Olympic sized clean up! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

cockney blonde said...

I've decided....once I'm fully mobile I am coming over to officially mess up your craft room, lol. Let's face it I won't have a craft room of my own to mess up for a few weeks so I may as well do yours.
Thanks for the tip re the ice-cream cartons. Just have to buy and eat some of the stuff now. Oh well, someone has to do it!!!

cockney blonde said...

Meant to say...duh! I see you follow Attic24. Isn't she just amazing. I love reading her blogs, x

Lee said...

Snap Jo,that's what we've been doing (see my post) too.We are still at it,no loft to clear but the garage is half done.Love your latest creations for the grandees they are so lucky to have such a talented granma.Hope you are all keeping well.Huggles xxxx

Amy E said...

WOW! That's a HUGE difference in your room! You must have been on quite a cleaning frenzy! I wish I had your energy. It looks amazing!

I'm having a giveaway, open worldwide this week. Come check it out if you get the chance!

Amy E. #30

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, I could have sworn I'd commented on your post but seemingly not. The transformation is impressive and quite bit has changed around the sink area ... we can now see the sink - progress indeed :)) Have a lovely weekend. Elizabeth #63

Linda Simpson said...

WOW Jo I thought I had a lot of stash but you definitely beat me hands down. Lovely to see other crafters working domain and this is fab.

Lovely to see you today and thanks for your help.

Linda xxxx

Sheilagh said...

WoW... Can you come and sort mine now please? Pretty Please?

