Tuesday, 7 August 2012

WOYWW 166 & Blog Candy

I really appreciate the many visitors to my blog, especially those who leave a comment and all the lovely followers who are interested enough to keep an eye on my posts. I had intended to offer some blog candy when my hits counter reached 88,888 but I was so busy that missed the magic moment.
I have got to know so many lovely crafters and made lasting friendships via my blog and I've even been lucky to meet up with quite a few these very special people. 
(Take a look at the last post to see yet another live meet up with WOYWWer Lynn and her Doodly Birds.) 
To say a big "Thank You" to every one of you I'm offering some blog candy and, since I've had a mega clean up, I have found quite a few items surplus to requirements and I'll even add a few extras once I get a chance to shop.
Here's the stash on offer so far!
I will also make a special handcrafted gift for a couple of winners which can be chosen from several items such as, (below) a hand painted art apron, a decorated key chain, handbag bling, a crochet bag decoration etc. I'll discuss preferences with the winners.
To qualify 
Please leave me a comment stating you'd like to be included.

I always make you work for my blog candy so.......just for a bit of fun we want your alter ego...
 tell me (and Blogland) what your name would be if you were a pole dancer, created by giving the name of your pet (past or present) and your maternal grandmother's maiden surname. It will gain you an extra entry in the draw!

Mine therefore would be Ziggy Boguski !!!

Add the first picture to your blog, leaving a link and mention my candy offer.

Be a follower, but don't sign up unless you are really interested as it would be unfair to take the chance away from others who are regulars, as they are the people I want to thank. 
The draw will be made on Sunday 2nd September.

WOYWW 166 
Here's my cleaned up work space and despite making quite a few items this week I've kept it quite tidy.
I also made headway clearing the sink area...
and tidied all these boxes and did a bit more on this other window area......
All my ribbons, card stock etc., are stored in these file drawers...
If by now you've had a good snoop here then you can continue spying on the crafty spaces of many others who add their names to the list of WOYWW, What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, via our General Factotum, the lovely Julia,  at her Stamping Ground Blog

Just thought you'd like to know that Ikea (other home stores are available!) have revamped their stores and now include a gift wrapping section where I bought, at reasonably low cost, these really interesting quirky tags (£1 pkt) and stickers (50p pkt).
Won't be blogging much for a while!
I'm so thrilled to be flying out to Germany tomorrow for the 3rd birthday of my lovely little fraulein grandee and the day after her birthday she starts kindergarten. DH is staying home as it was a quick last minute decision for me to go. He's too good to me and so aren't I the lucky one to share these special occasions? 
When I return the Brighton Belles will come for a weeks holiday so there's  even more fun to come.... woo hoo! 
Lots of love from my alter ego.....Ziggy Boguski!


Yvonne said...

I always follow, but don't comment that often as I follow soooo many blogs :) The blog candy looks wonderful. Thank you for the chance to win. My alter ego name is Grizz Thiele!

ps Your work space is beautiful. I would be so embarrassed if anyone saw my "hoarders room".

I'm off to post about your candy now.

donnalouiserodgers said...

candy meek ( honestly)

those stickers are fab I used mine already...

have a fab trip

A-len-ka said...

Thank You for your wonderful candy, for all your fantastic works and for such funny qualifying rule :)
So... as a pole dancer my name would be Masya Suslova. Not a beautiful one, honestly :)
All the best,


Glennis F said...

Well Miss Ziggy - I only wish I had so much space in my craft room, and a sink as well!!!
I guess my name would have to be .... Brownie Parker

Sheilagh said...

Have a great time with your gorgeous grandee's :0)
You craft room looks like heaven!!

My name would be Titch Elliot....thing is there is nothing "Titch" about me!!



Helen said...

I love your cleaned up look - can you come and do mine when you get back from Germany?! I'd love to be in with a chance to win - my alter ego is Tinker Maas.
Helen, no number WOYWWer!!

mammafairy said...

I would love to be included, and will give a name, I think this theory went about as your glamour model name a few years ago, I remember Bunty Bagshaw talking about it on the radio, and she has 'retired' by some time now!
the name I could give would be Zizi Smith!

I am amazed at how tidy your workspace is just now- I would be ashamed to show mine!

Paul B said...

Lovely to see your clean space still :) And have safe and memory filled travels my friend. I can but imagine the excitement you are feeling at seeing your loved ones over the coming days and weeks. Enjoy! You can leave me out of your draw - tempting as it is :) - & I actually like my stripper name (there's a scrapbooked page on it somewhere on my blog) as it has a pleasing alliteration to it: Boots Bentley!!! Pxx

Lynne said...

Hi Jo...am SO envious of your tidy space...yes, I know, I know, get on and do it, girl. But life intervenes, doesn't it? And it'll be a tip again soon....

Well, I am a follower already; my pole-dancing name would be the very boring Samwise Bentley....more fitting to a role in a film about MI5 I think!

Now I'm not the most technologically- adept so will have a shot at putting the photo up...don't hold your breath!

Have a LOVELY time at the birthday party..have lots of cuddles!

Annie said...

Hi Jo,
Please don't include me in your give away [let it go to a paper crafter please] but I did want to let you know that you have caused fits of giggles here today....Our Maternal Grandmother's maiden name was Burns [honestly!] So it made the perfect starting place for a pole dancer's name. I've had lots of pets over the years too so will let you choose :-) :-)
Rusty Burns....the dog
Whisky Burns...the cat
Tufty Burns, Scruffy Burns, Fluffy Burns, to name but a few....guinea pigs....we used to breed free range Guinea pigs in our back garden and had up to 30 at a time running round!
It all sounds pretty painful to me but trust me if I tried pole dancing any would be appropriate!!!
Thanks so much for the giggle today....my face aches now!
A x #6

Redanne said...

Hi Jo, not joining WOYWW this week, bit under par, but called to say hi. Oh dear, my name would be Wotchit Matheson - lol. Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy, will put it on my blog later today all being well. Anne x

Lynn Holland said...

Look at you all shiny tidy. I want a root round them red drawers.
Lovely to see you Sunday. Have a great time away.
Love Lynn xx 43

April said...

Wow! very tidy! I don't know how you manage to remember where everything is in all those different boxes and drawers :o) Fab candy! I would love to be in with a chance to win. My very un-exotic name would be Hammy Pearson :o) I don't think I'd make much money with a name like that! Have a great time in Germany x April #44

cockney blonde said...

Hi Jo, You've certainly caused some hilarity with your fabulous blog candy and challenge. You can leave me out of the draw as I am trying to keep my stash to a minimum at the moment. However wanted to say enjoy your trip to Germany. Can't believe your little fraulein is almost 3!!! Hope I am mobile enough to catch up with you all soon, x

Ann B said...

Gosh Jo, how tidy are you? You put my little space to shame. Mind you it is tidy at present but that's because I've been stuck to the TV since I came home.
Love the chance to win your candy and will add the link to my blog and as for my pole-dancing name I picked the name of a long-gone goldfish who we called Lambert Simnel (named after the pretender to the throne in the 15 century) so happy WOYWW from..

Lambert Simnel-Eccleston.

Happy WOYWW.
Ann B

Belinda Basson said...

Wow that is quite a clean up and enjoy the birthday celebrations.

Claire said...

wow! you can really see where you've tidied! most impressed :)
i love those quirky tags and stickers - i love stuff like that!
happy WOYWW!!
no. 11

Anonymous said...

Lol, I've had such a giggle reading both your post and everyone else's comments! Lovely jubbly giveaway, and I'd put something made by you as a top prize over something bought from a shop! My alter ego is very boring, sounds more like a German politician than a pole dancer...... Rex Bloomfield! Talking of Germany, have a wonderful, wonderful trip. Does the birthday girl know you're coming? What a lovely surprise if she doesn't. I love the German sock wool but it's rather expensive over here, upwards of $16 a ball most of the time. And as I'm still learning and still very slow I don't think I'd do it justice at the moment!! But I do drool over the Opal brand a lot and Zauberball "Magic Ball" looks interesting too.

Rex aka Brenda in disguise!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

LOL - great fun!! My alter ego would be Sid Perkins. Now that conjures up images of a great hairy bloke in a gold thong, twizzling upside down!!! I'm destined never to be fabulous *grin*
Hugs, LLJ #13 xx

Crafty Loops said...

Lol, great poll dancer name. Mine would be Nimbus Breen, heehee. I actually quite like that name. If I ever get the opportunity to poll dance, I will certainly use that name, teehee. Oh I love your room. It looks like you were shopping in Ikea with all those fabulous red filing cabinets you have. I bought one of the wee cream ones myself. Sadly I don't have the room for this many though, lol. Thank you for this awesome candy, its looks fabulous. I have added the details to my sidebar and I was already a follower of your blog. Hope the sun is shining where you are. The sun has finally peeked its head out here in Northern Ireland....for the first time this summer. Lee x

May said...

Fabulous clean crafty room... lots of storage... have a super time in Germany.. with your lovely Family.. Well my Pole dancing name would be LULU DUMBREAK.. so I dont suppose I would make many bucks on the dance floor.. Tee-Hee.. Would love to take part will post on sidebar soon... already a follower.. Hugs May x x x#40

Shoshi said...

Wow Jo, what a lovely newsy busy interesting post! First of all, hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating the little Freulein's birthday - a real milestone bless her!

Your creative space looks highly organised. Wish I could say the same! Thanks for your lovely comment - I'm trying to be good about pacing myself but it's not really working - once I get the bit between my teeth I'm like the Olympic showjumping horses - not going to stop till I've got a clear round lol! (not to mention a gold medal...) Those tags and stickers from Ikea are really cool. Lots of potential for altering there.

I love the adventure you've set to qualify for the blog candy. Can't think where your wacky ideas come from lol lol!! I never ever win anything ever, but I'll join in just for fun. My alter ego name would have to be Fluffy Dingwall (my grandmother is probably spinning in her grave lol lol!!)

Funny - I thought I was following you already but apparently not... I've got so many on my blog list but not all the WOYWWers because I tend to visit them anyway. However, that is about to be remedied, and not just for the blog candy either - you deserve to be on my list! I don't always manage to keep up very well with all the ones on my list because there are so many.

Off to sign up, and to get your photo on my blog. Have a great WOYWW Jo, and well done, giving us an amusing time! I had great fun reading through your comments and seeing what names other people had chosen!!

Fluffy Dingwall, aka Shoshi #50

anna christensen crafts said...

Love this post! My pole dancing name would be 'Smokey Mallet' hhmm! I sound dangerous, I might have to craft something to celebrate that one! I found you through Yvonne (Artic blonde) and popped over to say hi. I have joined you as a follower and will do my best to add a piccie to my sidebar or blog (crafting is easier than posting!) I would love a chane to win your lovely candy, it would greatly enhance my supplies.

anna christensen crafts said...

Hoorah! I'm back, I managed to add your candy to the top of my sidebar... it seemed too easy... fingers crossed. Have a lovely trip x

Hazel said...

I'd love to be included in the candy draw please. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Hope you have a good week. Hazel WOYWW #99 x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jo, great post, I'm so impressed with your very organised room and highly entertained at the thought of being a pole dancer with the name Bonnie Douglas - a tad less exotic then some of the other's commenters. I've added your candy pic to my blog, but as I've been lucky enough to win from you before, please count me out of the draw.

Enjoy your time with your little fraulein. Happy WOYWW. Elizabeth x #18

Danielle said...

Thanks for showing the different areas of your space. I love seeing the room. Have fun on your trip and stay safe! Dani101

SandeeNC said...

I hope you have a wonderful visit with your grandbabe, sounds like it will be so much fun. I am amazed that I am not a follower already but I looked, and it seems I am not. Bad me, as it looks like I have missed some interesting posts that I need to go check out. I am envious of your sink in the craft room, and the fact that it has that big window in front of it too! Love your craft space, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)
Jessie Wolfe....lol

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I really was a pole dancer in my youth (big bucks to made that way) and my stage name was Autumn, making me Autumn Palmer. I recently met a woman whose real name is Autumn Palmer. Definitely not a stripper. But Ziggy Buguski rocks for a stipper name.

Love the snoop around your crafting space. It is definitely looking good. I love all your sturdy storage units, especially for paper. Enjoy your trip to Germany!

Twiglet said...

Oh Jo what a giggle you have given us today. I phoned Annie this morning and we were howling with laughter at the prospect of choosing a name! Of course our maternal granma is the same so Annie has stolen my thunder. x Jo - no need to enter me in your give away but thanks for such a generous offer and for the giggle.

Ann B said...

Just seen your comment on my blog saying I didn't give my alter ego name but I did - honest - it's above

LS Ecclestone

SueH said...

Not sure I’ve ever seen your desk that clean before ‘Ziggy’

I can see why you just had to have those tags, you’re going to be able to use them on so many creations and what a bargain.

Now, as for my pole dancer name, if I went with my first cats name it would be Emily Waters which in fact ‘was’ my maternal Grandmothers actual name so instead I’ve decided to go with BoJangles Waters.
Don’t thing either have the right ring to them somehow.

Enjoy your trip
Sue H

Darnell said...

What a fabulous job you have done of your clearing out and cleaning up, Jo!! And what a generous person you are with the blog candy! I like your cute game of what my pole dancing psuedo would be: Shadow Schliinz! If you said that outloud, I'm quite sure people would recoil as it sounds like you would be spitting on them! LOL! Have a great week! Darnell #102

Cardarian said...

Hello my dear Jo! Will send you an email tomorrow but just wanted to let you know I am snooping around your desk - I am not sure if it is fair that I play along for the blog candy as I have been given lovely stuff from you when you were here - my pole dancer name would have to be Donna C-pot ha, ha - my dogs name was Don and my maternal grandma's maiden name was Cipot - which sounds C - pot in English! Huh you make us work for that blog candy!!!!
Have a lovely time in Germany - we will speak when you get back - and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the little fraulein!
Lots of hugs and love
Donna C-pot

sandysewin said...

Wow, everything is so organized. Those Ikea tags are great, I'll have to look for some.

Happy Woyww!

Sandy #115

Sue from Oregon said...

Love your fun today! I would have a great name...Taibo Conatser. Your room is so tidy girl...I must go clean up now, making me feel guilty! Sue Kment 108

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Jo,

Oh wow - you are very generous! Yes, please put my name in for the blog candy. My stripper name wouldn't be that exciting -- it would be Skooter Wilson.

Have a great visit in Germany!

Today is my one year anniversary and I'll be announcing blog candy soon. I'm also taking a poll so pop on over to put your 2 cents in!

Kay #96

Neet said...

Fudge Rickard sounds more like the guy who runs the club than the pole dancer.
Thanks for the peek (big peek) at your desk this week and including all my best wishes for a safe journey to Germany where you don't need wishing a happy time because you will definitely have one. Yes, Dave has been good to you this year (as always but this year especially good) and it is so nice to see you having so much of your girls as you have had. Not envious - just rejoicing in your happiness.
Hugs, Neet xx

Di said...

Fab post, love your workspace :)

My first pets were goldfish (yup, I believed they went back to the sea and came alive again when flushed down the loo after their demise, one by one). Each replacement was called Goldie - how imaginative! And my grannies surname was Gilpatrick which makes me Goldie Gilpatrick - snort, now, where's that flipping pole huh?!

Belated Happy WOYWW, Di xx #3

Kate Yetter said...

I just love looking at peoples craft storage! You are very organized. Thanks for sharing. I would love to be included in your giveaway. I have been following your gorgeous art for sometime now! So much inspiration to be had.
Butterscotch Mooney is my pole name!

mamapez5 said...

A lovely offer of candy.
If I went for my very special furry friend's name I would be Baggins Gregory! Doesn't sound right for a pole dancer does it, so maybe I should go with our smallest dog called Foxy Lady, (She was rescued after spending the first three months of her life living in a fox hole!) So my alter ego is Foxy Lady Gregory.
I love all your tidy drawers of stash. I have to label mine or I would never find anything, and the colours of your background here are stunning.

I too have candy on offer this week, so do pop over and look for 'I'm celebrating' in the post list in the sidebar, and sign up if you are interested.

I am becoming a follower of your blog, because I am in the middle of sorting out my list. I follow several that haven't had a new post in months/years, so they need to go, and I shall add some I try to visit every Wednesday. that way I'll get to know who I am talking to better.

I hope the birthday in Germany goes well. I am sure it will be great fun.
Kate x

Tertia said...

Fluffy Koekemoer, that made me laugh till the tears were running down my face. If I was a real pole dancer, my name would propably be 'Splat' or something like that, because I am afraid I would be a very bad pole dancer, no co-ordination you see!
Happy belated WOYWW and I hope you have fun visiting the grandbaby.
Tertia 86

Angie said...

Wow ...what great candy ... not sure I should play as I won before but I had to offer my dancer name .... so many pet names to choose from ...think I would go for 'China Ritchie'.
Hope you have a great time with the birthday girl ...I shall be back to blogging next week ...I actually made my first few ATC's while I was house sitting as Mojo dropped by lol xx

Linda Simpson said...

WOW Jo what great candy and oh dear my altered ego would be Tiggy Rowan!!! Lovely to see that you are making headway in your craft room. I hope you are having a lovely time in Germany and looking forward to seeing other posts. I am off now to add this to my blog.

Big Hugs
Linda xxxx

Carola Bartz said...

Wait a minute - there's not even the strawberry tablecloth? What happened to that one?
I would love to be included in your blog candy, and you know that I am a follower.
The name of the pole dance actually turned out quite "sophisticated" - Sikkhi von Flottwell. I will remember that one!
Enjoy Germany - hopefully without any rain!

crafty....du said...

wow super lush blog candy and my pole dancer name would be (or is!!!) Scruffy Newbie, Love your creative space and have a good week :)


Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

It sounds like you were busy tidying up. Have fun in Germany. Blessings!

Dotpat said...

Hi Jo could you please come and do my craft room when you get back, brill post as usual

Morti said...

I'm a bit late getting round to everybody this week - thanks for stopping by last week!

Love your alter ego name... not sure what my maternal grandmother's maiden name is off the top of my head - I'll have to go home and look tonight. Nice crafting space - I didn't know you had a sink as well! LOL...

peggy aplSEEDS said...

oh, i would love to be included in your giveaway! (i would love it even more if i win!, LOL!)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

oh and my name would be Iggy Alviola. doesn't sound good to me. i'm off to post your giveaway on my sidebar and check if i follow you (and not just visit from WOYWW). have a great time in Germany!

Gaby Bee said...

Great fun:) I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing. Thanks for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes!

My pole dancing name would be 'Mingo Jahn'....love this name:)

Have a wonderful weekend!
Gaby xo

Gaby Bee said...

Great fun:) I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing. Thanks for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes!

My pole dancing name would be 'Mingo Jahn'....love this name:)

Have a wonderful weekend!
Gaby xo