Sunday, 5 August 2012

Doodly Birds at Browsholme

Quote of the Post
My friend Jean, in Oz, sent me a long list of one liners so I'm going to add one at the start of each post until they run out.
"Start every day with a smile and get it over with"....
 ( W.C.Fields American comedian 1880-1946)

We had another great day out today when we visited Browsholme Hall in Clitheroe for the Craft Fair and Farmers Market. We love going to this part of Lancashire, it's an English gem with lots of lovely places to visit and lush green, beautiful, countryside. 
We were lucky to meet up with yet another member of WOYWW, Lynn of oneimadeearliertodayblog who had a stand selling her fabulously quirky Doodly Birds on a range of handmade craft items.
Doodly Birds with Lynn and Jo
When I saw Lynn I held up my handbag and asked if she liked it...... "Oh yes", she said, "I do", wondering who was this strange woman and not realising it was me. When she saw the WOYWW badge on my bag she shouted "Oh! It's YOoooU"!!!!! and we both burst into laughter. 
So good to meet up with another really lovely member of the group in this lovely venue... 
Browsholme Hall.
Before long we were joined by Carol of CarolCs stuff blog
We all got along so well and it was really special to meet someone I felt I already knew.
Jo, Lynn, Carol and the Doodly Birds
DH and I had a stroll in the beautiful grounds of the hall
and around the lake
I loved the old boathouse.... 

After we'd been around the stands at the fair we took the rare opportunity to visit nearby Stonyhurst College, which is open only at weekends, only at the end of the academic year and out of term time, for just four weekends per year. I've wanted to get there for a few years!
It's a public school and many famous people have graced it's stately portals, including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (of Sherlock Holmes books) and Charles Laughton (an early English film star). Also Titus Oates the renegade priest responsible for the Popish Plot in 1678. 
Cromwell stayed there too when he travelled North for the Battle of Preston in 1715 and we saw the long table where he slept in full armour ready for action!
You'd certainly need to be rich to send your children here and whilst it started off as a boys college it now takes girls too and it has every modern facility within it's ancient walls!
The early parts of the college date back to the days of Elizabeth 1st and whilst the guided tour was fascinating we were not allowed to take photos. 
I risked it for Carol as she was especially interested as one of her great, great, great grandfathers was a tailor who made these special uniforms for the boys of the college. The breeches were made of soft chamois leather!
A superb meal in the Waddington Arms (in Waddington Village) ended a perfect and very interesting day out.


Helen said...

Great scenery and a lovely meet-up!!

Sheilagh said...

That looks like a perfect day out to me Jo, Craft Fair, crafty folk meet up, stunning views, historic building, delicious food and a wonderful husband to share it all with, I could go for that:)



Annie said...

It's good to see you've met up with yet another of the gang :-)
A x

Lynne said...

Fab piccies, Jo, and what a gorgeous setting for a craft fair! All those years I lived in Liverpool and never went to Clitheroe - though of course I do remember the radio show!!!!!!!

And isn't it daft how ridiculously happy and grateful we've become for a continuous bit of sunshine!

Paul B said...

Looks like you had a superb day out. I love your photos, especially the boats in the boathouse. Browsholme Hall looks magnificent. As does Stoneyhurst College. Another two interesting places to add to my ever expanding list of "places Jo has visited that have inspired me to take a look at too" lol. Pxx

Dotty Jo said...

Lovely pictures Jo, and isn't it a real treat to meet up with your fellow bloggers! Jo x

cockney blonde said...

Love those piccies Jo. Somewhere I've never been but I can see I'll need to rectify that asap.
As for my 'friend' she has a permanent dose of laryngitis. Oh BTW her name's Polly Stirene, lol, x

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, what a beautiful setting and how lovely to meet up with Lynn, I love her Doodly Birds and she is such a lovely lady too. Great pictures too. A x

Linda Simpson said...

Wonderful photographs Jo, never been to either of these places and they will definitely be on my list of places I need to visit.

Linda xxx

Twiglet said...

Well what a fab day that must have been! Lovely photos. Thanks for sharing. x Jo

Unknown said...

It was a great day and thanks for the uniform picture. I have tried for a long time to get a good one.
3 times now last week I have been to Stonyhurst so to do the tour yesterday was great and we got longer than the hour and a half even if the guide did miss bits out. She missed out the Secret Passage and the Priest Hole.
It was great to meet Lynne too.

Carol x

Ann B said...

Great photos Jo, you always find such pretty places to visit, and to top it all with another WOYWW meet up - fantastic.
Ann B

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Jo, thank you for coming to visit me on Sunday, it was a real treat and thank you also for my lovely present. You've got some great pictures of Browsholme, I must go as a visitor myself.
Lovely to meet both you and Carol. You made my day and the Doodly Birds of course.
Lynn x x x

Neet said...

Never heard of the Hall despite doing my Guiding in that area. Wadding ton is such a pretty village and I am lucky to have two friends who live there in a lovely cottage. (one used to work at Melt).
Oops as if you had a very full day out.
Thanks for sharing
Hugs Neet xx

Dotpat said...

Another fab post Jo as Ann B said you really find some fab places to go, thanks for sharing with us

Unknown said...

What a wonderful day out!